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The next couple of days passed by quicker than Fallyn expected and before she knew it, she lay staring at the ceiling with only a night before her departure.

Most of the people she was friends with had already left and now she only had Jinyoung sitting beside her as he went on and on about the Great Witches of the past.

"You're not listening, are you?" Jinyoung sighed, running a hand through his hair sloppily before looking at her.

"I'm sorry. I just can't stop worrying about Felix. What if something happens to him? I would never forgive myself!" Fallyn worried.

"Stop stressing over it. He's fine. Leo's with him and he wouldn't let anyone do anything to him. You can trust Leo, you know that."

Fallyn heaved a sigh.

"I know, I know... I just need some air."

With that, she stood up and walked to the door then waited for Jinyoung's permission.

"Go ahead," he only shrugged.


A warm, blissful night grinned at her and the stars shone brightly like little flashlights in the sky. Although the moon was only reflecting the sun's light, it seemed the happiest of all as it provided light it everything it looked down at, bringing happiness to them all.

The perfect night happened to be ruined by Fallyn's sulk. She sat outside the hut and stayed as a simple spectator to the moon's effect with the light so close to her but never quite close enough.

She must have sat there for hours before she felt a body make itself comfortable beside her.

"Haven't run away yet?" JB's voice filled the night despite being so quiet. He just stared at Fallyn as he waited for a chuckle, scoff, any reaction or at least some way of acknowledging his presence. But it never came. She continued gazing at the navy blue sky.

"Are the witches better than us vampires?" He tried again but was met with the same result. His smile soon dropped as he looked to the ground with a sigh.

"I'm sorry if we took this whole prisoner thing too far... I never meant for you to just leave and go to Leo. I guess it's just on our blood to despise any human we see. At the end of the day you were helping and we shouldn't have continued looking down on you," he confessed.

Fallyn finally gave him attention.

"So now you care? When I finally escape you guys and live better is when you want to treat me proper again?"

"I mean as Passenger put it, you only know you love her when you let her go. Not that I love you or anything. Just that I don't hate you... No, not that. Uhm... Right, you only know you- no, that will sound wrong-"

"Forget it, JB. You're only saying this so you can get your hands on me again and use me. I'm done with living that way. I enjoy being with the witches so deal with it."

"I don't want you as our prisoner again, I just wanted to say I'm sorry-"

"How long have I been your prisoner? All those weeks never once did you feel sorry yet now here you are apologising. You're so fake!"

"I'm not! I couldn't say anything because I'm the leader. I have to stand up for my people whether they are in the right or wrong. It's natural vampire instinct. I can't do anything against it. Besides, being a vampire leader means you need to lead with respect and show no weakness. If I got down on my knees and apologised in front of them, they wouldn't value me anymore. I wouldn't be the leader. Momo would and no one would benefit from that."

Fallyn stood up and scanned his face. It was obviously genuine but she couldn't care less. He had no idea how it felt being treated as the most useless thing on Earth.

"If you were truly sorry, you would have done anything... Including losing your position," she uttered before walking off.

JB sat down on the ground for a moment later as he watched the moonlight spread around the empty terrain in front of the hut.

"I'm not a human," he whispered. "Of all creatures I could have been cursed with, I had to be a vampire. I'm naturally stubborn, rude and value being above everyone else... And I'm sorry for that. If I could apologise in front of the others, I would. And if I could actually say what's on my mind you would realise that I'm not a jerk who took you for granted. I'm just a useless, insecure boy trying to convince myself I'm grown up. I'm not. I'm still the coward who ran away when things crumbled at my feet. And, once again, I'm sorry for that."

HUNTED (GOT7 JB// Im Jaebum)Where stories live. Discover now