Chapter 12: Ice Ice Baby

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Edward's POV

What the hell? Why does John say all this? I thought he had a thing for her, well he didn't say yet that he won't go with her to prom though.

I did as he told me to and go to (Y/N). I wiped my tears away, while I skate back to her over the ice. I hope she won't be angry with me though, she really looked disappointed.

I sighed really deeply and skated in her direction. I came closer and closer, and that was when I could finally see her better. But she wasn't the only person I was seeing there. I could see how these stupid girls were beating her up again. OMG no, How could I forget that, what for a friend am I?! This is all my fault. I skate fast closer until I was close to them. (Y/N) finally noticed me and looked with an scared expression at me. What have I done?! I was about to shout that they had to stop, but right in that moment they punched her really hard and she fell backwards. That was when I almost screamed, because I was so shocked. I couldn't see her anymore. I skated really fast closer to the hill and was shocked of the scene I was seeing in front of me. When (Y/N) fell backwards she fell on ice, but from how it looks like it wasn't that thick. She fell through the ice, in water which is ice, ice cold.

"What the hell have you guys done?!" I said with so much sadness and angriness in my voice. I'm done, they went too far now. I look angry at them, I actually want to punch all of them really hard in the face, or something worse. But the most important thing now is that (Y/N) is in really cold water now.

When I look at her again, I see that she is really panicking now. From how it looks like she can't swim at all. Without thinking I took of my ice skates and walked really fast down the hill.

"Edward, help me!" she said with so much panic in her voice. I could almost cry because of this, why did they do this to her? "Don't worry (Y/N) I will help you out of here!" I said to her. I was only wondering how I could do it. I walked to the edge, and (Y/N) was really close to it, but not enough. So I jumped really fast in the water, OMG my legs are so cold!! Seriously, these are only my legs, (Y/N) has to be sooo cold!!

I suddenly couldn't hear the water splash anymore, and (Y/N) wasn't shouting anymore. When I looked at her again, I could see her slowly sank down. OMG NO! I run closer to her and picked her really fast out of the water. When I took her in my arms, I could see she had her eyes closed. She didn't react at my action when I softly slapped her face a bit. I felt how some tears came into my eyes. OMG, Why did I left her?! I had promised to stay by her side, but I was only thinking of myself!! 

I walked really fast back and lay her on the grass. When I looked up, I couldn't see these girls anymore. How do they dare and run away like nothing happened??!

Omg, what do I have to do now? I probably can't walk her over this hill, it's way too steep. Come on Edward, you've a first aid certificate, You. should. know. what. to. do.!!

I was wondering why she wasn't reacting on my actions, what could it be? She fell into the water, and could not swim, so maybe her lungs are a bit filled with water. Well the only way to solve that, is to do mouth to mouth resuscitation. I looked at her lips. This is not the way how I imagined our first 'kiss' but I have to, I don't know what will happen to her otherwise.

I place my lips on hers and move them around her mouth. I tried to made the water go out of her lungs by making her cough. But it didn't work out, because it didn't make her cough. Maybe if I open her mouth a little bit.

So I softly opened it and placed my lips on her mouth again. I blew a few times into her mouth, which made her finally cough up. All the water came out of her mouth, and it was shocking to see how much.

I'm seriously so angry with these girls for doing this to her. If I wouldn't be there, she maybe would have drowned into the water. I would never forgive myself if that had happened to her.

(Y/N) finally looked me in my eyes and said: "Oh, John and Edward, I'm so cold!" She said with so much sadness in her voice. "It's only Edward (Y/N)." I said. "No, I see you two in front of me." What? Oh wait, she is probably seeing double. That is when she slowly closed her eyes again, and her head fell a little bit backwards. Oh no, she has to stay awake. She is probably really cold. She has to become warm again, NOW. But how? I could maybe do it with my powers, but what if she get to know about it?! She probably Gets to know about it then. But How do I have to warm her then? I learnt in first aid class, you should not warm people too fast, because that's really dangerous. So that's another reason why I can't use my powers. But what did they tell about it what you should do then??!! Come on Edward, I know you somehow know how to do it! I felt how some tears streamed down my face again, because I don't know what to do anymore. I started to sob loudly, and looked at (Y/N)'s beautiful face. I have to do something otherwise she will maybe die because of the cold, I can't let that happen! I really discovered how much I actually love her. I love her with all my heart and want her to wake up again. I hugged her really tightly, and cried loudly into her shoulder. I could feel her body was really, really cold. I thought mine was a bit cold but compared to hers it is nothing. Hers feels like it's ice, so cold.


I know how to warm her again, and what I learnt. They told the best thing to warm the person, and not too fast, is to just warm her with your own body, because mine is so much warmer at the moment. They also told, you should actually take as much clothes off as possible, because that is so much faster.

I looked at (Y/N) and saw her beautiful face, her beautiful lips and I want to see her beautiful eyes so badly again. I looked at her, and wondered, what if she doesn't want me to do this? But I don't want to lose her, she is one of the most important things in my life. I really have to admit I love her now. I won't let it happen, she doesn't deserve to die.

So I start to take of my coat first, and (Y/N)'s coat too. It's maybe crazy that I'm doing this, but the only thing I can think about now is about (Y/N) her safety. I take of my shirt and jeans and (Y/N)'s too. I actually can't hold myself back from looking at her beautiful body, but I tell myself it's not the right time for thinking stuff like this about her.

I look at her again, and it's like her body is lifeless. I couldn't cope with all this anymore, so I hugged her really tightly to my body. I could feel myself tense up from her really cold body, but tried to not pay too much attention to it. I silently drop some tears on her body, I can't take this anymore. Please (Y/N) wake up...  

To be continued...

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