chapter 10

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We pull up to the place where I get 100% ready. They girls and I step out of the limo with a gasp that comes amongst all of us.

Tris POV

I gasp at how beautiful it is. We are in the mountains. It's covered in snow but it's warm. I love this. I walk in the doors still awe struck. It's amazing.


It's finally time for it all to start. I will walking down the isle by myself, with Zeke, Uriah, Marlene, Shauna, Lynn and Cara. Lynn and Cara will walk together. Irish is going to double up by giving me away and be the best man.

Thinking about my parents and brothers I feel tears run down my face. I quickly turn around so no one can see me crying. I sigh wipping the tears from my face. It's my wedding day. I'm getting married to the love of my life. I shouldn't cry, I won't cry. I don't have cold feet so I turn around and see everyone there looking at me wide eyed.

"What, what's wrong. Did I mess up my make up. What's going on." I rant out quickly.

"No no no. It's just, your so beautiful. Your brother and parents would be so proud of you, and I get to walk you down the isle. This means a lot to me and I'm greatful. Four's a lucky man. Now come on we got a wedding to show." Uriah says in a British accent. I laugh. I nod and the girls start walking out then I hear my music.

"Lets go babe." I nod and we start walking down. I look up at Tobias and he has tears in his eyes, as do I. I finally reach him and wipe his tears away.

"Hi baby." I whisper. He smiles.

"Hi love." I giggle and the paster  asks us to join hands.

"Hello, today we ate gathered here on this special occasion of the joining of Four Eaton And Beatrice Prior. Does anyone object?" He waits for a second and no one speaks up.

"Ok lets get started. Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the presence of God and this company to join Beatrice Prior and Four Eaton in the holy bonds of matrimony. Marriage is an institution ordained of God when man's estate was that of innocence and supreme happiness. God prepared a perfect home for Adam and placed him in the midst of a beautiful garden rich in earth's choicest fruits. He gave him blessed employment, free from anxiety and toil, in caring for the garden. At first man was alone, having no human associate and helper. Birds and beasts and all the living creatures of earth could not bring him satisfaction. God is pictured as noting man's incompleteness and lack of perfect happiness apart from woman. Now follows the beautiful story of the forming of woman from the side of man. Let us not forget the great lessons God would teach by this story. Let us look at the proper relation between husband and wife, "that she was not made out of his head to rule over him; nor out of his feet to be trampled on by him; but out of his side to be equal with him; under his arm to be protected; and near his heart to be beloved." When God made woman He made her to be man's helper and companion. "I will make for him a help, as his counter-part," said God. What nobler mission could woman desire than this? God's thought about marriage is the union of one man and one woman in perpetual wedlock. We would naturally infer from our Savior's presence and the part He played at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, that he considered the act of matrimony well worth His own recognition; but when He selected the tie that binds husband an wife as a fit emblem of His relationship to His own ransomed church He broadened and deepened its significance until there is no tie on earth so binding and none so sacred, as that which binds men and women in the holy bonds of matrimony. Such a relationship then, should not be entered into thoughtlessly, insincerely or indiscreetly, but advisedly, thoughtfully, and in fear of God." This is long already, but I love Tobias and I would do this all over again for him.

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