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"You're here!" Sana cheered as the four entered the new castle in all its beauty. "How did you get here so fast? You've arrived before some group 2 units!"

"What can I say?" Fallyn shrugged. "We can all walk fast and have insane stamina."

Despite the two days together, once they entered the castle, each person of the unit went in their separate directions. JB went to check on the other vampires then met Leo and Suga for a meeting, Jimin returned to his pack and Jinyoung went to talk with Jihyo about the argument he had with the vampire and werewolf. Fallyn, of course, immediately found Sana, Tzuyu and Mina with Felix.

"So, did I miss anything?" Fallyn asked as she sat down on the bed. Leo had saved a room specifically for her and also did the same for Felix.

"Not really. The vampires were very quiet without their leader," Mina told her.

"So how was your trip? Did you try to kill JB? Did anyone try to kill JB?"

"No, in fact, this trip actually helped me know him better, you know. He's not that bad."

"Yeah. Vampires are nice when they are separate. Well, except for Momo. She was a headache," Sana complained as she thought back to her trip. "But afterwards Suga sorted her out. Haven't seen her in days."

"What do you mean by 'sorted her out'?" Fallyn asked.

"Unless if he has done it to you, no one knows. They just go into a room and when they come out the person is silent. I've seen tears in a couple of people's eyes too, " Tzuyu explained.

"Sounds terrifying, " Fallyn commented.

"It is. But you'll get used to it. Anyways, we'll let you rest for now. Your legs must be killing you. Breakfast is at eight. If you aren't up by then we'll wake you up so don't worry about it, okay?"

With that, they left. Fallyn lay on her bed and stretched her legs out. She hadn't realised how exhausted she was until she did so. It didn't even take ten minutes before she was in a deep slumber.


The next morning was a blur. Jihyo had woken her up, she had breakfast (though she forgot what she had), met up with her witch friends and Tzuyu and talked for the majority of the morning. Felix decided to stop clinging onto his sister and her friends and ended up finding some pretty cool friends. Eight new friends to be exact and to everyone's surprise, two happened to be vampires.

"Good morning, " JB smiled at Fallyn when they bumped into each other on the stairs. "Haven't seen you since we arrived. What have you been up to?"

"Mainly sleeping," she admitted to which he chuckled. "But I have been hanging out with Mina, Sana, Tzuyu and Jihyo. What about you?"

"I've had back-to-back meetings, had to sort out things around the castle and make sure all the vampires are feeling alright. Most of them aren't fans of change and find moving stressful and upsetting."

"Wow, you have a lot on your plate as a leader."

"Yeah but things seem to be sorting themselves out. The issue about the witches controlling everyone was brought up in one of the meetings today and we agreed to making Suga the leader of us all."

"And are you alright with the whole moving thing?"

He thought for a second.

"I'm happy with the other changes but not so much the moving. The other castle was home to me, you know. I grew up there and now I'm somewhere else. It's all a bit overwhelming."

"Don't stress too much about it, yeah? Just take a look around the place. There's a private beach nearby, a huge garden and many stray cats and dogs visit this place. It's a lot better than the last castle. And I bet in a few weeks time you'll get used to it and enjoy it too."

He smiled.

"I hope so."

Suddenly, they heard a scream from downstairs, followed by loud chatter. They wasted no time running down the stairs to see what the commotion was. Leo and Suga were trying to calm people down and get them away from the windows but no one listened. Fallyn found Felix with Chan asked what the commotion was for.

"A couple of humans are standing outside the castle staring at us. Or at least where it's supposed to be. They can't see it," Chan explained.

Fallyn turned to see Felix face and it was all clear.

Sammy and Jeongyeon.

HUNTED (GOT7 JB// Im Jaebum)Where stories live. Discover now