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While driving to the hospital all Chris could do was talk to himself. "Jade, we have to leave to go to another state to do a show. I want to know if you'd be willing to do long distance for a couple of months? Then after the tour I will come back to see you." Chris sighed, "Nope, not good enough." He drove into the parking lot and sat in the pick up truck for about five minutes trying to come up with something good to say.
He sighed, "Screw it." He opened the door and walked in the hospital doors. As he walked though the hospital to find room 235 he continued to mentally think of a way to tell her he was leaving.
He finally found the room and knocked on the door. He heard a weak voice, "Come in." He opened the door to see his girlfriend laying in bed. Balloons and stuffed animals were on a bed side table. Suprising, Lydia was at the foot of the bed.
"Hey Jade. You feeling any better?" Chris said, sitting on right side of the bed.
She nodded slightly, "Yeah, my head still hurts a little but they said I can be let out by the end of the week!" A smile adorned her pale face, "By the way," she said, her voice going into a more serious expression, "when are you guys leaving?"
"Well," Chris said, looking into her green eyes, grabbing her hand, "I wanted to talk to you about that." He grabbed her hand, "We're leaving today, after I leave here in fact."
Her face gained a sorrowful expression, "Really? I thought you said it'd be a few more days."
"They changed the schedule." Chris said sadly, " But would you be willing to do long distance for a few months?" He asked hopefully, "We only have about fifteen more stops, then I could come back here. I could get an apartment here and we could stay together."
Jade shook her head, "I'd be willing, trust me I definitely would. But I don't want to pull you away from the band. How will you practice?"
"Well," he said smiling, "I talked to the band and they said, since they don't have any family or relationships in Chicago, they'd be willing to move here." He continued, "There's this house about fifteen minutes out of town that we are interested in. But we'll only move there if you say yes to us staying together."
Jade laid in the bed and pondered what he said, sounds like a fairly okay deal. She looked back at him, "Of course I want to stay together. But you guess should only move here if you all want to."
He smiled to her, lying down next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist, "We all do, trust me."
The couple stayed like that for several minutes until Chris frowned, "I need to leave and make sure everything is ready."
Jade nodded, "Be safe."
"I will," he said still laying next to his short girlfriend.
"So, if you got to leave why are you still laying here?" Jade asked the black haired man laying next to her.
"Oh I just wanted to do this," he then planted a soft kiss on her plump lips and sat up, "I'll see you in a couple of months. Ok?"
"Ok!" She said, still shocked and grinning at the kiss, "Hope you guys have a great time!"
He left and closed the door, leaving the short girl to her thoughts. She touched her lips gently, "My first kiss..." was all she could manage.

Momma, I'm In Love With A Rockstar [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now