C6 : Another?

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Tyler' POV

When Lucifer's eyes glowed red, I thought he was going to ya know, rape me like in those wattpad books I used to read. But no. This is kidnap.

He cuffed my right hand to the bed. Smart move, he knew my right hand was my dominant hand and that my left would be much weaker.

"Let me go!" I yelled, kicking my legs, making sure they hit the bed with a loud thud, just to get his attention.

"Will you just shut up. Seriously, you're nothing like her. There must've been some sort of mistake. Can't imagine myself being bound to you for the next hundreds of years." He spat, and physically shivered.

I saw him freaking shiver.

Good for him, that made me shut up instantly. My arms were pulled back in an awkward manner and it started to hurt.

I whimpered softly, but was way too thick skin to ask that bastard for help.

I tried shifting my body to find a more comfortable position, but everything seemed to be uncomfortable and painful.

Mari had to rush back to the village to help her people and she had no choice but to leave me with this.. imbecile.

"Do you know why you're here?" Lucifer spoke suddenly.


"You're my mate. You're bound to me for until you die. And when you die, you get reborn again into the human world. You'll again, be my mate. The cycle goes on. For the past thousands of years, my mate was female. She had beautiful white hair, just like you. But her eyes were a soft shade of purple. Your eyes.. your eyes are the colour of the necklace that I gave her the first time I saw her." He walked towards me and sat on the bed.

"I'm positive you're not her, because of your eyes and your personality. You're just.. too different. But, I still get the attraction, just like I did with her. I still get the pull, and the need. You might not feel it yet," he brushed my hair out of my face. "And that's because the full moon isn't here yet until a week."

"People die to get into hell," he explained after seeing my perplexed face. "Some go to heaven. Can you die again after you've died? Yes. Your soul is in hell, once you die again, your soul dies as well. I know it sounds confusing.. And I know we started with a horrible greeting. But I want to give this," he motioned between us. "A chance."

I stared at him. Only now do I realise how handsome he was.

"Will you.. you know.." he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Give us a chance?"

I remained silent, still in a state of shock. "I-" I wanted to reply, but I got cut off by a guard barging into the room.

Lucifer's face darkened immediately, the powerful aura returned. "Do you not know how to knock?"

The guard fell to his knees and bowed, "Apologies sir, but.." He looked up at Lucifer then at me. "Lucifer followed his eyes and landed on me.

"Spill." Lucifer ordered.

"A lady that looks like Lady Alina.. Shes here!" The guard sputtered out.

Lucifer eyes widened, and I've never seen him so shocked or happy before. "Unlock his cuffs, the keys are in the drawer. I'm going to see her."

He payed me no attention as he scurried off.

The guard took the keys and unlocked my cuffs. Rubbing my slightly red wrist the guard stood there.

"You must be a fake." He accused.

Furious, I looked up. "Excuse me?"

"You're nothing like Lady Alina. She's beautiful and she's respectful. She speaks well and is well mannered. Much like the opposite of you."  The guard spat.

"Where's the respect that you need to show?" I retorted.

"Once Lucifer accepts her as the true queen, you'll be nothing but garbage. He would throw you out into the streets while he rule the kingdom with the real queen Alina. Then, you would be nothing to me."

Angry, I stood up and walked out of the doors. Garden. I wanted to go to the garden.

I arrived at the garden after walking dow several hallways and opening lots of doors. I sucked a mouthful of fresh air. I plopped myself onto the grass and stared at the clouds.

"Shit." I muttered.

"What have I gotten myself into." I laughed bitterly.

Streaks of tears flowed. "Mom, dad.." I sobbed.

"I miss you.."


I must have fallen asleep because when I awoke, I was in an unfamiliar room. There were two maids that stood at the door.

"Why are you standing there? Go sit." I instructed them. They gasped slightly before nodding and hurrying to the seats.

I sat up on bed. "Where's Lucifer?" I asked.

"Sir.. he's, Uhm. He's with Lady Alina." One said. My shoulders dropped.


Hearing the distress in my voice, one lady stood up and sat beside me.

"I know I'm not suppose to sit here but, sir, Mabel and I, Ella, we both think she's a fake." She whispered into my ears.

"What makes you think so..?" I asked.

"Her hair. That is not her natural colour, it's quite obvious to Mabel because she was a hairdresser when she was in the human world. Her original hair colour was just brown. And her eyes are not light purple, they are brown too."  Ella explained.

I scrunched my eyebrows.

"My eyes aren't purple either."

Mabel chuckled. "But they are red. In hell, red eyes symbolises royalty. But you're a slightly special case because your parents are both mortals. Her brown eyes meant that she's just a commoner. Just like eyes, we all have either black or brown eyes."

I understood where they were coming from.

"What will happen to me?" I whispered.

"Mabel and I may just be maids, but we would have your back. Many may not be able to see through her facade, but Mabel and I can. I'm sure the head of maids and the village wise lady would know too." I smiled slightly.

"But they can't do much because it's ultimately Lucifer's choice." Ella added again.

I shrugged.

"At least I wouldn't be alone.."


I got feedbacks saying that they can't read this chapter .-. So I'm adding this additional part so I can re-publish. Hopefully this works ><

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