50 shades of Tsundere

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He loved to read them. And he knew she liked to read them too, even if she only did it within the confines if her room, lights closed, under a blanket, flashlight on.

She gave him a book, with a genre that he'd rather die than being caught reading one, for his birthday as a prank. And he was horrified to learn than he could actually learn to like reading a romance novel. So he covered it with black colored paper and wrote "Death Note" on the cover.

"But really Len? Highlighting quotes and writing comments beside it?"


He would never admit it to anyone, but he always loved the scent of lavenders in the morning.


They had their own favorite kind. So they make it a hobby to buy a few kilos every now and then, together.

"No, Miku. We we're NOT on a date."


Because hats and baggy pants are the latest trends nowadays. Playing sports and rough housing with boys are very attractive to the athletic male species. And rolling in the mud can nourish the skin.


The fact that she almost burned down his kitchen while boiling water (Rin, even if it's an E Stove, it is still electric. And any socket when soaked can short circuit.)

It was a good idea to cook with a cold rather than die trying to eat her uncooked noodles in seawater broth and vegetable puree.


Another term for slave. And he is quite aware that he is the only one who understands the pain.


Many were devastated when he started dating the biggest tomboy in school. A lot more cried when she became his girlfriend. And many more almost died if they tried to flirt with him when she's around.


He had a lot of them. And seventy percent came from her. Twenty percent from Miku's annoying teasing. The remaining ten was from the many fights he's been to while defending her virginity. {"Because no one can hit on the she-devil but me!"}


She is death advocate. Forgetting their anniversary, paying the tab, refusing to eat her pancakes can lead to serious consequences, if not death.

10. BRAS

He never knew she needed to wear one.


Hers is yellow. His picture that was printed on a special spot on the ground had a weekly appointment with the yellow contraption of doom. He had no idea how she got it. What was important at the moment is that he should run faster to save his life. ("What do you mean you forgot about our anniversary?!")


She was particularly annoyed when she received the end of his fangirls' interrogation method. ("He wears friggn' panties you walking matchsticks! Have you idiots finally sold your brain to buy make-up? Maybe you should have bought personalities instead!)

He made sure to stay clear of her path that day when he saw her emanating a deadly aura while muttering something about boxers or briefs.


There would be only one word in the whole three thousand or more paged dictionary, that he would use to describe his girlfriend.


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