ii) The Woods

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Ever since she was little, Fallyn's parents would tell her stories of the woods. She grew to love the woods and always wanted to explore them but her parents strictly forbid her.

Multiple times she had tried to enter them, all failing since her parents found her before she even got close to them. Eventually, her parents decided to build a fence around the house and field which led to it. No one was allowed in or out of the house without permission and were only allowed into the field if it was time for training.

Fallyn's interest in the woods never ceased despite growing up. Not because she believed in mythical creatures, like her parents but because she had always been inspired by plants, trees especially.

She believed that trees had stories to tell and were constantly chatting about them. Trees live long and grow very old, they are bound to have interesting stories.

In fact, when Fallyn was young, she used to pay trees a visit and listen to the sound their leaves made as they blew in the wind. They had to be telling her something. The only problem was she didn't understand them.

Now Fallyn found herself in her cold room, gazing out of the window at the woods. In her whole life, she had never wanted anything more than she wanted to enter those woods and listen to the trees' stories. She didn't understand them but they seemed so majestic, so ancient, so-

"Fallyn?" Sammy called, knocking on her door numerous times. She sighed, knowing she shouldn't be mad at him, he tried to explain. It was his mother she should be furious with.


"Can I come in?" He asked for the thousandth time. Ever since the incident during training, he had tried to reach out to her but she constantly showed no interest. That was at noon and now it was dusk. He had to leave soon and he wanted to make it up to her before he did.

"Yeah, sure," she finally accepted as she unlocked the door.

"I'm so sorry, Fallyn. I swear I will make it up to you. I really didn't mean to," he apologised sincerely, even getting on his knees. The girl simply looked down at him before shrugging and heading back to the window.

"Yeah, okay."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No," she shook her head but her face was expressionless. He knew what that meant.

"You are, aren't you?"

"I'm not. Just go to the woods already and let me sulk quietly. That's what your mother wants, isn't it?"

"Fallyn, I-"

"Just go, Sammy. You don't want to miss this opportunity."

"I won't go if you don't want me to go."

"For Pete's sake, Sammy, how many times should I tell you to go?" He looked at her, uncertainty written over his face.

"I'm sorry, really." With that, he left the room, sulking slightly.

Fallyn stared at the door even when Sammy was long gone, angry at herself for acting that way. But was she being unreasonable? Sammy had known all along just how much she wanted to go to the woods, just how much she wanted to explore it. It felt like betrayal. But what could he do?

After finally managing to get her legs to move, she exited her room and sat on the top stair, looking down at the adults and Sammy as they got ready to leave.

No one saw her as she was sitting in the dark, taking advantage of the shadows cast along the house. Instead, they all conversed. Everyone but Sammy who looked plain guilty. She felt bad but couldn't bring herself to apologise.

"I'm telling you guys," Fallyn's father uttered, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "Something is out there. I saw it earlier on."

"If you saw something earlier on, why didn't you go after it earlier on?" Sammy's mother laugher, flicking the girl's father's forehead.

"More creatures are out at night."

"Yeah well, you could have lured them in by attacking them."

"What does it matter anyway?" Fallyn's mother finally spoke up. "We'll get them tonight. I'm sure of it...but we won't get anything if we don't leave. Let's go already."

"Yes, darling," Her father rolled his eyes playfully before leading the rest out.

The house was dead silent after their departure. Fallyn remained where she was, staring at the door as tears threatened to escape her eyes. She wanted to go. More than anything in the world. The urge was consuming her. She just had to-

"I'm sorry," she heard Felix utter before sitting beside her.

"Go to bed, Fe. You're sick."

"I need my medicine. Mum was supposed to give it to me before leaving but forgot so I was going to get it but came across you."

"I'll get the medicine...just go to bed."

"Why do you want me gone so badly?"

"I don't want to get sick, Fe. Now go." He looked at her suspiciously before nodding and leaving. Fallyn exhaled loudly once she heard his door close. She stood up, heading the kitchen, grabbing the medicine and returning to his room.

"Here," she said, placing the medicine down on his bedside table.

"Are you not going to check my temperature? Or at least feed me the medicine?"

"Last time I checked, you were sixteen. You should have learnt how to do that yourself by now."

"Why are you in such a hurry, Fallyn? What are you up to?"

"Nothing. Now drink your medicine and leave me alone, okay?" Felix nodded slowly before grabbing the bottle nearby and doing as she said. "Good. I'm leaving now...and if you need anything more, just get it yourself don't disturb me."

"What will you be doing?"

"Sleeping," she answered briefly before leaving his room, exhaling deeply as her gaze shifted to the door which seemed to beckon at her due to the moonlight cast on it.

Her heart began to pound against her chest as she stealthily made her way to the door, turning the knob.

"I knew it," she heard Felix's voice from behind. "I knew you were up to no good."

"Fine," she huffed letting go of the doorknob and heading upsides. "Just don't tell Mum and Dad that I tried."

"I didn't say you shouldn't go."


"I know you've wanted to go there for so long. I won't stop you from going. In fact, I suggest you go. I'll lie to the adults." Fallyn couldn't believe her ears. She smiled at her brother, pulling him into a tight hug. The fact that he was sick was far off her mind.

"Thank you so, so much, Felix. How could I ever repay you?"

"Just go already, you're wasting time. Thank me later." She smiled once more before running out of the house.

The wind blew in her face. If it had been any other situation, it would have chilled her down to the core. But something was heating her from the inside. The goosebumps that decorated her arms and legs barely fazed her.

Fallyn stared at the woods that were now in front of her. Her insides began to twist and twirl, making her feel both anxious and excited. She knew it was wrong but she did it anyway. That night, she entered the woods.

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