A Table for two (Part One)

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It was a few minutes past six in the evening. Adults rushed home, dragging their weary bodies from work. Children were getting picked up by their parents at the playground.

The sun that was just starting to set, gave the sky a yellow-orange hue. The windy autumn evening was a bit chillier than the past days.

Rin tugged her coat closer to herself and quickened her pace home. After a long day of work at the office, all she wanted was to go home, relax and of course do the her favorite thing to do.

Just the thought of being able to do it made her more motivated to go home faster. And that simple thought made her sprint, trip, spill her groceries, pick them up, stand up and sprint again. All with a smile on her face.

A long sigh of relief escaped her lips as she entered her apartment. The cream-colored walls of the standard sized apartment complemented the comfortable aura of her home. She had a simple apartment that was enough for a single person to live in.

*meow* Shima, her pet cat nuzzled against her foot as if it said that she didn't want to be forgotten.

"Of course it is enough for the both of us Shima." Rin crouched down and petted the cat for a few moments.

Feeling satisfied she stood up and tied her hair into a ponytail. Her hair was cut short the first time she arrived Tokyo for her job. Being busy and all, she had no time to actually go to the parlor for a haircut. That and she wanted to try having a long hairstyle.

Rin enthusiastically skipped to the kitchen. Grabbing her pink cat patterned apron she entered the kitchen.

She had to live off take-outs and dined with clients the past week. Now she finally has some time to cook herself a warm home made meal. And these meals are definitely different from ready bought meals.

"Time to cook~!" She shouted to nobody as she tightened the lace of her apron.


The coldness of the weather entered the apartment room from a forgotten open window. And snoring under the covers was the temporary owner of the place.

After going home from work, the first thing that came to his mind was to sleep, forgetting that he opened a window a bit before he slept.

*Get up or you're going to starve!* *Get up or you're going to starve!* *Get up or you're going to sta--*

"I really need to change my alarm tone one of these days." Len groaned as he poked his head out of the sheets.


"But the damn thing is actually right. Damn it's cold." Another groan was heard as the blond stood up from bed.


"Gotta order something to eat." He wonders if the way he talks to himself is still healthy as he dialed for food delivery.

Take-out or delivery food is all he can eat for now. Unlike his current residential area, they have someone to cook their meals back at his house. Since his mother died, his little sister had been taking over the kitchen and at the same time, protecting it from both him and their father, the disaster cooks of the family.

But now, al that's left of him is a lonely and cold table. And speaking of cold. 

Now that he is up, it might do him good to take a shower because the author has nothing better for him to do while waiting for his food.

"What?" Maybe he really wasn't sane after all.


Len was just finished dressing up when the doorbell to his apartment caught his attention.

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