Room 235

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Chris could feel tears brim his eyes, "Brody...what do you mean?"
Brody then began to feel the tears run down his face, "Right before the doctors took her to the operation room I felt her neck to try and find a pulse." He then began to choke on the tears, "I didn't feel one..."
Chris put his hand on Brody's shoulder, "You did all you could Man..."

Time Skip

After about an hour a nurse walked up to the solemn pair, "Chris Ryder?" The nurse said quietly, thinking the pair were asleep.
"Yes?!" Chris said, shooting out of his chair like a rocket, "Is there any word on Jade?"
"I uh-" She said awkwardly, "I just a receptionist, I needed to figure out her parent's names."
"Oh," Chris said sadly, "her father is dead and her mother's name is Lily Wilson."
"Thank you." The receptionist said to him.
As she walked off Chris sat back down until a doctor with a bloody green doctor's uniform on. "I'm presuming you're with the Wilson patient?"
Chris looked up, "Are you another receptionist?"
He shook his head, "I'm the doctor who operated on Ms. Wilson."
Both the boys stood up, "Is she ok?" Chris said, sweat brimming his forehead.
The doctor nodded, which caused a sigh of relief, "You can go to her room. The anastegia should be wearing off soon and she'll be waking up soon. She's in room 235."
The boys thanked the doctor and rushed to the elevator. And pressed the button that would take them to the correct floor. As the elevator went up the boys stood in utterly awkward silence until Chris spoke up.
"Guess you were fast enough huh?" He said with a chuckle.
Brody grinned, "Ha ha, yeah. Guess I was."
When the elevator finally opened the boys walked out to try and find her room. Chris took the left side, which had the odd numbered rooms while Brody took the other side which had even numbers. Chris was mumbling each number under his breath until he found it, 235.
He knocked on the door and a nurse opened the door, "Yes?"
"Uh," Chris said, "I'm Jade's boyfriend..."
"Oh!" The nurse said, her eyes wide, "Come in then!" She gestured for them to walk into the room.
Chris's mouth dropped when he saw the state of his girlfriend. She had wires and drips connected to her arms. An IV drip was in her arm near her wrist and she was hooked up to a breathing machine.
"If you had gotten her here a minute later," the nurse said to Brody, "she would have been dead." She gulped, "There was a large amount of blood force trauma, they also bashed part her skull in." She looked at Chris, "Do you know what attacked her?"
He shook her head, "No we just pulled up to the diner where she worked and when we saw her she was a bloody mess on the ground. I don't think she was conscious either."
"She has a severe concussion because of what attacked her. But I'll tell you this." She said nervously, "What ever it was that attacked your girlfriend, it couldn't have been human."
The two boy's eyes went to the size of quarters, "What do you mean by, not human?" Chris asked, a worried expression on his pale face.
"From the X-rays and brain scans we took he seems that what ever hit her only hit her once. With extreme force that we've never seen before." The nurse said, she then pointed to a few X-rays they had on the walls, "As you can see her skull is cracked and the hit almost broke the blood brain barrier. But as you can also see it's only in one direct area. So the likelihood of the object hitting her again in the exact same place is very unlikely."
Suddenly they heard a week, quiet voice, "I know who it was."

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