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This story is finally off hiatus! And hopefully for good. Also, as you can see above, I gave up with the whole naming the chapter thing because honestly, I'm too lazy to think up something...

"Prisoner?" Felix asked as he walked beside Fallyn. "Why am I a prisoner?"

"It's just how things work around here, Fe. I'm one too, and there's this other girl, Dahyun who was also a prisoner, except for the werewolves."

"What do you mean 'was'? And you saw the werewolves?" he asked, clearly excited.

"She got married to one of the werewolves. And of course, I've seen them! Jimin's one."

"Could you quit the chit-chat and continue studying that darn map already?" JB rolled his eyes at Fallyn. "We need to get to the second palace as soon as possible."

"Oh come on, Jaebum. Cut the girl some slack. She literally just saved Taehyung back there," Jinyoung commented smiling at both the girl and her brother.

"Not much of saving, if you ask me," Momo scoffed. "She just walked over and brought another peasant with her."

"Well, that wasn't very nice, now was it? Think of it this way, she brought more help," the witch added.

"Stop with the whole positivity thing. You know it gets on my nerves," JB uttered. "Stop trying to make this situation all daisies and rainbows – it's not. We just lost our castle, Taehyung's half died and now we have another stupid human following us like a dog!"

"Technically, if I recall correctly, you were the one who made me a prisoner. And you put shackles around our wrists and a collar on our necks as if we are dogs. So, what exactly do you expect from us?" Fallyn replied in a matter-of-fact tone, growing tired of how the vampires, except Jungkook, all saw her as useless puppets.

"We are only doing this under Leo's commands. If it were up to us, sweetheart, you would have died the day we caught you," Momo responded as she glared at the human.

"Is that so? Seems to me you guys don't really need my help then. I guess I should just rip up this map and let you find the palace on your own."

"You wouldn't dare," the vampires said in unison.

"I would," Fallyn smiled as she slightly ripped the top of the map.

"Would you stop arguing with her for Pete's sake?" Jimin finally snapped. "I admit, I'm not much of a fan of humans either nor did I want to go ahead with this plan altogether. But we need them more than all of us realise. So just shut her mouths and let the girl be."

There was a moment of silence before Jinyoung began to clap.

"Finally someone said it," he added, only stopping when he noticed JB's glare. "Don't glare at me, furball."

"Furball? Did you honestly just call me furball?" He approached the witch but Jimin once again intervened.

"I'm getting sick and tired of this. Anytime anyone brings up literally anything, you vampires get all butthurt. Grow up! And while you're at it, work on your temper, would you?" Jimin scolded before glancing at Momo, who was still glaring at Fallyn. "Both of you."

"Or what, you stupid wolf? Are you going to scratch us? How I'd hate to be scratched by a wolf. I am so scared right now," Momo asked in mock sarcasm, infuriating Jimin.

It didn't take long for the boy to transform into his werewolf form.

All Fallyn and Felix could do was watch in a mixture of awe and fear.

His werewolf form was tall, towering over all of them, including a few of the smaller trees and his largest fang was the length of a full pencil. His fur was ebony black, a major contrast from his bright yellow eyes.

"Call me a wolf again," he growled. "And I'll slit your through right here, right now."

Jinyoung stood in front of Momo, trying his hardest to stop the obvious upcoming fight. But Momo simply pushed him away and smiled.

"I'd like to see you try... Wolf," she teased and before anyone could even blink, Jimin had her in his grasp.

"Stop!" Taehyung's voice echoed around and he rested himself on the ground of the woods. "Stop acting like children and let's just go. Who knows, the hunters could be gaining up on us as we speak."

"He's right. We have limited time and we are wasting it. The rest must have arrived at the old wizard's hideout already. We need to get moving," JB agreed.

And without saying anything else, the vampire leader walked passed them and in the direction of the end of the woods.

Jimin sighed as he transformed into his human form and glared at Momo.

"Just wait until Suga hears about this," he growled before helping Taehyung up and following JB.

Momo ran a hand through her hair.

"Whatever, wolf," she whispered before following as well.

Notes for you to understand the story better:

1. Witches are bubbly and very positive

2. Witches love humans, vampires loathe humans and werewolves are the middle ground with some leaning more to the vampire side and others the witch side.

3. Vampires have very short tempers

4. Werewolves hate being called wolves

5. Generally, vampires and witches don't really get along

That's all I can think of now but I'll add more when I remember.


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