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"You have got to be kidding me!" Sugar slammed his hand on the table in front of him. "We have you one job, Jaebum. One flipping job and messed that up!"

"You think I wanted to bring the minion with me?" JB snapped. "He just followed. It was like a two for one deal."

"Who cares about a two for one deal? I just wanted one!"

"Well what should we do with him? Kill him?"

"Seems fitting."

"Woah, woah, woah," Leo cut into the argument. "For starters, you don't talk about people like that when they are in the room. And besides, we aren't killing anyone. Yeah, get it, having three humans was never on our agenda but think of it this way, it might actually do us some justice."

"I had to deal with Jinyoung's whole 'positivity' thing for the past couple of hours. And if I hear another positive word in the next three days, I'm going to flip the table," JB glared at the witch leader.

"We have to deal with your attitude daily so I don't see what your complaining about," Leo answered calmly. "Anyway, what's wrong with having a few humans around?"

"They are always whining," Sugar rolled his eyes just thinking about it. "It makes me want to kill them to spare my poor ears."

"Okay, that's just plain rude," Jihyo stood up. "If you want to play that game why don't we talk about how you werewolves are always complaining and how the vampires are always arguing, huh? So what if the humans have flaws? So do you!"

"We are not always arguing!" Mark argued.

"Point proven," she shrugged, sitting back down.

"Look, if everyone would stop making a big fuss. I would like to address my opinion," Jinyoung spoke up. "Ever since Fallyn came here, I've spent almost every single day with her and I've come to the conclusion that humans aren't as bad a you make them seems. They are a lot better that you lot. I mean, what do we have that the humans don't?"

"Strength," JB mentioned. "Humans don't have strength."

"Nor do they have speed," Mark added.

"And they are so dumb," Momo continued.

"May I just point out that a couple of days ago your 'slow, weak and dumb' human locked you guys up in your own cage and freed herself," Jimin reminded. "Must say, not your brightest moment."

"Well why don't you deal with her then," JB retorted, standing up.

"Vampires! Calm yourselves!" Leo yelled so loud Fallyn was sure even the people in the other room became quiet.

Although each group of creatures had their own leader, it was no doubt who was in control of them all.

"Clearly handling humans is too much of a hassle for both vampires and werewolves. I have come to the conclusion that from now on, Fallyn and her brother, Fennis, I think his name was, will be prisoners of the witches, got it?" Leo continued.

"It's Felix," Jimin simply said, earning glares from everyone except Fallyn as Felix who were silently laughing.

"I asked you guys a question. Must I repeat myself?" The witch easier asked again to which everyone, against their will of course, agreed to. "Good. The meeting is dismissed. You may all leave except Fallyn and Felix."

And so they did, JB's gazing landing on Fallyn for a few more seconds before finally leaving and closing the door behind him.

"Werewolves and vampires can be very stressful, am I right?" Leo asked as he lightly massaged his temple. "They are like bombs, you phrase something wrong and they explode."

"Agreed," Fallyn chuckled as the witch took the handcuffs and shackles off their hands and feet then offered them a seat.

"Any progress on the map?"

"Yeah, I found several different routes of getting to the second castle. We can't walk in a large group so I suggest we split up and a third of us go those different routes on one day. The next day, another third and the last day, the last third. I also suggest a leader should be in each group as well as a human in each. I bet Dahyun knows where it is too."

"Perfect. I knew you would be so much help. Too bad the other creatures have their heads too high in the clouds to see it."

"Well... Jimin did admit that they needed us."

Leo sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Jimin... I like that kid. Always have. I guess I can say he has the character of a witch in a werewolf. A strange mixture but equally interesting. But then there's Suga. I can see it in his eyes, he adores Suga. So much so that he's slowly becoming like him. Worries me because he has so much potential... And Jungkook is the vampire equivalent of him."

"What about Taehyung... Or Tzuyu? She was nice to me."

"Taehyung used to be terrible. I guess your parents 'sorted him out'. Still trying to figure out if it did him good or bad. Tzuyu is an angel. Always has been. She was practically brought up by witches that being Sana, Mina and Jihyo. It's a shame the werewolves always look down on her. She never belonged there. Dahyun was she first person she became friends with and because of that Jackson became friendly with her. But other than them, no one seems to notice her."

"Why? She's so nice. When the vampires left me, she helped me get out, get clean and eat. I would have expected many people to like her."

"And they probably would have if she hadn't been the runt. She should have died weeks after she was born. He mother abandoned her. It was Mina's mother that discovered her and practically adopted her."

"But she's grown now. Why don't they give her a chance."

"Once a runt, always a runt. And werewolves are meant to be strong. They don't take such lightly. They way they see it is more of once a disappointment, always a disappointment. No matter what you do or if you prove yourself. No one cares. That's just how werewolves work."

HUNTED (GOT7 JB// Im Jaebum)Where stories live. Discover now