I quite (A soda imagine)

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I walked through the crowded halls searching for a face that I knew so well and looked for every day of my life. I was basically in denial.  I was getting more frantic the longer i looked and didn't find him. I finally found someone I knew would know where he was at. "Pony!" "Oh hey Sam what's up?" He asked. "Where's your brother?" I asked quickly. "He dropped out." He said quietly. "What?" "He dropped out." Pony told me a little louder. "Your kidding me right?" I asked him in disbelief. "No I'm not kidding you." He stated matter of factly. "Where's he at?" I asked him. "At home." "Thanks." I muttered while walking away. I walked down the halls, to the front office, and out the front door. I heard a teacher yelling at me that I couldn't leave right now. "I quit!!" I muttered as I walked out of the building not slowing my stride. I walked all the way to the Curtis house to find out that Soda wasn't there. "Where's he at?" I asked myself. "Dx." I muttered it finally clicking. I ran to the dx. Soda was in the garage with Steve messing around. "Soda what in the world are you thinking?" I yelled at him. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Dropping out!" I yelled at him. "I'm to stupid to keep going. You know that. The only thing that I'm passing is shop class and gym." He muttered while dragging the toe of his shoe across the ground. "Soda the grades don't define you. How hard you try defines you." I told him. At the beginning of the conversation Steve had took it upon himself to back out. "Yes they do." He told me. "No they don't. You define you. Soda half the people in all of our classes have worse grades then you. Soda your grades are better than mine!" I yelled at him. "Sam its just.... its that." Soda said pausing. "It's what soda?" "It's just that the classroom and a building like that is a place that you are cut out for. Not me. I'm better working with my hands making stuff. Working on cars. And fixing things. You are better with solving problems, writing things, reading. That's what you like." Soda reasoned. "Soda no I'm not. Have you noticed that i like to be outside helping you make stuff? Fixing the truck. Instead of sitting inside with ponyboy and Johnny reading a book or watching Mickey Mouse with two-bit?" "I thought that was cause you like spending time with me." Soda said. "Yea I like spending time with you and i like working with my hands." I replied. "Sure you do. If you like working with your hands so much and you know so much about cars then figure out what's wrong with this one. Steves been working on it all morning and he can't get it to start." Soda stated. I eyed the car for a second. I walked over to it and started looking around, moving wires wiping some stuff off, reconnecting wires, and adding grease to anything that needed grease on it. "Try it now soda" I told him. The car started as soon as he turned the key. He looked at me in disbelief. "How did you get it running in fifteen minutes when Steve has been working on it for over three hours!" "Well I'm just that good." "Sure you are." He replied. "Ain't you supposed to be in school?" He asked suddenly. "I quit as I walked out to find you." I told him. He shut off the car so we could talk without having to yell. "You quit?" I nodded. "You just came here to yell at me for dropping out." He retorted. "Well they wouldn't have let me come if I didn't tell them that." I told him. He nodded. "Now what are we gonna do?" He asked. "Whatever we want." I replied he laughed a little as Steve walked back in. "Cars fixed" I told him as he walked over to resume his work. He looked at me in disbelief as he went to the front seat to start it. "How in the world. It sounds better now then what it ever did." "I'm just that good." I told him with a slight smirk on my face. "No way in the world you did it. Soda did she fix the car?" He asked. "I can't believe you don't believe me." "Yes she fixed." "Whatever you two say. My jobs down for now." Steve said throwing down his grease rag. He walked backup to the front. "You two coming?" "Just a sec." He replied. "Ok." Steve said walking out of the garage. "Why didn't we walk with him?" I asked. "So I could do this." Soda said leaning in and kissing me real quick. "Good thing to stay back for?" He asked. "The best." I replied kissing him again. "Be my girl?" He asked after we pulled away. "You bet." I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to the front to go hang out with steve.

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