chapter 19

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I pack all my things and put the girls in their car seats. I grab my phone and tote bag walking to the front. I say thanks and leave. I buckle the girls car seats in and get in the driver's seat and drive. In no time I'm in Organ stoking for food when I see Tobias, Zeke and Uriah walking in the fast food place. I look down at my growling stomach and sigh. It can wait a few more hours. I drive and drive stoking to feed and change the girls before I'm about 7 hours out. I need food now. So I stop at a Wendy's and eat. It's about 3 when I start driving again. So I'll get to the house around 11 or 12 depending on how many times I need to stop for the girls, gas and to eat.

Four POV

After walking out I felt horrible. A few hours later I go back home and she's not there, my daughter isn't there and neither is Ava. What have I done. Right now we are at a fast food place eating when I see a familiar car. It's Tris' car. She sees us and looks down and shakes her head and speeds off. I sigh and put my head in my hands. I really fucked up this time. I can't lose her. We are driving to my new house in California thinking about this new baby that was put in our lives. I'm trying to think of the mother and what position she was in. The letter said that it was an abusive environment. So I'm trying to think that this is what she wanted, to get her kid out of that environment. But on the other side I'm still healing mentally and physically. I have a concussion that I'm not even allowed to be by my daughter because of how loud her cries are not to mention two of them. And there are less that a week apart. I have no idea of how I'm going to get t ris to take me back.

"We're here." I look up from the passenger seat and I see the house that Tris and I bought together less than a month ago. Tris' car isn't here yet so she must be not fat behind. But she would have been here before us.

I shake my head and get out grabbing my luggage and walk inside. I start unpacking what I brought which is my clothes and some pictures. I lay on the ground thinking about the 48 hours and everything that happened. Zeke and uriah left to their apartment.  A few hours later I hear the door slam close and a sigh. I know Tris is home with the girls. I slowly walk downstairs holding not to make any noise. I finally get down and I stand behind Tris. She has two baby carriers in her hands and her tote bag on her shoulder. I go to take one if the carriers but she jerks it back. She turns around.

"What are you doing here?" She spits at me taking a step back with the babies.

"I live here." I state and she shakes her head.

"No, no you don't. Not untill you understand that I'm putting Ava in the system and everything isn't about you." She puts the carrier down and takes Ava out and starts rocking her since she started crying. Ava started rooting to her breast. Tris looks around in her bag but I don't think she found what she wanted so she picks up a blanket and starts to breast feed Ava. I stand there schocked at what she's doing.

"What are you doing?" I question as I start walking over to Realynn.

"Breast feeding a baby and don't you think about touching her. You can leave go somewhere else right now." She fixes how she's holing Ava and takes the carrier father away from me.

I let tears trickle down my face as I leave out to the backyard. Thinking of what I can do to make it up to Tris. It's getting dark so I go back inside and I see Tris on the floor with Ava and Realynn. They are on their tummies moving their tiny arms and tiny bodies. I close the back door and Tris' head snaps up and she glares. I go to where she is and I see a bunch of baby stiff layer out and a air mattress with pillows and blankets set out.

I walk to a different room and there's is another air mattress layer out not blown up but with pillows and blankets set out. I guess this is where I'll be. I walk back to where Tris and the girls are. I rub Tris' back and she snaps her head back and moves away from me.

"Please Tris, I want to talk." I plead and she sighs and gets up putting the babies on their backs. We walk over to where I'll sleep. I put lung and on her cheek and she moves away.

"Tris, please. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to walk out. I just needed time to process all of this. I feel so bad that I'm doing this to you." Tears stream down my face and she looks away. Tears streaming down her face. She shakes her head and I look down.

"I don't think you understand how I feel about this. I've been in the system and I was 13 and I hated it. She fucking not even two weeks old. I can just give her up and I'm not going to. So if you don't want another child you can have this back." She starts to take her wedding rings off. She shakes from crying and yelling. The rings drop to the ground and I fall to the floor crying. She wipes her tears and goes back to the girls.

I go to blow the air mattress up but think of the rings in my hand. I stand up and walk to the door. Tris stands up with Ava in her arms. Her copper is the only thing she has on and she the cutest baby I've ever seen along with my own child. Realynn. Am I ready to make her a single mother with two newborns. I look at her and the rings in my hands.

I walk back over to her in three steps and I crash my lips against her. Her hand that's not holding Ava slides around to the my neck. She kisses me back and I feel a head on my shoulder. I pull away see that it's Ava's head. I pull Tris in as close as I can.

"I'm not giving up on you. I married you and I vowed to you that I would listen to you and what you wanted. If this is what you what then that's perfectly fine with me." Her eyes water and she slams my lips to hers. It's like everything that has ever happened to me has gone away. It's just us. The two of us and our two kids.

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