i) Achievements and Misfortunes

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So, I'm starting a knew thing where i have a collage at the top with characters in the chapter as well as a piece of text that is written/said in the chapter. Also, I'm going to try naming each chapter e.g 'Achievements and Misfortunes'. What do you think?


Training. Her least favourite thing. Even worse than school, she would say; a title hard to obtain. But here she was, standing in the vast field holding a gun in her hand. She aimed at a lone deer that paced around the area.

She stood in the middle, focusing on her task as she watched the deer's every move. It was stupid, she had to admit. She had to pretend it was a mythical creature, more specifically, a vampire.

Her parents hunted such creatures, claiming they were protecting the world but Fallyn highly doubted it. She believed mythical creatures were just that. Mythical. She wasn't the only one though.

Sammy stood on her left, shooting away at the deer, earning praises from the adults. It didn't faze her though. It was just his character and she was used to him having the spotlight while she was always compared to him. He was an idol. Absolutely perfect in everyone's eyes. Everyone but her.

She saw past his charming smile, his glistening eyes and handsome features. She saw the annoyance in his eyes as the adults rambled on and on about mythical creatures. She heard the uncertainty in his voice as he mentioned them. She felt the aura radiating off of him when someone spoke of the creatures. She saw everything no one else saw, heard everything no one else heard. She saw the 'behind the scenes' and they were far from perfect.

"Fallyn Kaylee Lee!" She heard her father yell as he stomped towards her with fury written all over his face.

"Yes, Father?" she asked in annoyance, rolling her eyes at him.

"Are you even paying attention? What is up with you these days? Why are you so out of it?"

"It's nothing, Father."

"It better be. Now, get your head out of the clouds! Goodness' sake, why can't you be more like Sammy?!" He shrieked, heading back to the room where him and the other adults had their refreshments.

Fallyn sighed, turning to look at the deer again. She could see Sammy smiling apologetically at her in her peripheral vision but decided to ignore it.

That was the difference between her and Sammy. He knew how to pretend. She didn't. He knew how to trick everyone. She didn't. He was loved by everyone. She wasn't. Her parents thought of her a disgrace and embarrassment, envying Sammy's parents. But Fallyn tried. She tried to prove everyone wrong about her, tried to prove she belonged, tried to prove she had what it takes but no one bothered looking in her direction. So, she gave up.

She shot at the deer, releasing her anger on them. She watched as the impact sent them to the ground, leaving a whole in either their chests or heads. She used up all of the bullets, panting for air once she finished, smiling at the damage she made.

"Oh. My. Gosh," she heard her father utter as he exited the house along with the rest of the adults. They stared at the deer that lay on the ground before shifting their gazes to Sammy.

"Sammy! I didn't know you could do that," her mother, cheered running towards him to congratulate him, turning her back to her own daughter. Fallyn should have felt angry, should have felt betrayed but she was used to the treatment.

"That was impressive, young man," His father added, but Sammy didn't give them his charming smile, instead he looked at Fallyn with an apologetic smile.

She sighed before shaking her head and staring back at the deer. She bit her bottom lip before closing her eyes as she fought the tears that were on the verge of escaping her eyes.

"Fallyn," her father finally spoke up, making her look up with hope in her eyes. "Were you watching him? These hunting skills can take you to a place like Jeongyeon...if only you tried for once."

The sparkle of hope that was previously in her eyes disappeared instantly as she rolled her eyes to look at the field again.

"We should celebrate Sammy's success by taking him out with us on a vampire hunt," her mother suggested, making Fallyn's eyes widen as she gazed at the woods up ahead.

"What?" The girl shrieked, earning the adults' attention.

"Oh right, Fallyn, over here, always wanted to enter the woods," her father commented.

"Well that's perfect! I guess now you have to copy Sammy's example and put more effort into it. Because until you manage to shoot those deer down like he did, you're not going anywhere," her mother replied.

"I shot those down! I did it!" Fallyn finally spoke up.

"Oh please," Sammy's mother spat at her. "Don't take credit for my son's doing. He worked so hard for-"

"It was her doing. She was the one who fired the gun," Sammy mentioned.

"Stop defending her, would you? I know you two are close but this is your achievement, not hers, Samuel," his mother continued before glaring at Fallyn again. "If you're so confident you can shoot those mannequins down, then show us tomorrow."

"...but you don't go hunting on Wednesdays," the girl commented.

"Oh, so you only want to train when hunting is involved, huh? You've barely been doing anything all your life. Just been being a lazy bum and now you want to go hunting? Why don't you try being productive in training then ask me a couple years down the road."

"A couple of years? But Mrs Kim-"

"I can't believe you're stealing my son's spotlight again! Just congratulate him or sulk quietly."

Fallyn watched as the adults gathered around Sammy once more, cheering him on, the betrayal finally kicking in. She allowed a tear to escape her eye before finally sprinting away.

She entered the house and kicked the door after she slammed it, utterly frustrated. Mrs Kim had always had something against her although she had no reason when she was only a child.

"Fallyn?" she heard her brother call and turned her gaze to see Felix on the last stair, heading down towards her. He wore a navy blue morning gown around his pale body and Spiderman slippers. He had large bags under his eyes, his hair was messy and his nose was bright red.

The girl observed her sick brother before sighing.

"Yes, Fe?"

He gulped before smiling awkwardly at her. An angry Fallyn was something neither Sammy or Felix wanted to bother themselves with since they were scared of the outcome. She was unpredictable when she was frustrated and they never knew whether their comments would make her angry or happy.

"N-nice aim. I saw you shoot all those deer down. You did well."

"No, no, no, Felix. You have it all wrong. Sammy shot those mannequins down. Go congratulate him, not me." With that, she pushed herself away from the door and headed upstairs. "Oh, and Felix," she called from the stairs. "Tell him well done, he stole my one and only dream." The next thing Felix heard was the slam of a door.

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