C5 : Goner

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Tyler's POV

I was in very very revealing clothes. Only because I didn't have a choice. Apparently it was their tradition here, and the wise lady could only borrow that. They didn't have clothes called "tee-shirts" Nor do they have "jeans". It was so foreign to the maids when I made a fuss.

The clothes were dangled with lots of jewellery and my stomach was completely exposed. The top draped over my shoulders and barely covered my chest. It was a soft material and it was nice on the skin, but the jewellery that dangled were heavy but I didn't complain. I was a hundred percent sure this was damn expensive.

The bottom was like a male sarong. Just that it was in exotic colours of emerald green, gold and golden orange. Then again, it was laced with expensive jewellery. It goes right under the knees and if I were to accidentally open my legs, the bottom would spread wide open.

I pulled the bottom higher, just so it could cover a little more of my tummy.

"You look good in that." The wise lady commented. "I'm sure my grandson would change his mind about you."

I sighed and shrugged. "Thank you for letting me stay here and for the clothes too.." I trailed off, realising I didn't know what to call her.

"Marinette. But every calls me Mari. Pronounced as Marry." She said while smiling. She wore more covered clothes as compared to mine. Actually, remembering the little walk I had before meeting Mary, the young and the elderly wore more covered clothes. While the teenagers wore clothes like mine.

I also realised Mari's clothes were more exquisite and more expensive looking. Well obviously, she literally the King's grandmother.

The maids opened the door as she walked out, me trailing behind her. I had my arms crossed and covering my tummy.

People were whispering as we walked. I could feel my anger flare but I told myself to stop behaving like a child.

It was just like back on earth, hearing people talk crap behind my back. Mari saw the discomfort on my face so she held my hands and rubbed it gently.

Like mom used to.

When we stood in front of the palace gates, the Guards greeted Mari with respect and clearly they pretended as if I weren't there. 

Mari was displeased with it so she spoke up. "I'm sure we have a guest today." The Guards looked at each other then at me then back at Mari.

"With all due respect, your highness, the King has told us to.." one started but stopped. Guilt etched in every feature of his face. "The king said we have to ignore the existence of the white haired boy. Or else we would have our heads fed to the hellhounds."

"Of course he did.." I spat out bitterly. "Why did we bother Mari. Let's go back." She shook her head.

"No, we're going in." The Guards let us in and we came into view of the garden. Ah the garden. Probably the most peaceful place.

We came to face a huge door, it was a metallic black colour with lotus flowers carved in it. Lotus flowers were my favourite flowers. I ran my finger along the carvings and the door suddenly push open. I jumped slightly.

"The door recognises you as it's queen." I almost snorted. Even a non living dumb ass door recognises me as something.

Walking down the hallways was probably triggered one of the worst anxiety I have ever. And I don't even have anxiety. My teeth was chattering and my face felt cold. My hands shivered against my sides.

I really don't want to be here.

The familiar doors came into view and I visibly gulped. Mari didn't even bother knocking the doors, she just slammed that shit open.

"Really grandma?" He snapped. He sat on the chair, the same chair as the other day, his left elbow propped onto the table while his head rests on his fist.

In a second, Mari stood beside him and pinched his ears, twisting it in, what seemed like, a very very painful manner.

This made me relax slightly. Just slightly.

But when his piercing red eyes landed on mine and glared straight at me, my whole body shook again.

"You brought the human." His eyes never left mine even for a millisecond. If it was possible, it felt like I shrunk so small he was able to crush me with his fingers.

Shit I was such a püssy.

"I'm sure you know who he is, Lucifer." Mari voice did not waver, she was strong, she sounded strong.

"You are delusional grandma. Look at him. He's a spineless human, he can never be her." His voice was just as strong, if not, stronger. He knew what he wanted, it was clear in his voice.

It was deep and.. sexy.

But then again, being compared to the girl I didn't even know made me beyond upset. I was mad.

"You insolent fool." Mari scolded him.

He scowled.

"You utter.." Mari started but then growled in annoyance.

"You should not judge when you have not associated yourself with him."

Lucifer tolled his eyes. "I'd rather not."

At a certain point of time during their conversation, I got lost in my own thoughts.

Oh, I wore shoes today!

Were my last thoughts before I saw him stand up, ignoring his grandmother. He walked straight towards me before he leaned down and whispered in my ears. "Fuck off from me dipshit." With that, he bumped against my shoulders and walked off.

Lucifer ignored the calls of Mari. Pissed, I pulled one of my shoes off. I didn't even need to aim. I just threw it.

One landed on his head.


"That's for ignoring your grandmother."

I took off my other shoe.

And threw it again.


"That's for pissing me off bitch!" I screamed.

He turned around, his eyes glowered brighter. His glared deepened.

"You're a goner."

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