C8 : Heaven

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Warning : This chapter contains insulting of religion.

Tyler's POV

I groaned as I sat up from the cold floor. My legs were chained to the wall, that was the first thing I noticed. The second thing I noticed was Theo laying beside me, body shivering.

"Shit shit."

I crawled closer to him, pulling him into my body, cradling him, hopefully providing warmth to him at the same time.

His trembling became lesser over time, and his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed them. "W-where are we?"

"I don't know," I sighed, defeated.

Theo snuggles closer to me, "I'm s-scared.." I combed his hair, wanting to calm him down. "It's okay, I'm here."

The door suddenly slammed open and I winced at the bright light that shone through the door.

"Morning sunshines! Better eat up, the king wants to meet you guys in like," he checked his imaginary watch "10 minutes!" He said as he placed a plate onto the floor near us.

There were only three slices of plain bread but nobody was complaining. At least it was edible. He sat infront of us and watched us eat.

Taking the slice of bread, I fed Theo while eating my slice. We split the last slice. Theo ate quietly on my lap while I kept my eyes on the man.

"Why are we here." I asked.

"As bait." He said.

I scrunched my eyebrows, "as bait? To bait who?"

He rolled his eyes, "Lucifer, duh?"

I stared at him. And then I burst out laughing. He looked at me weirdly, "you okay?"

I just laughed again. Theo looked at me incredulously. "You're wasting you time here. You caught the wrong person. The person you wanna catch is a LADY with like white hair and brown eyes. Probably sucking Lucifer's dick."

I gasped and covered Theo's ears. "Do not learn that from me."

Theo looked at me with a confused expression.

The man looked at me like I've grown two heads. "Wait, what? Shut up you're confusing me. Don't you know what situation you're in? The angels kidnaped you!"

"Is it kidnap if I'm not a kid?" I blurted. The man growled out angrily and uncuffed my legs. "Follow me. Its time."

Theo refused to leave my side so the man had no choice but to let me carry him. "He's your kiddo?"


"Hm. He looks a little like you." He said as he opened a door. "Get in."

When I did, I was greeted with lots of Guards, with beautiful wings. Angel wings.

Back on the human world, everything that was happening now would be impossible and defying physics.

A very very handsome man sat on a throne. A beautiful woman beside him. They must be the king and queen of heaven. He was.. clearly flirting with his wife and when he saw me, I swore his eyes fell out of its socket.

"A Male? Have you caught the wrong one?" He yelled.

"No sir, He is the only one with white hair in the whole of Hell." One replied.

"But his eyes, that is impossible." He turned to look at me. "Are you some sort of royalty?" He spat.

I kept quiet. Like hell I'm talking to this son of a bitch. Theo suddenly spoke, "Tyler I-isn't the only one with w-white hair.."

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