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"JB?" Fallyn's croaky morning voice filled the room. The vampire only stared down at her, his eyes crimson and fangs making their appearance on his bottom lip.

"Rise and shine," he smiled.

She sat up and gazed around her.

"It's still dark, you doof," she rolled her eyes and lay back down.

"But I need you to get out of bed. We have somewhere to go."


"The beach."

"I thought you didn't like the beach."

"I don't. But you do and that's why we are going there."

"What time is it?"


"And why would I want to go to the beach at three in the morning?"

"To help me scare you."

Fallyn facepalmed.

"JB, you aren't meant to tell me that you're going to scare me. I'm just supposed to fall into the trap."

"Oh trust me, you will."

Finally giving up, Fallyn got out of bed and they walked down to the beach.

"So, how did you sleep?" He asked with a smile.

Fallyn rolled her eyes.

"Very well until you interrupted."

"Did you dream of me?"

"Yes, actually. I was killing you for waking me up. Oh, wait... I don't think that was a dream."

He laughed.

"That's sweet."

"So where is it?" Fallyn asked impatiently. It had been four days since they made the best and ever since JB had been insisting to hang out with her every second he could. Unsurprisingly, it led to a whole bunch of rumours about them dating. Fallyn had to disagree to them all while JB just winked at her then walked off.

"Where is what?" He played innocent.

"Whatever is meant to scare me. Where is it?"

"I thought I'm not meant to tell you. Am I not meant to just let you walk into the trap?"

"I'm getting tired of this. People suspect that we are dating! And besides, why do you always just wink walk off? It makes people think I'm lying."

"They wouldn't believe you either way. Its easier to just mess with them."

"My own brother asked me if we were dating, JB. My own brother."

He came to a halt in front of the water and sat down on the rocky shore.

"What are you doing?" She stared down at him.

"Take a wild guess, Sherlock. I'm sitting down, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"I meant why. Why are you sitting down? Just scare me already. I'm so sick and tired of this. Where is it? I'll scare myself if I have to."

He looked up at her with a smile as he patted a place on the ground beside him. Fallyn had to admit he looked adorable doing that so eventually she did.

Placing an arm around her shoulders, JB pulled her closer to him.

"What if I don't want to share you anymore?"

She sighed as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Then I'd say you're an idiot who made me waste the last four days worrying." Fallyn exhaled as she closed her eyes, trying to catch up on the sleep JB had deprived her of. "Please tell me that's not a confession that you're giving in."

"I'm not. So where is the thing supposed to scare me?"

"It's not here, " he admitted.

She pulled her head off his shoulder and glared at him but he couldn't care less. He just continued gazing at the waves.

"So why am I here then?"

"To see the beach in the moonlight. Isn't it pretty?"

Fallyn rolled her eyes as she stood up.

"I can't believe you wasted my time."

"Wait, don't leave." He stood up as well.

"Why not?"

"Because I need to ask you a question."

"Then ask away. I'm growing old over here."

"I can't. At least not yet."

Once again, Fallyn rolled her eyes and began to walk away. JB watched for a while before running to catch up to her.

"Just five more minutes. Please, " he begged.

"Every moment I'm out here, I'm missing out on precious sleep."

"Sleep can wait."

"This can wait. If you have a question just ask it already or I'm going back to bed."

"Just take some time to look at the sea, it will calm you down for a second. And you're right, this place really isn't that bad."

"I don't want to look at the sea. I don't want to be here in the cold. And I do want you to scare me anymore!"

"Didn't you say you still wanted me to a few minutes ago-"

"Shut it, JB! I'm tired and all I want to do is sleep. The past few days have been so stressful. You literally have no clue. I haven't slept in so long because I worried that you'd catch me in my sleep and the one day I actually get some rest, you wake me up for this. This! Do you know how much time in wasting right now-"

In a split second, JB pulled Fallyn close, their faces only centimetres apart. She immediately stopped talking.

"Fine. If you want to hear my question so badly..." He paused and exhaled before staring intensely into her eyes. "Why do you keep refusing that we are dating in such a disgusted tone?"

"Because we aren't," she stuttered.

"But do you?"


"Do you want to date?"

"JB... "

"Do you?

"I don't know. It's all a bit sudden, don't you think?"

"I mean, it might be for you but I've seen people get together after an hour of knowing each other."

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to spend the rest of my time here with you."

"I'm not asking you to marry me. And I'm a vampire so when it comes to situations like this I'm really dense so if it's a no, just say so."

"I really appreciate our friendship though..."

"So, no then?"





"I'm sorry. I'm just not sure. In so sorry."

JB shrugged as walked back to the water and sat in front of it. Fallyn sighed and ran a hand through her hair and walked back to her room.

HUNTED (GOT7 JB// Im Jaebum)Where stories live. Discover now