C2 : Soggy Pizza

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Tyler's POV

Jace had his arms around my shoulder as he whispered stupid things into my ear. "Just let me eat, will you?" I grumbled.

I jabbed my fork into the gross soggy pizza. Ugh. Why did I pay 7 bucks for a soggy pizza. School food sucks. Period.

"Aww c'mon don't you wanna hear about how I got his-" he wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes again. Dan placed his tray on the table and slid next to me. He ruffled my freakishly while hair and dug into his 7 bucks pizza.

"Hey! Why's your crunchy! Mines a soggy disgusting piece." I pouted. Jace grabbed my slice of pizza and stuffed it into his mouth. "I'll take it!"

I smacked him in the arm. "That was 7 bucks."

"Yeah it looked like it would've ended up in the trash if it weren't for me." He retorted with a smug look.

Anthony came walking in with his big group of friends. Everyone labelled them as pop kids. As he walked pass me, he slapped me across my head and I looked at him.

"Hey! What was that for?" Jace yelled at him angrily.

"Oops." Was his stupid nonchalant reply.

I was feeling under the weather lately, and him being a nasty bitch was not helping. Not one bit. Jace stood up immediately and Dan did so too, just in case Jace decides to fight 10 on 3. 1 being a burden.

Anthony glared down at Jace and I swore Jace almost bitch slapped him if Dan didn't hold him back. I stood up then. "You can go now?" I said.

Anthony nodded, "of course, of course. But only" he reached out for the cup in his friend's tray. "After I did this." And he downed the cup on my head.

I mean what was I expecting? An apology?

I stared at him. My red orbs bored into his brown ones. Jace was on the verge of flipping shit and Dan was shit mad.

"You done?" I asked again.

He smirked and motioned for his group to get going.

"Why did you hold me back? I swear I will beat the shit out of him! I swear!" Jace cried out angrily.

I sighed and ran my hands through my coke soaked hair. "I'm going home. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I cut Jace off, "No Jace, you will not skip school for me dipshit. Your attendance is really crappy and you need good attendance to graduate." I patted him on the shoulder and grabbed my bag.

"We'll send you to the gate then." Dan said as he grabbed his stuff, Jace grumbles but followed suit.

I waved them goodbye and walked. I stared at my white shoes as I walked. The stupid wish on the hill somehow magically have drained me from all energy nowadays. My brain's been a blank and all I wanted do is sleep and do absolutely nothing.

I yawned as I crossed what I assumed as a road because I was just so tired I didn't really care anymore.

I heard a horn.

And then a screech.

And then a bang.

And then I was on the ground. My head spun and I could hear distant screaming of deep voices.

And then a shrill scream of a woman.

And then everything just became dark.


I awoke gasping for air, my body shot up into a sitting position.

"Holy shit." I rasped out.

It felt like I got spun in a washing machine, thrown out and then stomped by an elephant.

But elephants are cute.

"Really? With the 'holy'?" Somebody asked out of nowhere. My heart jumped and I let out another "holy shit!". Maybe with an additional "fücking".

I turned to the voice. "Jace?" What on earth.. "The one and only!" He sang out proudly. Yup, it's definitely him.

"Where am I?" I finally asked, taking in everything around me. The furniture were dark. And I mean really dark. My hair must be really standing out.

"Hell!" Jace exclaimed excitedly. "We've never had her as a guy!" He was practically bouncing on the ridiculously soft bed.

"Excuse me?" I asked again. "What the fuck are you rambling about?"

When I say I have never been so damn confused. This is what I mean. Didn't I just had coke downed on my hair- Wasn't I hit by a truck.

My eyes darted around the room. I clutched my heart as I felt it beat faster and faster. What the hell. This is freaky.

The door clicked open and Dan walked in, holding a tray of what seemed like towels. He sat by the bed as he started to wipe my arms with the warm towel.

"You died. That you did. There's no easy way to say this but, you're in hell." Dan explained as he wiped my other arm.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Jace said excitedly.

"Who's her?" I asked.

Wow way to go Tyler. Ignore the hell part. Wow.

"That's not for us to say." Dan explained again.

"Okay.. So why are you wiping my arms out of no where?" I asked again.

"You need to prepare!" Jace exclaimed in the most "duh" tone.

I raised a brow, "for what exactly..?"

"To meet him!"

I have a feeling I'd rather go back and eat the soggy pizza the cafeteria serves.

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