Chapter 3: a normal house??

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Edward's POV

What I saw in front of me was huge. It was surrounded by a really long fence and looked really old. When I looked at it, I somehow became scared. It looked like an old house which you always see in those movies. The difference from what I had just seen in the forest and here is that most of the trees and bushes are dead. It looked really scary. The moon was the only thing that lightened this place a bit. When I tried to see the house better, I could see there were no lights. I actually wanted to go back, because This all made this house look haunted.

When I looked at John, I could see him smiling brightly. He loves adventures, so I guess he will go and have a look. I can't stop him, He also went with me into this forest for me.

"Shall we go and have a look??" John asked me excitedly. Why isn't he ever scared of anything? He also dares to stand up for himself when those bullies are bullying us again. I'm sometimes so jealous.

"Yes, of course, would be awesome." I said with a trembling voice. I can't let him go there alone, can I? What if there really happens something bad to him?

We walked further down the path, and reached the fence. When we could see it better, we could see it was locked. John tried with all his strength to open it, but even his strength wasn't enough. He was standing there, thinking about what we should do now.

I looked better at the fence and I could see there weren't any sharp points on the fence like other ones. So we could climb over it, but looking at my weight for me it will be really hard.

"John, maybe we could climb over it?" I said to him. "Good idea, Edward!" he said smiling. "But we have one problem," I said, pointing at body. John looked at me and shook his head. "Stop saying that you're fat, Edward! Those bullies are lying, okay!!" he said. "If you don't want to do it yourself, I can help." John said. Of course he can help, he is like five times stronger than me.

So John put his hands together, and I stepped on them so I could climb over the fence. After I was standing on the other side of the fence, John climbed really fast over it too. I could not help but sighed really deeply.   

We walked further in the direction of the house. Every time when I lifted my foot, I could hear the noise of gravel and leaves. We reach the door and I become really scared now.

John opens the door, and I wondered why it wasn't locked. What I saw in front of me let my jaw drop again. It was again really dark, but what I could see form it, looked really cool. I could see stairs in front of me, which would lead you upstairs. When we walked a bit further in the direction of the stairs, suddenly The torches light up. OMG, How can that happen so suddenly?? Normally torches don't light up itself, do they? I screamed a little inside. When I looked at John, he was still smiling. Through the flames, I could see John's eyes sparkling. The flames made this place also less cold. John suddenly started to walk again, I didn't want to stand here by myself, so I followed him. We walked up the stairs, until now it looked just like a normal house, just bigger and with torches which light up itself.  

We walked into one of the rooms and looked around in it. I could see portraits of lots of people. This house used to belong to them probably. I could see lots of other stuff standing in this room. there was a bed and when we walked further into the room I could see another door, which would lead us to a bathroom. It was really dirty because this house was really old already. We walked out of the bathroom again. That is when one of these portraits caught my eye. There were two persons on it. But the main part about them was, that they looked exactly the same. They were probably twins. They look so happy together in this picture. It looks like these two were the happiest on earth.

I looked at John and he gave me a sign that we would leave this room. We walked silently out of the room to another room. When we entered this one, I could see lots of portraits of these twins now. I could see two beds standing in the room. I walked over to the wardrobe and when I opened it I could see lots of clothes in it. I tried to look better and I could see there were two of everything. This used to be their room I guess.

John was smiling all the time, he just loves that we discovered this.

"John, I know this house is really cool but I guess our parents are really worried right now, I think we should leave now." I said to John. "Yeah I know Edward, but it's so exciting!!" John said. I had to laugh at his expression. "Just one more room Edward, I promise, it is so cool!!" John said totally excited now. One more room won't hurt, will it? "Okay John, just hurry up a bit."

So we chose one of the doors in this huge room of these twins. We opened it and walked into it. What we could see in this room I had never expected to see. There was a closet with lots of bottles with different colours. When we walked closer, we could see words on the bottles, telling us what was in it. I recognized some Latin words, but it wasn't enough to understand what it said.

When I looked around me I could also see a book laying on a standard. We didn't know what it said, because it was Latin, AGAIN.

Next to the book you could see a button. I looked at John and he was smirking. He of course wanted to know what would happen if you pressed it. I actually wanted to know it too, so I nodded. He pressed it and suddenly I could hear a sound behind me. We both turned around and could see a wall slipping away itself. Did the button do this? probably.

I looked at John and he was looking at me wide-eyed.

When we looked to the wall again, we could see, there appeared a mirror. We looked at our reflection for some seconds, until there suddenly appeared lots of fog around us. I could see there was lots of light around my whole body. I didn't know if John was still standing next to me, I couldn't see it. I could feel my body trembling, but it wasn't because of me, it wasn't because of the cold. Suddenly I could see someone standing beside me again. The fog and the light had disappeared. I looked in the mirror again, and I was shocked. I was shocked of the person standing next to me, and shocked because of the person I was looking straight in the eyes...

To be continued...  

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