Home is where the Rock is

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When Jade pulled into the trailer park her and her mother lived in she already felt a sinking feeling in her chest. Ever since her father died in Afganistan she's been with several men. Jade liked most of them, but Jason takes the prize for scum bag of the century. He yells and her and her mother for no reason in particular and he's the reason her mother's an alcoholic. He's thretened to beat Jade or her mother several times before, and yet she goes right back to him. Every, single, time.
As she made it to her trailer she sighed as she saw a black Mini Cooper, which to Jade means Jason's here, and probably drunk. She rubbed her temples to try and gain the courage to get out of the car.
She finally just mumbled, "Screw it." Grabbing her bag she opened the door to her Mustang and walked to the door. She heard the rocks crunch under her boots and felt the cool air on her face. She grabbed the cold handle and sighed, "Here goes nothing."
She walked in and kicked her shoes off. She looked up to see her mom, Lily, a short red head with kind green eyes much like Jade's and a round face.
Jade smiled at her mom and said in a joking manner, "So you were going to call a special ops team to come surround the college for a recon mission?"
Lily gave her a signature smile, something she hasn't seen is a long time, " Yes Ma'am, in this family it's no man left left behind."
Jade laughed as she walked into her room, not even giving recognition to Jason, he didn't deserve it. As she threw her books onto her spinny chair next to her desk she flopped on her desk to start homework. She then heard something metal that was shaking, she looked around quickly when she sees her wolf, Lydia bounding onto her black and green striped sheets. Lydia came to her out of no where one day when Jade was about 13, that was back in there old house, before they moved, before Jason, and before her dad was shipped off to Afganistan. She was outside with her dad roasting marshmallows when out of the woods behind there house came a wolf cub came out of the woods. The cub walked right up to Jade, jumped in her lap and the rest is history.
"Hey Baby!" Jade says to the wolf, and as far as anyone knows, she a husky. As she began to pet the wolf, it laid down and started to fall asleep. Jade turned on her radio and put in one of her CDs. She figured since she would be going to a New Born Cyanide concert, she should freshen her memory on all the lyrics.
As her eyes fluttered closed all the lyrics and memories flooded back into her mind. She was fifteen when she discovered them. She was on her laptop listening to various artists on Spotify until she saw a new playlist she didn't remember making, it was called 'New Born Cyanide' Jade had originally shugged this off as a glitch in the system, but it kept showing up. She finally listened and she felt, complete. All her worries vanished, all pain, suffering, worries, just vanished from memory and thought as the riffs and vocals continued to serenade her. Soon it became all the thought about, it was like her own drug, and then she finally shared it with someone.
Alice sat next to her on her bed, "Jade I don't understand what you mean by, 'this band completes you' could you expand on that please?"
Jade hurried over with her laptop, "Look, just listen to them, you'll know what I mean."
She then turned it on, and Alice understood. She understood everything. After that it was just history.
Jade was woken from her trance when there was a banging at her door, "Jade open this door right now!"
She sighed, once again, Jason was drunk. She got up and walked over to the door.
When she opened the door she felt a tight grip around her wrist, "Turn that music down this minute, you hear me young lady?"
Jade just scoffed and yanked her wrist away, "Jason go to sleep, mom told me I don't have to listen to you!"
Jason responded by trying to rip the door off it's hinges, "And why did she say that?!"
Jade opened the door just enough so that he could see the smug look on her face, "Cause. You. Aren't. My. Dad." And she quickly slammed the door shut and locked it again.
The banging continued throughout most of the night but then Jade wondered 'where was her mother'?
Afraid to go outside she called her, she never answered. Jade began to panic, but that's when she looked out the window. Her mother's car, a green fiat, was gone.
Jade really began to panic and called the police. But that's when she heard her mother's voice, "Jade, get off the phone."

Momma, I'm In Love With A Rockstar [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now