Friends in Strangers

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Jade and Alice both backed up until they were under the bright light of the street light near them, they didn't know what else to do. Jade quickly pulled out her phone and dialed 9-1 for safety. As the two men came closer she leaned close to Alice and whispered, "Go closer to them to make sure they don't try to steal anything, I'll stay over here. If they try anything run left and I'll run right. Then when I can't see them anymore I'll dial the last 1 and call the police."
Alice walked about five feet closer to the car, but not closer to the men. And when Jade saw how they looked she understood why Alice didn't get any closer.
There were two men, they were both tall and muscular. Both wore all black and had anonymous masks on. The taller man had a wrench and the shorter man had his hand in his pocket, possibly hiding a gun or knife. As the taller man talked to Alice the shorter one started walking closer to Jade.
She took a step back and narrowed her eyes, "Hey Buddy? Take one step closer and I'll break your arm. K?" She then put her fists up ready to fight, as long as she didn't need to she wouldn't fight him.
Also she couldn't see his face she could see could tell he was smirking under the mask, he looked back and nodded at the other man. Jade watched in horror as the taller man grabbed Alice and hit her over the head with wrench. When she looked back at the man all she saw was the business end of a pistol in his hand. She quickly moved his arm out of the way and ripped the gun from his fingers, twisting his arm around his back in the process. She hit him in the head with the gun and proceeded to use him as a human shield as she ran at the man with the wrench, using the unconscious man as armor. After she ran him into the taller man she tried to wake Alice up, after trying for about a minute she slung her arm over her shoulder and began running, trying to find someone who would help Alice and her.
She ran back to the venue to try to get in, only to find out the front doors were locked up tight. She noticed the taller man had gotten back onto his feet and ran at Jade. He threw something at her and it hit her leg,causing her to collapse onto the ground. This time, she didn't know what to do, so she did the only thing she could think of to do, scream.
"Help! Someone help us! We're getting attacked! Please help if you can hear me! Jade yelled as she continued to run. Then she heard a deep voice, coming from the doors of the venue. From what she could tell it was a tall man, but his voice sounded very familiar for some reason.
"Quick! In here!" The voice said. As Jade looked to the doors she began running there, only to notice that the man was closer to the doors then she was and would definitely make it there faster then she would. She then heard yelling from inside and saw a two tall figures running towards her and Alice.
One of them picked up Jade bridal style and the other slung Alice over their shoulder. As the two shadows ran the distance from where Jade was standing, to where the venue was, Jade just snuggled up to the man that was carrying her, trying to make herself feel more safe.
When they finally made it into the venue the man carrying her, laid her down on something soft. Then the man that was carrying Alice laid her down next to Jade. They turned the lights on as Jade sat up, Jade's eyes squinted from the change in the light. When her eyes finally adjusted she saw what she was laying on, she was laying on a palette made of several blankets. She then looked up and watched the two men lock up the front doors.
One of them turned around and she recognized him instantly, it was Chris, the lead singer of her favorite band had saved her.
He smiled at her and walked over to her, "Uh, hi. I'm-"
Jade quickly cut him off, "Your Chris Ryder. Lead singer for New Born Cyanide. I'm a huge fan." Jade's eyes widened and she covered her mouth, "I'm so sorry..." She mumbled through her hand.
He just laughed, "It's fine Miss. Now, can you tell me your name and what happened?"
Jade's eyes widened, a rockstar wanted to know her name? No, way. She cleared her throat, "Jade, Jade Wilson. My friend Alice," She gestured to Alice, "and I were walking to her car. When we got there we realized the battery died, then after we got on our phones those guys came up and attacked us. As I was running away one of them threw something at my leg and I fell. I think it's either twisted or sprained."
He looked at her with perfect blue eyes and spoke softly, "Brody is gonna call the police. Ben and Andrew went out there after we got you two in here and beat the crap out of them. They aren't going anywhere." Chris smiled and put his hand on her shoulder, "Do you need anything?"
Jade looked down at her ankle that wasn't looking good, it was slowly becoming purple! She looked back up at him, "Could any of you give me a ride to a hospital? And possibly a ride home?"
Chris smiled, "Of course! I can use the venue owner's car! Just give me a second."
He walked away and Jade laid back down on the palette. She grinned as a thought popped into her head Yeah i need something Chris. I need a boyfriend, could you help me with that?
Suddenly she heard footsteps coming back towards her, "Ok so he said I can use his car. I don't think you should walk on that foot so is I'll carry you again. Is there anything you dropped or forgot at the car that I should go look for?"
Jade smiled I am completely fine with you carrying me again she thought, "Oh um..." She looked around quickly, "I think I dropped my purse and my phone. My purse is black with a red strap on it. My phone should be either in front of the venue or near it. My purse should be near the car."
He nodded, "Ok I'll look for those after I put you in the car." He put his lanky arms under her legs and waist, "Can you wrap your arms around my neck, it'll be easier for me to carry you that way."
Jade just blushed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he lifted her into the air. They walked outside and walked to the car, a black SUV. Chris set her in the passenger seat and walked over to Alice's car, where he found her purse and phone, along with Alice's purse that had her phone in it. He put everything in the backseat but handed her the phone.
Jade then texted her mom to tell her she'd be late and why she would be late.
After she finished the text she heard Chris' deep voice, "You should try to rest, I can tell you've had a rough day. I'll wake you when we get to the hospital."
Jade nodded and reclined the seat, she turned onto her side, facing Chris and laid her head on her hand, "Thank you Chris. You've saved me more times then you know." And with that she slept soundly.

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