C4 : Moms

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Tyler's POV

Something about his rejection made my eyes water. Whatever, it's probably not even him. It's probably this whole shit. Everything. I sniffed.


I sniffed again.

Walking what seemed like a hundred corridor, before I ended up in a beautiful garden. Sulking, I plopped myself onto the grass patch.

The garden used to be my favourite place. When I was young, children at my kindergarten threw soil at my hair because I was, apparently, abnormal.

I'd run home weeping.

Mom and dad made fun in everything. Dad would dig out soil in the garden we had and we would literally use soil to make balls and throw it at one another, much like snow. And I thought the kids in my school did so because they wanted to play.

When we were done, we would run around the sprinkler in the centre of our garden. Dad would chase us with the garden hose while mom and I ran around happily.

However, that became lesser and lesser as mom became more sick each day. It was so bad to the point where dad had to stop working. We weren't short on money though, because dad's previous job paid him a lot.

Days passed, then weeks and then months. Because I was a little boy back then I was never allowed near my mom when her condition worsened. Mom used the excuse of "I'm mad at you." To not see me.

It was something I could never understand then. Why was she mad when I didn't do anything?

When she passed away, I sat by her grave,weeping. "Why didn't you let me say goodbye?" I would asked no one in particular.

Dad would place his hands on my shoulder and kiss the top of my head. "She wouldn't want you to be sad. She would say she was mad so you'd not pay her any attention. She thought that day by day if the lesser attention you gave her or she gave you, you wouldn't be as sad when she left."

Until now, I thought it was really stupid. Now she's making me weep over the fact that I didn't get to say goodbye.

I pulled my legs closer to my body and put my head on my knees.

"This sucks. I wanna go home." I wonder if dad is worrying about me. I must've been announce dead by now. Dad must be so upset and lonely.

I sobbed. "Don't you dare cry." I warned myself. "Püssy." I scolded myself.

I couldn't help but let my mind drift to the 'her' everyone was talking about. Who was she? Why was everyone comparing her to me?

Deciding that I had enough, I stood up.

"Who needs this place."

I stormed aimlessly to what I thought was the exit. This place was extremely huge and I barely spot the entrance because of two Guards protecting the door.

I walked towards them.

They stopped me before I could. "Sir, you are not allowed to go out unless you have permission."

"Don't you know who I am? I'm the queen, now let me out." I retorted like an idiot.

They looked at each other and then back at me.

"You can defy the queen's order, can you?" I asked.

Defeated, they let me pass.

I skipped my way out.



Outside the palace was a busy street, people were selling fruits and clothing. Very beautiful clothing. It was much like back on earth, nothing much of a different.

Then I just realise I didn't have any money with me and I didn't know where I was going. However, the castle was huge so I don't think i would get lost.

As I walked down I heard people whispering behind my back.

"That's the Queen?"

"We never had a male!"

"It's the end! The end is near!"

I sighed in annoyance. Everywhere I go, I'm being compared to some non existent bïtch.

I continued walking. Until I heard people gasp.

"It's the village wise lady!" One shouted. And then two, and then soon many had shouted. They seem happy to see her.

I walked towards the crowd, only to see a old woman with a beautiful smile. She waved to the people around us. When she saw me, her eyes lit up and she motioned me to follow her.

Everyone stared at me and I became uncomfortable. I followed her as she led me to a wealthy home. Why was I following her, I don't even know.

She sat me down as she got maids pour us tea.

"You are a beautiful young man. You look very much like her."

I got mad instantly and stood up. "Stop comparing me with her! I am me. You guys are so damn annoying." I wanted to leave but she stopped me by holding onto my hand.

"I haven't finish my sentence young man. I wanted to say, you look very much like her but you are not her."

I furrowed my brows. "That's what another old lady said in the castle too."

"Ah yes, she was my best friend. Pity I had to be away from the kingdom. I'm sure you've met my grandson." She smiled.

"Your grandson?"

She nodded, "yes, Lucifer."

Upon hearing his name I suddenly remembered I was in hell and all the 'him's people were talking about..

It was Lucifer.

"Well your grandson almost killed me." I spat.

"That hooligan. I better teach him some manners tomorrow." She said as her maids placed red liquid onto the table.

"That's not what I think it is, is it?"

"It's cranberry juice, dear. It's grown back in my garden! It's the freshest. Try it!" She said proudly and happily.

I picked up the glass and took a sip. My eyes lit up as I took another. It was so good. The sweet heaven soothed my angry nerves.

"What should I do now? I don't have a home. I don't have money. I have nothing." I whispered to her.

She patted my shoulders.

"You can stay in the guest room for the night. Tomorrow, we look for my grandson." She smiled as she placed the cup down. She left the living room after instructing her maids to settle me in my room.

I didn't know if I were to be happy that I had a place to stay or be afraid that I was living with the grandmother of someone who tried to kill me. Either way, I was grateful for the fact that she let me stay the night.

Without thinking too much, the maids led me to my room.

Tomorrow's going to be a Long day.

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