chapter 18

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Im in Wyoming now I've been driving for five hours when I get a call. I press the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

Tris we need to talk
No we don't. You left me I don't need to talk to you
Yes we do. Tris where are you. You aren't at the house
Ya, I left I'm on my way to California.
No, please don't take Realynn out of my life
You still don't get it. You've  never been in the system. You go from home to home with no love and I'm letting that happen to this baby who's not even two weeks old.
Ok I'm sorry we can try it
Your just saying that so you can stay with me
No I'm not I love you. Please just let me come

I hang up. I dont understand him at all.

Tris POV

It's almost night and I need to sleep. I just drove and drove and now I'm at the border of Wyoming and Idaho state boarder. I haven't hear from Tobias at all since our call so I'm guessing that were done. He'll prolly stay in Colorado and be a teacher. I'm still going back for the 8th grade graduation in a few months. I pull up in a hotel unbuckle the girls car seats grab my tote bag with everything in it and walk inside.

"Hello. How may I help you? The lady at the front desk asked me. I set the car seats down next to my feet.

"Yes, hi I just need a one night stay." She nods her head.

"Ok well we have a room with one bed 125 a night." I nod taking out my wallet. I took out a lot of cash so that if Tobias comes looking for me he can't track me.

"I'll take it. Cash ok?" She nods.

"Ok her is your room key. Try and keep the noise down with those babies." I nod handing her the money and taking the room key.

"Thank you so much." I grab all my things and the girls walking to the room.

I set my bags down on the bed and get the girls out. I change both their dippers and feed realynn when she starts getting fussy. Ava starts crying and I don't know if I should breast feed her of bottle feed. I look through my bag but I didn't pack any bottles. I pick Ava up and lift her up to my boob and she latches on varly easy. This feels very weird but I didn't pack any bottles.

Realynn is asleep on the bed with pillows surrounding her and when I'm done with Ava I'll put pillows on one side of the bed. After half and hour I burp Ava and pit her to sleep. I go get ready for bed when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID this time and it's Zeke.

Tris where are you?-Z
On my way to California-T
You need to call Four-Z
Why should I-T
Because we are driving to California and he's freaking out-Z
Thars is own fault. Did he tell yoy what happened this moring?-T
No why-Z
This morning a newborn girl not even two weeks old was at our doorstep with a note saying that the mother didn't want Ava in her life cause it was bad. And Four was like no we can pit her in the system, saying that he was still healing and everything like that. I got mad and said if he didnt like it he can leave and that's what he did.-T
Ohhh ya he didn't tell you. So I'm taking her to child services and adopting her. If he doesn't like it I'll gladly give the ring back-T
Tris think about what your saying...-Z
No I know what I'm saying Zeke this child need a a stable home not getting passed from house to house and be treated like shit and for the parents to only want the money. I know how it is Zeke.-T
I'm sorry T. I didn't mean it like that. Four what to talk to you.-Z

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