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"That's it?" JB asked almost glaring at the small circular hut in front of them. "We walked two whole kilometres for this?"

Admittedly, it was a disappointing view. The walls were made of red clay that was now starting to chip away, a weak door made of a straw was the only thing that seemed to 'protect' it and the windows were smashed. In other words, the hut looked like it had gone through hell and back. And to top it all off, it had to be only a metre or two in diameter. It was a hopeless cause.

"Ever heard of the term 'don't judge a book by it's cover?" Jinyoung smirked, approaching the hut.

"Well when the cover can barely fit us seven inside let alone all of us witches, werewolves and vampires, it's kinda hard not to. Besides there isn't much to judge and the little I see is already disappointing."

The witch laughed as he opened the door. There was no lock and no sign of any security. All JB could do was let out a desperate sigh. It only intensified when Jinyoung whipped the door off it's rusty and weak hinges by mistake.

Chuckling awkwardly, he sheepishly grinned at the rest, "trust me, I had the exact same thoughts when I first set my eyes of this place but there more to it."

"I'm sure there is," Momo said sarcastically as she marched into the hut, everyone falling behind.

JB was right, it could barely fit them all. In the end, Felix, Jimin and Taehyung had to stay outside to make sure it wasn't too cramped in there.

There were spider webs everywhere and Fallyn was sure she was a couple of rats running across the cement floor. A blanket and pillow were placed opposite the door and a few cheats were beside it. A small beanbag which was now worn down an had rat bites in it was on the left of the door and a small olden days television stood on the right.

"Help me move this chest," Jinyoung and called out to JB. After just staring at him for a good five seconds, the vampire finally decided to be helpful and did as was asked of him, revealing a metal trap door with a small keyboard next to it.

"I must admit, that's pretty cool," Fallyn uttered. "I thought this place was a complete run-down mess."

Momo stopped pacing around the hut and glared at the girl.

"No one asked," was all she said before continuing again.

"And no one told you to listen," she retorted, earning another glare from her and a snicker from Jinyoung as he popped the password.

"Once we're done using you, I will not hesitate to snap your neck."

"Good for you."

Eventually the trap door opened and Jinyoung offered Fallyn to go first.

"Why her?" Momo huffed.

"Because ladies first," he shrugged.

"And what exactly are you trying to imply?" She scoffed.

"I think you get the point, sweetheart. No need to act dumb now."

"Watch it, witch. Don't forget I'm still here," JB glared.

"Nah, she deserved that," Jimin replied as he waited at the doorway. "Only, it's a bit overdue."

"Bug off," Momo spat as she began to climb down the trap door, Fallyn already beginning almost at the bottom.

"Woah," she uttered as she glanced around the area. It was a long corridor with stone walls. If it weren't for the candles lining the edges of the ground, Fallyn was sure it would have been pitch black but even that just added to the ancient feeling the place gave off.

"Well don't just stand there and look pretty move- wow," Momo stopped mid-sentence as she glanced down the corridor.

Fallyn scoffed as she began to make her way towards the old, spruce door at the end.

The brass doorknob was cold and a bit rusty but nothing the girl couldn't handle, turning it gently she heard a click sound and soon the door was open.

Everyone was there. Werewolves, witches and vampires. Many of which Fallyn had never seen before. The room was spacious, very spacious. The ceiling was about five metres above the floor and Fallyn could barely make out the wall opposite the door.

"You're here!" Sana screamed out, rushing to the human. "This place is a lot better than what it looks like on the outside, doesn't it? I was almost fooled into thinking it was all a joke!"

"Same here," Fallyn laughed along. "Jinyoung even broke the door."

"Yeah, well it wasn't that great anyway, now was it?"

"Hate to break up this amazing conversation right now but it's seems the human, as expected, has forgotten why she's here," Momo interrupted sending them both a clearly fake sympathetic face.

Fallyn sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"See what I had to deal with the whole trip?" She whispered to the witch.

"Man, who ran over her dog?" Sana responded as they both watched her walk towards a door on the far right.

"I have to go, see you later?"

"Of course," she smiled before leaving to find someone else to talk to.

HUNTED (GOT7 JB// Im Jaebum)Where stories live. Discover now