C11 : Back Story

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Tyler's POV

"I don't get it. So you're you? You're a mental thing?" I asked again. Luciano shook his head. "No, you ever heard of werewolves? The human and the wolf are different 'people' but they belong in one body." He explained.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape, I get it now.

"Why were they so shock to see you?" I asked, snuggling into the pillow.

We had both showered and dried off and Luciano insisted that I laid in bed. He sat on it, facing me. But when I asked that question, his eyes diverted away and he looked fearful.

"It's okay, I won't judge." I attempted to comfort.

"I don't really care if you judge, I'm just.. I'm afraid you might hate me, and that you might leave me, leave us. It's not Lucifer's fault for so many things, it's mine. And because so many people don't understand that, Lucifer have to carry the blame." He said. He was guilty and regretful.

I never knew I could be so empathetic, but my heart ached and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"It's okay, you'll feel better after talking about it."

"Thousands of years ago, there were 2 gods. Lucifer and the dipshit just now. We never ever liked each other because we fought a lot about how humans believed in Lucifer more. I was never this controlled, I was always going on rampage so Lucifer always had to suppress me. But when my third mate was seen cheating on Lucifer, I just couldn't take it anymore. I gone mad. I destroyed her, the guy she was busy fucking, and I didn't stop there. I destroyed her entire village. When we were respected  gods, there were no such thing as heaven and hell. We all lived peacefully together on earth. When the people found out what happened, many stopped believing in Lucifer. We were then separated into Heaven and Hell. Where no human should come in contact with hell. They throw everyone who done bad deeds into hell, just so 'they'd be with someone like them'. Lucifer carries the blame and the fault, because of me. But he never blamed me, in fact he somewhat cherished me more. He suppressed me harder and that's what I wanted. I was afraid to come out again. Lucifer and I can talk with our minds, and once we're mated we can all read each other's minds. The king was shocked to see me because I've been locked away for years, and even more shocked because I've never controlled myself. I Guess i kinda shocked myself too. Everyone of us in hell have some sort of supernatural powers." He explained.

"Like growing wings?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Something like that, yeah. But some of us are a little more powerful than that. They belong into a special class we call S class demons. They are those who maintain order in hell, and those who go in wars. We've got classes from the highest, S and down to the lowest, C. S,A,B,C. Most children fall in C because their powers aren't really at full potential yet, but classes change every year until they've hit a certain age. They go to school, they learn about it, and they get tested then graded. Very much like the human world."

I nodded, I was suddenly very interested. All this supernatural stuff was what I was interested in since I was a little kid.

"So, what do I have?" I asked eagerly.

"You're the mate of Lucifer. Once you've mated you'd obviously be of a high class. Either an A or a S, they've got to get you tested." He chuckled at my eagerness.

"Mate. I don't think Lucifer wants me as his mate.. and I don't think I'm ready to be his mate..Like I just got thrown into this 'dimension' called hell and then I was thrown into heaven, almost got raped and now the full moon is probably three days away." I rambled, not noticing how his eyes grew when I said raped.

He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the face. "What did he do?" He eyes were glowing red again and I took note that that meant that he was furious.

"I'm so going to kill that bitch." He cursed under his breath.

"Wait, wait. I'm okay. But you can still kill that bitch." I reassured.

"Definitely will. You could do the honours." Luciano winked.

I swore my heart fluttered and my stomach did a karate kick.

"Killing a god? Definitely on my bucket list."


Lucifer took over the body after Luciano explained everything, how he killed his 3rd mate because he lost control, how people stop believing in him and how he's going to let me kill the king of heaven. 

I was snuggled into the pillows and blankets when he changed back. I've never had someone stared at me with so much love and adoration.

"What..?" I asked, somewhat shy and awkward.

"Nothing, just thinking about how I'm such an idiot." He chuckled. I noticed his injuries had disappeared and there wasn't even a trace of a scratch.

"Why?" I asked again, feeling a little sleepy.

"Because I've never felt this strong of an attraction towards someone, even my past mates and it scares me. I've gave so many dumb reasons, telling you you were fake, you weren't real, when I knew deep down you are very very real. I didn't even know Luciano could be controlled like that. I Guess the attraction between you and us are stronger than any of our mates before." He sighed, brushing a stray hair out of my face.

I would've blush, I might've yelled at him, but I didn't, I smiled. And for so Long, I didn't know I was capable of smiling like that.

He smiled back at me lovingly.

"It's been a few Long Long days. You should get some rest. I'll take you to visit Theo tomorrow." He said, combing my hair.

He stood up to leave but my hands found its way to his shirt and gripped it.

"Sleep with me tonight?" I asked, tired.

He climbed in without a second thought, although I saw the shock on his face. I snuggled closer.

And for awhile now, I was happy.

I am happy.


I gotta say, one of the hardest thing to do is find a chapter title HAHA

I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! Thank you again for all the support, I love y'all hehe!

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