Chapter 14: The Plan

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(Y/N)'s POV

Okay, that's quite weird. It's like really, really cold here because otherwise we couldn't have gone ice skating. So how can my clothes already be dry?! I still remember how cold it was when I came out of the water, I was really really wet.

I looked at Edward who gave me my already dry clothes. Has he something to do with this? But how? I looked Edward straight in his eyes, but could not read his expression. Edward started to dress himself, and I checked him out while he was doing this. How can I only now notice how hot his body actually is. I watch him taking on his pants, I watch his body which is covered cloth by cloth. When he was almost done buttoning his shirt, he caught me looking at him and smiled at me. I looked away, blushing. I heard how he walked closer to me and made me look at him. His face was really close to mine, and the only things that separated us were my clothes which I was still holding in my hands. He looked me deeply in my eyes and I got lost in them. It was for a moment like these were the only things that existed for me, until Edward brought me out of my thoughts.

"Shouldn't you get dressed?" he said, making me blush. "Yeah, I know... I ehm.. was kind of distracted for some moments..." I said blushing even more. Edward raised his eyebrow which looked in my opinion really Sexy. "Aren't you cold then?" he said while coming closer to me. He started to stroke my cheek and I trembled, because of the cold and of his really soft touch. He is just so sweet. "Well that's quite a stupid question when I have no clothes on and it is some degrees Celsius under 0." I said laughingly. Edward had to laugh too and I was distracted by his sweet smile again. He got me focussed on his lips through it, they give me the urge to kiss them again. These soft full lips just felt heavenly good on mine. Who would ever think I would wake up to Edward, who lay almost totally naked on top of me, after I had fallen into the water? If it wasn't for him I would have faint because of his hotness. Does he really loves me that much that he would do things like this for me? I finally got what John meant with 'his plan'. But I think we actually don't need it anymore.

"Well, I shall help you to get dressed then." Edward said smiling even more now. He got the clothes out of my hands, and slowly started to dress me. Because he was still standing really close to me I wasn't that cold anymore, his body heat just solved everything.

I looked how he slowly did my shirt around me, and I did my arms through the sleeves. I watched how he was buttoning my shirt, and the more he moved higher, the faster my heart started to beat. He probably noticed it because he looked suddenly straight in my eyes, and slightly smiled at me. I felt how my cheeks become burning hot and feel Edward's hot breath coming closer to me second by second.

Edward's POV

I finally press my lips against (Y/N)'s, to get this amazing feeling again. What this girl does to me, it's just... incredible. But then I realised that (Y/N) was of course still standing in her underwear and a half closed shirt. I tried to separate our lips but (Y/N) got closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck so I could not get away. 'Seriously (Y/N)' I thought to myself, 'you need to get dressed, you will get ill this way'. I tried to button her shirt, so she wouldn't get cold. Right in that moment she pressed her body closer against me, probably because she was really cold. Because she did this my hands were pressed between her boobs which kind of shocked me somehow. That is when I really stopped to kiss her now.

"I could kiss you like this the whole day but you really need to get dressed now, otherwise we will be really late." I saw that she looked really disappointed, but helped me to get her dressed anyway.

When (Y/N) was finally dressed we walked together along the ice rink to the entrance, after I had got my skates. When we reached it there were already standing lots of people. I was looking for John and found him really fast because he came walking to us.

"(Y/N), What happened to your face?!" John asked really hysterically. "Well, ask these stupid girls if you want to know about it." I said looking in their direction. That's when John looked shocked, because he probably knew what could have happened, he knows what they are able to do to her. "You guys should really tell all of this to the rector, It can't go on like this anymore." John said. "Yeah of course we will do that, I seriously hate them for doing this to her." I said.

I of course cycled (Y/N) back to school, and we immediately went to the rector. We told them everything, everything they have done to (Y/N). He was shocked to hear all these things. When we went to our lessons, Amy, Isabelle, Mia and Emma had to go to the rector. I seriously hope they will get to be punished so hard for this.

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm so glad someone finally helped me, and told this to someone at school. When the lessons were finished, we went to the rector again, because these stupid girls didn't come back into the lessons, luckily. We asked him which punishment they got, and he told us they are suspended for a whole week. I could jump from happiness at the moment. We walked out of the room.

"Omg guys, this means that they also can't go to prom! that's like so amazing." I said. When I said this Edward's face fell a bit. "What is it Edward? Aren't you happy about that?" John asked him. I saw how he bit his lip to hold some tears back. "Well, yes I am." he said. What is wrong with him? Oh wait I know. "Oh and John," I said to get his attention. "I guess your plan is no longer necessary." I said smiling brightly while I looked at Edward. "What do you mean with 'plan'?" Edward asked us.

That is when we finally told him what John actually had planned. He of course knew that John told him that John would take me to prom. But that wasn't actually about to happen, he just said that because he wanted to surprise Edward with me as his date for prom. But Yeah, he already knows that I really like him, love him. So that would be a bit weird if I would still tell him that I would go with John, wouldn't it?

"Omg, you can't believe how happy I am to hear this!" Edward said quite happily. "So you don't like (Y/N), John?" he asked him. "Well, of course I do, but like one of my best friends." He made me smile because of this, so much. "But not in THAT way." John said. Edward suddenly hugged John. "Thank you so much though that you wanted to do this for me, You are the best friend ever!" Awwww. If you could only see this!!

I saw how some tears streamed down Edwards face, and I walked closer to him. He got out of the hug when he saw me standing close to him.

"Don't cry Edward." I said whispering to him while I wiped his tears away. "I only cry because I'm so happy (Y/N), happy to have You and John, You guys are my everything." He said while looking me deeply in my eyes. I smiled at him really brightly, which made him smile too. Our faces move slowly closer until I finally felt his lips on mine again, they are magical, HE is magical...

To be continued...     

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