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Jade's eyes widened as she heard her mother's words. Her voice shaky from what she just heard, broke the awkward silence of the call, "Mom, I'm gonna have to talk to you at the trailer, ok?"
Her mother sounded suprised that Jade would just end their call like that, she never did that unless there was something very wrong. "Alright Sweetie...Bye."
And with that, Jade hung up the phone and turned on the radio. They started playing New Born Cyanide's most famous song, House of Cards. It spoke to people from broken homes, Jade smiles to herself, guess she can really relate to that. Chris Ryder, the lead singer, also came from a broken home, his father left when he was very young and his mother had several other husbands and boyfriends before he moved out at sixteen to pursue his career in music. Atleast that's what he said in the interviews Jade and Alice had watched.
Jade soon made it to her trailer and scanned the area quickly. Good, Jason isn't here. Her and Lydia got out of the car with the bag of half eaten tortellini and walked to the front door. As they walked her trailer Jade put the bag on the counter and took her shoes off.
She then heard the soft voice of her mother, "Jade is that you?"
Jade peered down the hallway, which is where she heard her mother's voice, probably from her bedroom. "Yes Mother, I have arrived! From my long journey, to Panera!" Jade shouted down the hall as Lydia laid down on her dog bed in the living room.
Her mom came running down the hall with the laundry basket still in her hands, "You brought Panera? Did you bring me any?"
Jade pulled out the bowl of chicken tortellini, "Well it's my leftovers...but I was done anyways." She hands the bowl to her mother, who quickly microwaves it, sits at the dinning room table, and starts to chow down on the pasta.
"Now...Jade...what were you saying on the phone?" She said through bites of food.
"I had this really strange dream that you knocked on my window and told me to not go out my bedroom door if Jason was out there. You also said if he was out there to go out my window. Then when I woke up that morning he was at my door. So I went through the window, with Lydia, and we went to Panera for breakfast slash lunch." Jade said as she sits across from her mother at the table.
He mother went white and dropped her fork in the bowl, she glupped loudly and said in a shaky voice, "Jade that was an omen..."
Jade's already large green eyes widened at what her mother just said, "What do you mean mom?"
"When I woke up this morning," her mother said, looking at her with a straight face, "I saw Jason standing in front of your room, with a knife."

Momma, I'm In Love With A Rockstar [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now