chapter 11

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Hello. I'm back. So I was wondering what y'all thought of me writing another story. Thus one would be about how Tris'mother died in child birth and she was 16. Her dad abused her for months till she had enough. Droped everything and left London to go to Florida with a 9 month old baby. Both parents were rich, mom more so she put almost all of her money to Tris when she passes.

Another story that I might do is the ACE family. If you don't know who they are go on YouTube and watch their videos and Instagram. They are so cute. I'm thinking about doing on of these when I update chapter 10. Let me know

Comment ACE family for the ACE Family story or vote for Tris bringing a baby to the States


"God, I love you." Tobias moans. I smirk.

"I love you too. Now let's go." I smile taking his hand and was walk over to the reception. It's beautiful. I look over to Tobias before we go in. We smile and open the doors.

Tris POV

We walk in and it's beautiful. So many colors and lights. It's astounding, Shauna really did do good. We walk around treating people and me introducing Tobias to my family and they say that my parents would be proud of me. I smile and we get over to Zeke and Shauna who have people who I don't know with them. I look at Tobias and he has the same face as me.

"Hey, love birds. Beautiful ceremony. So when the food coming?" Zeke.  Can always count on him to keep track of food.

"Thanks and in like ten minutes. Would you like to introduce us?" I state. He nods and blushes.

"Umm, well this is Uriah my younger brother who you already know. Marlene his girlfriend." He point to Uriah and Marlene is a medium height, short blonde hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a purple knee length dress, Very pretty.

"This is Christina and Will." Christina seems to be about my height with chocolate colored skin, brown eyes and hair, she's wearing a knee length green dress. Will is tall with light skin and blonde shaggy hair and green eyes.

"And this is Lynn shauna's sister." Lynn is about my height with half of her head shaved and she wears a black skater skirt with a white lace crop top and combat boots. I don't know what it is but I think that we will be very good friends.

"Its nice to meet you all, I'm Tris and this is Four." I say and they nod. We talk for a little bit untill we hear that the food is going to be served in a few minutes.

I have chairs brought up at more table space so we all can sit together. Once the food is hear we laugh and talk till Zeke stands up. Oh Lord have mercy.

"Excuse me." Zeke says as he wraps his wine glass with a fork. He had all our attention bow. He looks over at us and winks.

"Ok so I'm the best man. My name is Zeke Pedrad. I have known the bride, Tris since I was little. Our parents were best friends. Both her and my parents died in the 9/11 attack trying to save people. Ever since then Tris and her brother Caleb lived with us. We were all 13 at the time. I remember one day we came home from school and Caleb was ranting on and on about getting into early admissions to Harvard in senior year, Tris was so annoyed that she pulled the car over and said that she felt something fall or hit the car.

Caleb went out with her and once he was out she decked him. Like full on punched him. In the face pulled him back in the car and she started to drive home. Right then and there I knew that she was special and she would find a special guy in her life. So when both Tris and Four signed up to dorm with the opposite sex I knew that it would be the love of her life. I don't know or why but I did and when the broke up their second year it was terrible. She lived in Utiahs and my room till they were ok with each other. She would cry, yell, smash things, all of it. Sometimes I thought she was pregnant.

So once she was done she left back to her room and they got back together and here they are 4 years after collage, 6 years if dating and now they are married. I could be prouder than I am right now. I may not be your biological brother but I am your brother from another mother." Zeke stands and I laugh along with everyone at the funny bits but now I have tears in my eyes.

"Here to Tris and Tobias, Mr. and Mrs. Eaton or 10. I hop you have a wonderful life ahead of you." Zeke does a battle cry and mic drop and runs back to our table kissing my cheek and Tobias' giving us big hugs.

"Ok ok enough." Tobias says in his four voice.

We cut cake, we dance, laugh the night away, now it's time for us to leave for our honeymoon. We are going to the Dominican republic and the Bahamas for two weeks.

We walk out to a car that says just married on the back and we drive back home after saying bye to everyone and thanking them for coming. Our suit cases are already in the trunk I just need to change into something more comfortable.

I walk up to our bedroom and change into a tight white crop top that goes 3 inches above my belly button. I grab joggers that have magazines on them and my Oreo Jordan's. I put my rings on and my hoop earrings. My hair is straight so I pull my thug life out and put it on. I make sure that I have my beats, headphones, phone and phone charger. I run downstairs and Tobias is wearing the same thing. I laugh.

We wear the same thing slot if we can.

I grab Tobias' hand and we walk out to the car after I grab my backpacks full of our shit and food. Tobias drives to the airport while holding my hand. We get to airport a little over an hour later and we look at each other.

It's about 1:30 in the morning so we get through everything pretty fast as there's no one here. We get to our gate with twenty minutes to spare so we go check our bags and get something to eat before the 5 hour plane ride.

"I love you so much Mrs.Eaton, I love you too baby." Tobias kisses me then gets on one knee and kisses my baby belly.

"I love you too Mr.Eaton. I don't know what I would do without you in my life." I say as we are waiting at the gate.

A couple people look over at us and smile at Tobias when he kisses my belly. Damn I love this man. A cute old lady walks over to us with two girls, ones maybe my age and a young girl maybe 5 years old.

"Excuse us. Pardon to interrupt. My daughter and granddaughter saw you two and wanted to come by." The old lady says and I smile sweaty are her.

"I'm Marge, this is Lilan my daughter, and Jessica my grand baby." I nod at them.

"I'm Tris Eaton and this is my husband Four Eaton." I say and they nod.

"Well I just wanted to come by and tell you that you are a very cute couple." Lilan says and her daughter comes and gives me a hug.

They sit down next to us and we start to conversate about everything till the subject of jobs come up.

"Well we are both teachers at Pine Creak Middle School in Colorado. I'm a 8th grade math teacher." Tobias says smiling.

"Im a 8th grade English and history teacher." I say and the little girls face lights up.

"So I could have you as my teachers?" I look at her confused then her mom tells is that they live in Colorado and she goes to Pine Creak elementary school. She's in first grade.

"That's go cool. How neat. I will for sure ask for you in my class when your an 8th grader." We both say and I chuckle leaning my head on Tobias' shoulder.

"Well we have to get to our gate. You two are a very beautiful couple and the outfits are adorable." Marge says and I nod.

"We didn't plan this." I say and they laugh walking away.

"That was very nice of them." I say and he nods.

"What's wrong baby? You seem distance." I say to Tobias feasting my hand on his shoulder turning so I am face to face with him.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." I nod and look at him very unconvinced but leave it at that so he shuts down on our honeymoon and we don't have fun.

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