Morning Suprises

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Jade raises her eyebrows, "No. I do not know what he asked. What did he ask you?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes, "Also can you hand me some clothes?"
Alice nodded as she went over to her dresser, pulling out a green long-sleeved shirt and some blue jogging pants. Tossing them at Jade she began to speak, "Ok so as I was walking from the bathroom he stopped me. He then asked me for your phone number so he could check up on you! He also asked me some other questions but those aren't important."
As Jade's black hair popped out of her shirt she gave Alice a stare, "I can't believe it. A rockstar has my number..." She then squealed loudly, "I'm putting this on Tumblr!"
She crawled toward the end of her bed and grabbed her tablet off of her desk and pulled up Tumblr. As she continued to put this whole adventure on her blog. After posting it, she placed it back on her desk and pulled the creme covers of her bed back. She got into bed as Alice grabbed Jade's sleeping bag, sitting on the top shelf of her closet. She laid it on the ground and got into it.
"Hey Jade, want to go to a coffee shop tomorrow? We should go to that one near Chipotle." Alice said facing Jade's bed.
"Yeah sure why not." She yawned, "I'm hitting the hay. Night Alice, can you turn off the light?"
"Sure." She turned the light off, keeping the fairy lights about Jade's bed on. Letting that cause a soft haze on Jade's pale, sleeping face.

Time skip to the morning

Jade was awoke to Alice's loud voice, "Jade! Wake up! We gotta get to the cafe!"
Jade let out a gasp, "I'm up! I'm up!" She sat up as Lydia stood up and jumped off the bed, wanting to get off. Jade went to grab her crutches, only to realize they weren't there. Jade looked at Alice, "Chris forgot to bring the crutches."
Alice's eyes lit up, "Oh yeah they're at the door! I'll go get them." She rushed out of the door, only to come back seconds later with the crutches.
Jade's small hands grabbed them from Alice's hands and stood.
She walked out of her room and to the front door, where she then let Lydia out and walked back to her room.When she walked back into her room she saw Alice, already dressed. Jade laughed as she walked over to her closet, "Alice, hold your horses, I'm not even dressed yet."
She pulled out a red t-shirt that said 'Stand Back I'm going to try science', considering she's very bad at science. She thought that this shirt would be very funny to wear to her only science class, which was required for her psychology minor. After she put that on she pulled on some skinny blue jeans. She then knelt down, pulling out her shoes, which were a black pair of slip-on, sandle mix.
She then went into the bathroom and began to fix her raven hair, until it looked good to her. She then faced Alice, who was standing at the door with her eyes the size of quarters.
"Ok," Jade said walking out of her room with the crutches, "we can go."
Alice practically dragged Jade out the door and into her car, she put Jade in the passages seat. That is until Jade objected, "Woah woah woah. What are you doing? This is my car and I'm perfectly fine with driving. My left leg is hurt. Not my right. Get out of the drivers seat or I'm leaving you here."
Alice quickly changed seats, "Fine, but it isn't your car. It was your Da-"
"Shut up Alice!" Jade said, tears in her eyes, "Its mine now! He's dead and I inherited it! Just shut up!" Jade now hair tears falling down her pale face, "I...I know I didn't buy the car, but I inherited it. So the best thing you can do is shut up. Or I really will leave you here."
It was a quiet drive to the cafe, with Jade holding back tears and Alice thinking about what she said. When they finally got there Jade grabbed Alice's shirt by the collar, looked her straight in the eye, "Alice, if you ever bring up my father's death again I swear..."
"Ok! Ok I get it!" Alice said, holding her hands up defensively. "I will never bring it up again!"
Jade got out of the cafe and walked in, Alice at her back. When they got in she saw someone walking toward them at a quick pace.

Momma, I'm In Love With A Rockstar [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now