Graveyard Shift

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Jade walked up to her friends, Asher and Alice, who were sitting at a table in the college quad. With Jade being the one with the most classes, most being for art, she got there the latest. It was the night after her first date with Chris and after she got home Alice texted her and asked how it went. Jade told her she'd tell her the next day, well today was that day. As soon as she sits down the short black haired girl was bombarded with questions.
"Ok so Jade," Alice said, her arms folded on the table, "I want every detail."
"Ok Alice calm down." Asher said, eating a burger, "You don't need a play by play of her night." Asher then turned to Jade, "Just tell us the important pa-"
Then Jade couldn't hold it in anymore, "We're dating now!"
Alice and Asher's eyes went to the size of quarters, "No." They said in unison, which is an extreme feat for two people who are polar opposites.
"Yes." Jade said seriously, whilst taking a bit out of her hot dog.
Alice began to screech as Asher just smirked, "Knew it..." Asher said.
Jade then told them about the movie, food, and how he asked her to be his girlfriend. After they finished their food they went back to class.
Jade walked through the quad until she made it to the art building. She had her last class of the day, figure drawing, in that building. She walked into class, sitting in a chair within the semi-circle around the stand where the model would sit. She took out some of her pencils and a eraser. The model came into the room and began to pose.
Jade always hated this part, she was really shy in drawing, the bits. So she just, avoided drawing them.
After the torture of class she walked out, only to put her ear buds in her ears, hoping that her playlist could wash the thought out of her mind, it didn't work.
She walked to her car, taking the ear buds out, getting in the car. She began to drive to her work, which was only about ten minutes away from the college. Her shift at the diner was the graveyard shift, which ment her shift was late at night.
Once she got to the diner she put on her uniform. A white button-up blouse with a red skirt. Once starting her shift she had gotten fifty dollars in tips in the first hour. But during her whole shift one thought was in the back of her mind, where in the world was Chris?
He said he'd pick her up after school. But then she texted him and told him she had work. He then said he'd come in during her shift, but it's been an hour and he hasn't come in yet.
He's a rockstar she thinks, while holding a platter of drinks, walking to a table. He's probably at an interview or something like that. She thinks as she walked over to another table. That is until she hears. A voice right behind her.
"Jade..." The voice said into her ear, she turned around to see Chris standing behind her!
"Hey Chris!" She said quietly, just in case there were fangirls there, "If you'll find a table I can come take your order in just a minute!"
He shook his head, "Jade if I don't come back here before your shift ends, just go home. Don't wait for me." And with that he walked out the door, just as a group of teenagers were walking in. The strange thing was, she didn't see him walk to a car or leave the group of teens.
After her shift ended her boss wanted her to close up the diner. As she was sweeping she looked outside, Chris wasn't there, and neither was a car that looked like his. She changed back into her normal clothes which was in her backpack in the back. After changing she locked all the doors and stood outside for a few minutes, just making sure he wouldn't come. She sighed, walking to her car. She walked over to her car and was about to get in the drivers seat. She dropped her keys and knelt down to pick them up from off the ground.
Suddenly Jade felt a hand on her left shoulder, "Hey Princess..." a deep voice said to her. Jade's face went completely pale.

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