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As we drove up to the venue where the concert was going to be held, I could feel my pale, small hands shaking. This was my first concert out of hopefully many, I just hope I wouldn't be dissapointed by my favorite band. Considering we got to the venue at around five at night, at the day of the concert there was a long line, stretching around the parking lot, but we already got tickets so we wouldn't have to wait! We handed the man in the booth out tickets, and walked in quickly, excitement coursing through our veins.
The venue was about medium sized with no chairs and standing room only. In one corner there was a bar with various drinks on the counter. In the other corner there were a few merch girls selling merchandise. I tapped Alice's shoulder and gestured to the merch table.
"Shall we get some new merch to add to our collection?" I said to the tall Hispanic girl with dyed red hair, wearing a short black dress with a silver belt around her waist, on her legs were knee high red boots.
She grinned at me, "Totally. I need a new poster since my old one tore in half. That was a sad day for us all."
We walked over to look at everything they had. Then something caught my eye, a dog tag necklace with their band symbol on one side and on the other side had some of the lyrics from House of Cards, my favorite song by them. I quickly pulled out my wallet and handed the merch girl a twenty dollar bill. She handed me the change and I quickly slipped it on over my head. I looked over at Alice who was looking at different posters of the band. I was about to walk off when she mumbled, "No Jade. Wait for me."
"Uh...ok?" I said quietly as I got on my phone to look through Pinterest while I waited.
After about thirty minutes I got tired of waiting and looked up, "Alice I'm not waiting anymore. I'm going to get near the front of the stage ok?" She just nodded as I placed my phone back into my purse and walked to the small bar.
I sat down in one of the stools as the bartender walked up, "What'll it be Miss?"
I gave him a smile, "Have any Dr. Pepper my dear man?" I said as I laid my purse on the bar. He nodded and handed me a bottle of Dr. Pepper.
"Ya know," He said whilst cleaning one of the beer mugs, "people usually don't order none alcoholic drinks. Why didn't you?"
I just shrugged, "My mom's boyfriends an alcoholics and he's tried to attack me in a drunken rage several times. So I try to stay away from it as best as I can."
He just nodded and continued to clean the mug as he walked away. I then heard those blessed words.
"Everyone put your hands together for New Born Cyanide!" Said the announcer over the speakers on the wall. I rushed over to near the front where Alice was standing and started screaming and fangirling as we watched the band walk up on stage.

Momma, I'm In Love With A Rockstar [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now