My Love Story: My Message

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The atmosphere was cold and damp. Though despite the dreary atmosphere her mouth felt parched. She figured out that it might be because of her laziness to drink even a few drops of water for the past hour. But she neither had the will nor the energy to stand up and get a glass of the salvational liquid.

How she wanted one of those robots she saw once in those sci-fi movies her brother Rinto loved to watch. Or maybe an ability or something close to it at least. But alas, both we're mere works of fiction.

As much as she hated to admit it, this is reality of life. Sometimes Rin would wish that this life is like an RPG where she could undo things if it got out of hand and play boss battles over and over again until you finally won.

She shook those thoughts out almost instantly. She didn't usually think this way. At least, she thinks she doesn't.

She blamed it on the song.

Rin was tapping her foot into the empty air along with the rhythm of the song that was currently playing through her favorite white headphones. 

The first time she heard the songs is one of her close kouhais sang it in one of their crazy singing sessions.

It was a foreign song but the lyrics stuck on to her like tape to paper; hard to remove,  and if you did remove it, a part of the paper would be attached to the tape.

She laughed at the irony of her metaphor (technically speaking it's a similie, but, ~nah). It was the perfect representation of her current situation.

She vowed that she would, one day move on from the abdominable boy who is Kagamine Len.

I'd like to say we gave it a try.

I'd like to blame all your lies.

That maybe we just weren't right.

But that's a lie.


The singer's voice rang through her headphones. The song was solemn enough to make you feel the raw emotion that was etched within the voice. Every word carved a scar on her heart.

In the deep recesses of her mind, Rin imagined singing this song in front of him. Kagamine Len.

Because why not. She was always that way. She loved to imagine. She imagined that they we're perfect for each other.  That if the situation was different, they could be together. But then again... This is the harsh reality of life.

And we can deny it as much as we want.

But in time our feelings would show.

Because sooner or later, we'd wonder why we gave up.

The truth is,  everyone knows.

"Why are you jealous?" IA, Rin's chief adviser and main consultant, insensitively asked her.

Of course she was not.

Ok, she was in denial. She was jealous,  but she swore it was so little that it was almost nonexistent.

She was not jealous of Kagamine Len and Hatsune Miku who we're all smoochy on Valentine's day.

She wasn't jealous that Len produced a picture Miku that was delicately pasted on a piece of cardboard and wrapped in plastic cover with the words 'Happy Valentine's day' in red.

And she certainly didn't felt relieved that there we're no words that said 'I love you' written in capital letters and sprinkled with glitters.

"I'm not. Why would I be jealous?"

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