Drive-in Thrillers

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Jade walked outside to see Chris standing in the living room, her mother was holding a bouquet of flowers and Jason was holding a beer, per usual. Chris turned in Jade's direction and his mouth instantly went agap, "Woah, Jade. You, you look amazing!"
She giggled, "Uh thanks do too." But uh, when doesn't he?
He smiled at her, as she looked him up and down. He was wearing a leather jacket with a gray shirt underneath it. On his legs were black jeans and red combat boots. He had one of his lip piercings in and a cross earring in his left ear. "Oh, thanks Jade!"
As Lily placed the flowers in a vase she smiled at Jade, "The last time I got a bouquet was from your father, on our fifteenth wedding anniversary." She placed the bouquet on the counter, then faced Chris, "Thank you so much."
Chris opened his mouth to say something but then Jason opened his drunk mouth, "Aw Lily stop talking about your dead husband, he's dead, therefore stop talking about him. Quit ruining the mood."
Jade gritted her teeth, "Ya know what Jason..."
"Uh I don't mean to intrude sir," Chris said calmly, "but I feel like you should have a little bit more respect for a man that was in the army. I mean he fought for you're freedom, I'm sure if yoy ever did anything profitable toward mankind you would want to be recognized for it. But I don't think you ever will." Chris then turned to Lily, "I'm sure your husband fought bravely. And I wish I could thank him for the service he did for our country."
Jade smiled at Chris, mouthing 'thank you' to him. Then she watched her two friends silently walk out the door, both giving Jade a thumbs up before shutting the door.
Chris turned to Jade, "Well, ready to go?" She nodded and walked outside with him. Once the door shut she threw her arms around her neck, giving him a tight hug, "Thank you. Thank you so much."
"Of course Jade," He said, wrapping his arms around Jade's waist, "I wasn't going to let him rag on your dad. The fact that he was a soilder just made it even worse." Then pulled away and he gestured to a new truck, one Jade had never seen before. It was a white pick-up truck. "Well," he said, walking towards the car, "your carriage awaits Princess."
Jade felt her face grow hot as she giggled and walked towards the truck, as she was about to open the door he quickly opened the door and gestured for her to get it. As soon as she stepped in she was hit with various smells. Pizza, cookies, popcorn and dairy of some kind.
"Uh Chris? When was the last time you cleaned this truck?" Jade said.
Chris burst out laughing as he turned the truck on and began to drive, "Jade that's our dinner!"
She then looked into the back seat and saw a pizza box, some cookies, and a cooler. She blushed slightly, "Ya know I should have thought of that huh?" He just laughed and nodded.

Time skip

They had been on the road for about half an hour and Jade started to become nervous, "Uh Chris? Where are you taking me?"
Chris smirked at her, "A special place, I found last night."
Jade gave him a straight face, "Ya know, telling me where we're going would probably get the thoughts of an abandoned house out of my head."
He smiled and booped her nose with his finger, "You just gotta wait Princess."
Jade just pouted thinking I really have to pee.

Time skip

Jade continued to pout until the truck stopped. She looked up and where they the truck had stopped. It was an open field with grasses and bushes scattered around. There were worn down concession stands and a large white room at one end, but on the other end was a gigantic white screen. When she realized what this place was it hit her like a truck. This was the old Drive-in theater she went to when she was a little kid! He parents use to always take her here, but when she turned fifteen the owner died, and they shut this place down.
Chris suddenly got out and walked into the projection room, which was the large white room near the concession stands, leaving Jade all to herself in the car. After a few minutes of him being in there he walked back to the car and turned the back on. He then turned around so the back was facing the screen. He looked at her, "Go open the back of the truck for me, k?" He asked her kindly, "I'm gonna get the food."
Jade got out and opened the back, she gasped at what she saw, it was covered in black sheets and pillows. She watched Chris walked to the back with the pizza box, cookies on top of it. He placed them on the end without the pillows and walked back to get the cooler and popcorn. He set the cooler down next to the pizza hopped on the bed. He held out his hand for Jade to grab, "Come on! It's your date to! I can't eat all this food!" He then picked her up and placed her on the bed next to him.
"Oh uh, thanks..." She said, awkwardly.
"Hey uh," he said opening the pizza box, "Ya know you didn't have to go out with me if you didn't want to?"
Jade's eyes widened, "Oh I knew! And I love this! I've always wanted to go on a date with you! I've just...never been a date before..." She said as he opened the pizza box.
He looked back at her with a suprised expression, "Really? That's suprising! You're so amazing! I was for sure you were with someone!"
Jade just shook her head, taking a slice of cheese pizza, "I've always been focused on my job and school. But now that my mom's ok and I'm in college I can start thinking about relationships."
He nodded as the movie started, "Oh uh, I know Alice said this was your favorite movie, but if it isn't, we have a few movie to pick from."
"Beetlejuice?! I love Beetlejuice!" Jade yelled through bits of pizza.
"Don't say it a third time!" Chris chuckled, "Or we're screwed."
Jade nodded and took another bite of pizza, "Hey, you said we. Who else is here?"
"The rest of the band!" He replied, "They've been here all day getting the place ready for us. I hope you like it..." He said sheepishly
"Are you kidding?!" Jade yelled, "I love it!"

Time skip to her house

Chris drove up to Jade's trailer, and looked at her, "Hey Jade?"
She looked at him, "Yeah?"
"So..." He said whilst taking a deep breath, "Would you be interested in...:
Jade smiled, "Go on."
"You wanna be my girlfriend?!" He yelled, startling Jade, making her cover her mouth.
"Chris..." Jade mumbled, "Of, of course I will!"
She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug. He grinned and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
The couple got out of the truck and he walked her to her front door. She unlocked the door, "I had a lot of fun Chris!"
"I did too!" He said, as she looked back, giving him a kiss on his chiseled cheek.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" She said stepping in the door.
"Yeah!" He said kindly, "Yeah of course you will!"
They said their goodbyes and she closed the door. She sat down at the door and grinned.
Her Mom walked out of the bathroom, "Oh Honey how was it?"
"Momma," Jade said, huge grin plastered on her face, "I'm in love with a rockstar."

Momma, I'm In Love With A Rockstar [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now