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"Fallyn, " a hand was waved in front of her face, instantly snapping her out of her daze. She traced the hand to Jihyo's concerned face.

"Huh?" Fallyn uttered as she glanced around the area to find all her friends staring at her with the same expression.

"What happened last night? You've been out of it all day! Your head is in the clouds," Sana spoke up.

"Me? Nothing, " she stammered as she forced a smile. "I've never been better."

"Lies. We know you better than that. Something is up-"

"Hey guys, " Momo smiled at them. "Could I possibly have a word with Fallyn. If that's possible."

Without waiting for an answer, Momo pulled Fallyn out of the conversation and the stairs to a room without anyone nearby.

"Could I help you?" Fallyn uttered as she scanned Momo's face, hoping for a glimpse of what is to come.

"No, but I think I can help you. I know about the whole JB thing."

"What JB thing?"

"He asked you out, didn't he? Last night around three."

Fallyn slowly nodded.

"How did you know?"

"Out of everyone in this castle. I know him the best then its Jinyoung, but that's beside the point. The night we first imprisoned you. I talked to him. He confessed you were cute that's all. Few weeks down the road, he changed his mind and started to like you. Bare with him, you're his first crush so he didn't know how to handle it. That's why he was so mean. Anyway, last night he asked you out because he really likes you, Fallyn. I'm even tempted to say he's in love with you. And now he's sulking in his room like a heartbroken teenager. It's no secret you like him back so why did you reject him?"

"I just... I don't know. I guess we're both new to this whole crushing thing. I didn't mean to hurt him, I swear. It just came out." Fallyn ran both her hands through her hair and crouched down. "What should I do?"

Momo smiled confidently.

"Now that's where I come in. Tonight at midnight, I'll get him to wait down at the beach like last night then you go down to him. Tell him how much he means to you and all then lock it with a kiss, got it? If things don't go as planned, I'll be watching and will literally force you together."

And when the clock finally struck midnight, as Momo had said, JB sat before the water, watching it with sad eyes.

"You're right," Fallyn cleared her throat as she sat beside him. "The sea really is beautiful with the moonlight."

He slightly glimpsed at her before looking back at the horizon.

"Yeah, " was all he said.

"I'm sorry about last night," she blurted. "I didn't mean to react the way I did, I promise. It's just... I guess I was scared. Scared that if we got together, we would no longer be friends." She paused when she saw the smirk on JB's face and recalled what she said.

"I won, " he grinned at her. "I scared you."

Fallyn slapped his arm.

"You idiot, you really scared me!"

"I'm sorry..." He thought for a moment. "But I still meant it. I really like you but I get it if-"

"Yes, " she beamed. "I want to date you."

JB started at her in utter shock, his eyes widened and lips apart.

"Seriously?" He asked, a smile growing on his face.

She nodded.

"I seriously mean it. And I'm sorry for rejecting you yesterday. I didn't want to mess with our friendship."

JB moved closer to her.

"I'm sorry for putting you on the spot yesterday."

It was Fallyn's turn to lean in now and their faces were only an inch apart. She was going to say something else but JB couldn't help himself anymore. He leaned in all the way until their lips touched.

They must have kissed for only two seconds before JB pulled away to squeal. Fallyn giggled at him and once he finally calmed himself down again, she went in for another one.


HUNTED (GOT7 JB// Im Jaebum)Where stories live. Discover now