Chapter 2: bullies

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Edward's POV

I am sitting in the classroom next to my best friend John. He has been my best friend almost my whole life. I have known him since I'm 4. We do almost everything together.

But the stupid thing is that we are always bullied at school. They bully me for example because of my brown quiff or because I'm fat. My quiff is really long but John always says it looks really cool. Then I know that it is true, John always tells the truth.

They bully him for example with his girly full lips. But I think most girls would love to kiss them. I think these boys are just jealous of him, that is what I always tell him. I'd love to have lips like him, or his fit body.

They always call us gay because we are so close, but I love him like a best friend, I'm not into boys. I only haven't had a girlfriend yet because all those girls always bully us, so why would I like to have them as my girlfriend? Luckily, we are never physically hurt, That would make everything even worse. I don't like school, I hate it actually. The only reason why I go to school is because of John. I have always so much fun with him. When he isn't there, I always feel so alone. Well, actually I am alone. When John is with me I feel so much better.  

The bell rang and we left the classroom. This day finally came to an end. I tried to avoid eye contact with everybody just like John. We got our Jackets and wanted to leave the school, but we were stopped by some of these stupid bullies.

"Where do you think you're going?" this voice said really angry. John and I looked up and looked straight into the eyes of Derek. "Home, can we pass?" John said irritated and kind of angry at the same time. One of these bullies slept him in his face and said: "none of your cheeck!!" he said angry. I looked really angry at him and wanted to say something. "You have to be punished for what you did this morning!" Derek said. Oh no, this can turn out really ugly. John accidently spilled his food on Derek this morning, and everybody was laughing at him.

Derek punches John in his face really hard. John fell onto the ground and Derek started to beat John up. I was totally shocked. "Keep your dirty hands of him!!" I jumped on Derek, but of course those other bullies also started to beat me up. They punched me everywhere. I had so much pain. I saw John was trying to come to me, John is luckily really strong and succeed to get away from Derek. I wished I was this strong like John. He always has to save me, and when I try to save him it always goes wrong. I'm such a loser. Maybe those bullies are right.

We run out of the school and hid behind a tree. We emerge when those bullies where really far away, trying to find us.

"Oh my God Edward, you're bleeding!" he pointed at my face, but when I looked at him, his face was even worse. "We can't go home like this, our mothers will discover that we're bullied, and will worry a lot." I said a bit scared. John nodded and thought for a second. "Let's first search for something to clean this." John said.

We walked to the shops and got something to clean our faces. When we were clean again, we walked home. We walked along so many beautiful places, and I actually wanted to draw it. John always tells me that I'm really talented. so he won't mind, will he? "John can we go into this forest, it looks so beautiful, I want to draw it!!" I said really excited. He nodded smiling and we walked into the forest. We saw lots of animals, and we tried to get trough all these bushes and trees. I finally saw a cool place. I got my sketchbook out of my bag and started to draw. John watched me drawing it and he looked around a bit. I was totally focused on the drawing. When I was almost finished I looked around me, I couldn't see John. I started to look for him. I walked further into the forest and after some minutes I finally found him.

"This place is totally awesome Edward, You need to check this out!!" John said really enthusiastic. John always loves adventures.

I followed him and he leaded me to this really beautiful place. There was a lake, but I couldn't see it that good. It was becoming really dark already, because it is winter. I observed the beautiful place and walked further, following John again.

Suddenly we saw a path, it was really dark. John was of course totally excited. If I'm honest I'm a bit scared, but I didn't tell John because he would maybe think I'm a loser. We walked over this path and after some minutes my jaw dropped because of what I was seeing in front of me...  

To be continued...  

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