C3 : Him

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Tyler's POV

I was dragged around for hours, had my hair pulled on constantly and had my body scrubbed (actually only my arms and back because I refused for them to touch anywhere else) by women who had no complains about seeing a men's holy trinity — my man tits, my ass and my precious dickie dong.

Well I have complains.

"No! I will clean myself."

"Sir, with all due respect, we will have our heads fed to the hellhounds if we don't wash you up. You must prepare or he would be extremely upset."

I splashed the water I was in with my arms like a child. "I don't care! I can wash myself!" I whined.

After my tantrum, they decided to let me be. They stood at the corner of the huge ass room. Let me tell you. The bath isn't a bath it's a fucking Swimming pool in a room I tell you.

I sighed as I leaned against the walls of the 'pool'. I slid further into the 'pool' and blew bubbles.

What have I gotten myself into?

After soaking myself for what seemed like hours, the women came inside holding what seemed like a gown.

"Sir it's time to change." One said as she bowed politely.

"Into what?" I asked. I'm pretty sure that's not for me.

"This." They held up the gown.

I scowled. "No."

"Sir, please don't make this difficult for us." One pleaded. Was 'he' really gonna behead them?

"I am not a woman!" I screeched angrily.

"We never had her as a man. We do not have male clothes fit for the queen."

I ignored their rambling. "Give me my own clothes."

They looked at each other and then back at me. "It is washing,sir."

My scowl deepened. "I can wear Jace's clothes, we're about the same size. Get Jace."

They looked at each other again and one sighed deeply. She, who I assume to be the head of the group, ordered two of them down to get Jace.

"Sir, if you don't mind me. You are very different from what we have had for thousands of years. I'm sure he would be very surprised. The kingdom, unrest, might take awhile to adapt." She closed her eyes for what seemed like minutes before she opened them and looked at me dearly.

She looked old. I only noticed that now. The wrinkles around her face were evident, her lips chapped.

"You look like her." She started. "But you are very different from her." Her voice echoed in the enclosed room.

"The kingdom may be in chaos. But may you bring peace to the people." She placed her hands together and bowed to me, much like how people pray to their gods.

I instantly felt small. I didn't know what she was talking about, but it felt like I had to do something. But I didn't know what. I was so confused and I tried to make sense of what she's talking about.

Then again, nothing make sense now.

Jace broke my trail of thoughts when he slammed the door opened cheerfully, singing my name in a high pitch voice.

"Tyler oh Tylerrrr!" He giggled and skipped next to me.

"I told them you'd never wear what I'm wearing so I got you t-shirt and pants. We're probably all gonna die because we didn't dress you properly so you better use your charm and seduce him okay? If I die I will haunt you."

I almost asked, aren't we already dead, but I shut my mouth and took the clothes from him.

"Uh, can I have privacy to at least change?" I asked them. The old, seemingly wise woman nodded and motioned everyone to move. "We will be waiting outside, Sir."

Once the door clicked shut, I let out a small "ugh". Stepping out of the 'pool', I threw the clothes on. The pants fit perfectly but the clothes were a little too big. Jace and I had the exact same waist but his shoulder was a little broader.

It was a navy green tee with black shorts. Jace sure knows me.

Sighing deeply for the last time, I opened the door.

Whatever was waiting for me, I was not ready.


The group of women escorted me to god knows where. Jeez I don't even know whether I could use the word God here in hell. I almost snickered are my own stupid thoughts.

"So, where are we going again?" I asked.

"To see him." One young lady replied.

Yes because I totally know who is 'him'. I rolled my eyes. We climbed so many flights of stairs I don't even know which level we were at anymore. Maybe I was just unfit. They didn't even complain.

We arrived at a door too huge to be a door. There were carvings of words I couldn't make sense of and a star in the centre of it.

The women formed two lines in front of the door and bowed, making a way for me to walk. "Uh, do I go on my own?" I asked awkwardly.

The wise woman nodded, "He is awaiting your arrival."

If it was in another context, that would've sounded really creepy.

With the last thought of "YOLO" in my head, I pushed the doors open. My bare foot touched the icy floor and I shivered.

I forgot I was even barefooted.

I internally cursed myself, how am I gonna run now if they actually threw me into a room of hungry wild animals.

"Uhm, hello?" I called out. I cringed. What the hell Tyler.

There was, what I assumed to be, a throne in the middle of the room. I walked closer to it. I couldn't see what was behind it, because the room was dimly lit with candles and the chair wasn't facing me.

I walked closer.


There wasn't anyone or anything on.

Suddenly, somebody grabbed me by the neck.

I flailed my arms in attempt to hit whoever grabbed me.

"Who are you." The voice said. It was deep and it made my body shiver tremendously.

"I knew it, they're trying to kill me." I rasped out quietly.

"Your hair.." the voice whispered again. He let me go and spun me around.

Our eyes locked. His eyes, the same colour as mine, glowed in the dimly lit room. My eyes widened.

He was beautiful.

His hair was pitch black in colour and there were what seemed like horns on each side of his temples.

"This cannot be." His eyebrows furrowed. He grabbed my cheeks harshly and stared down at my face.


"You are Not Her." He said harshly as he shoved my face. I winced and rubbed where he held.

Who is 'her'? Why was everyone comparing me to her?

Something made my heart clench. Maybe it was the rejection or maybe it was how everyone could not accept me for who I am.

It was just like back on earth.

Nothing changed.

I stood there like an idiot as he sat on his throne.

"Get out." He scowled.

Upset, I raised my middle finger.

"Fuck you too."

And I ran out of the room, slamming the stupid door.

The wise woman stared at me and shook her head sadly.


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