C1 : Stupid wish

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Chapter 1 : Stupid wish

Tyler's POV

"C'mon you püssy, stop being a püssy for once and just come with us." Jace smacked me with his bag in my face.

I got smacked in the face. I got called a püssy, twice. In a freaking sentence. Bïtch, no one ain't calling me no püssy.

I glared at Jace, still shaking my head.

"No way in hell am I satisfying your stupid fantasies." I crossed my arms and gave my best Duh look.

"You're just scared." Dan punched me in the arm while Jace nodded in agreement.

"Dan, you have 5 seconds to face the front before I present you with another detention slip." Mrs Anderson hissed.

"Think about it." Dan winked before he turned to face the board.

Stupid people with their stupid fantasies. I rolled my eyes and slumped my body onto the table, I could hear Mrs Anderson nagging about some math formula.

I hated math, I had to memorize all these formulas I'm probably never gonna use. I'm pretty sure once robots take over our world, math is just some subject nobody really cares.

"-ler! Tyler!" I jolted my head up. Everyone was staring at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Yes..?" I squeaked out.

"Would you like to answer this?" She tapped the whiteboard, stared at me with a brow raised. Her hair was neatly tied up in a bun, she looked like some ballerina.

"Uhm, to be very honest, No, Mrs Anderson. I don't." I flashed a smile.And once again, I could hear them, my classmates.

"Freak." It was just a soft whisper but it was loud enough for me to hear.

I guess I was, with that natural white hair and red eyes.

"Jayson. Mind what you say." Mrs Anderson scolded. Yeah right, as if you don't think that way.

I hate school. I wish they allowed hoodies. Stupid school rules.

Jace patted my shoulders and I turned to face him, giving him a small smile.

I was constantly bullied because of this, I was a monster, a freak. They'd throw dirt, spill ink, anything. Anything to make my hair "like theirs"..

My mom died when I was 14 and my dad left me when I was 16. I have been living alone since then, my dad left some money, so I could support myself.

I was 18 now, college was better I guess, all I heard was "freak" so far, I'm pretty used to it. I was able to make friends with Jace and Dan too but I constantly ask myself why I'm even friends with some Satan-obsessed people.

That was what Dan wanted me to think about. They wanted to drag me into some hill beside the sea, draw some star that was suppose to represent Satan or something and say some wishes I wish I'd accomplish with Satan.

It was dumb for anyone to think that those actually works.

Class was over in a blink of an eye, not like I was paying attention anyways. I opened my locker to get my hoodie to change before I felt someone shove me against the locker.

I looked up and rolled my eyes again. "What do you want?" I spat.

"To fücking rip your face off." Anthony scowled. I kept a straight face on and raised a brow. "I'm a monster, you can't do that." I smiled and shoved him away.

Just let me change into my hoodie god dammit.

"Oi! Don't come near Tyler again, or I swear-" I cut Jace off and pulled him away with me. He turned and gave Anthony the finger and I couldn't help but smile a little. I was glad I had them.

I dragged Jace into the washroom with me as I entered a cubicle. I pulled my T-shirt off and shoved my hoodie on.

"Dan's waiting at the gates, you coming with us, right?" I opened the door and shrugged at Jace. "I guess?" I pulled my hoodie over my head as the both of us made our way to the gates.

"Hey Ty, this is Jack, he's taking us up to the hill." He patted my back. Jack smirked at me as he raised his hands up. I took it and shook his hands.

"Stupid human rules about not being to drive at this stupid age." I heard Dan mumble under his breath.

All four of us hopped onto the car as Jack drove us to the Red Hill. It was a hill with a small story behind it I guess.

There was a smart ass little boy, a dumb king and some villagers. On this very day, there were some strange creatures attacking the village, and the king didn't know what to do. This smart ass kid came up with some genius idea and manage to kill them all. The king's man told the king that this little boy might over-rule him. The king was of course, furious and ordered his man to kill him. It was said that he was killed on this hill and his blood stained the hill, therefore getting the name 'Red Hill'.

I yawned as I snuggled towards Jace. "Wake me up when we're there." I muttered and closed my eyes, before drifting into sleep.

"...Stop it. He's waking up." I blinked again to get my eyes adjusted to the light as I stretched. "We're here, Ty." Jace pinched my nose. I glared at him and hopped out of the car, noticing a strange mark drawn in marker on my hand.

"What's this?" I asked Dan and Jace, showing them the weird star mark. "To make your wish cone true." Dan winked and I raised a brow.

Do they really think this will work?

"Jack! get the red paint!" Dan yelled over to Jack, who took the paint out of the car. "Patience Jackass." He moved pretty fast, as if the paint weighted nothing and dropped the paint in front of us.

"Alright, Ty? Draw the mark on ur hand on the floor with the Red paint." I gave him the weird look. "With my hands?" He nodded.

"Hell no! I don't want my hands to get dirty! Paint is hard to wash off." I frowned. I ain't getting any on my clothes too!

"Aww C'mon Ty, don't be a fun spoiler." Jack nudged me on the arm. "Why don't you do it?" I stuck my tongue out. "I've done it before, dumbass." He smacked me in the head, gently.

Reluctantly, I dipped my index finger into the paint as quickly drew the pattern out. "Ew.." I grimaced at the paint on my fingers. I even got some on my legs.

We sat crossed legged around the pattern as we held hands. "Alright; We'll start with Jace, and ending with Ty."

"Can I not?" I squeaked out.

"I'd wish I'd be Satan's butler. Oh my god I'd serve him breakfast when he's naked on bed." Jace licked his lips. I grimaced in disgust.

"That's lame Jace, I wish I'd be Satan's Chef. I mean who wouldn't want to have a paid hobby? I can even know what he likes to eat, what he doesn't.." Jack sighed in content.

"I wish I was just a demon, a warrior, working for Satan. Just imagining myself there in hell is.." He shuddered and let out a fake moan.

I snorted, "Yeah and I wished I was Satan's pet." I rolled my eyes. All three of them burst out laughing and I joined in, laughing at my own stupidity.

And of course, not noticing the glowing mark on the wrist.

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