chapter 14

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Tris POV

It's finally the weekend. So starting now I'm on maternity leave and Tobias' leave is the end of next week. As promised both our classes asked their parents if they could come over to our house and hang out. They all said yes so right now Tobias is at store getting what ever he's there for and I'm here putting my bathing suit. It's black with the top having ruffles around the top. The bottom half is plan black. I put on shorts and a tank top on and walk downstairs holding my huge belly. I walk into the kitchen growing my hair up into a messy bun earring fruit.

"Babies I'm home" Tobias yells as he walls through the front door. I stand up and walk to the entry way.

Tobias has about four different bags in his hands. He she's then down and walks over to me.

"How is my queen doing." He asks setting his hands on my baby bump.

"I'm doing pretty good and so is baby girl." I smile thinking about my baby.

"Ok so they should be here in half an hour. Go change and I'll be here." I nod and I pick the bags up off the ground with pain scorching through my stomach. I stand up and it's gone. I put the groceries away and sit back on the couch reading a book I found on the table. In a little less then 10 minutes later Tobias walks down in black board shorts and a white muscle Tank.

I stare at his abs  that push up and define the shirt. It's a tight shirt.

"Tris, baby. Babe. Hey anyone in there." Tobias waves is hand in front of my face.

" What ya. I was just staring at your abs." I tell him and he burst out laughing.

Tobias sits with me on the couch for 10 minutes till little Rea starts to kick my blader.

"I'll be back. I have to pee." Tobias nods watching tv. I go pee and I hear the door bell ring. I hurry up out of the bathroom.

I walk out to the foyer and see both our classes standing in the front.

"Hi Mrs. Eaton. Hi Mr. Eaton." They say all together. I stand there shocked.

"Ok so since it's so hot out we can go in the pool then later play pool." They nod and go change once I show them the bathroom.


It's been a week since the kids were over and now Tobias is on paternity leave. My due date is in 2 weeks and I'm so ready. We started packing and we have to move fast. We have the living room, dinning room and all the guest bedrooms all packed up. All my normal clothes but a few are packed.

We are waiting for my family to get here and Zeke and uriah. We are doing a gender reveal and telling my family that I'm pregnant. Tobias and I are currently laying on the couch watching some tv show that o have no idea what it is.

"Babe, what are we doing for the reveal." Tobias asks as he runs his hands through my hair.

"Well I still have my dad's old mustang so I want to skirt on the road and have the color come from the wheels." I say. He nods and gets up to go change.

We wanted to match I have to wear what ever he's wearing. I get board sitting so I waddle my way up to our bedroom when my phone rings.

Hello, is this Tris Eaton?
Yes this is she, may I ask who is this.
Yes I wanted to inform you that your brothers ashes are being sent to you.
Thank you so much.

I hang up and wipe my tears from under my eyes. I continue may way to the bedroom. I see that Tobias is wearing his black Adidas pants and his 'DAAMN' shirt during the supream font with money under the shirt. He has on his red and white retro Jordan's on with a supream binnie on. Tobias also has his diamonds in.

His ears are pierced.
(I don't know if I cleared this up bit Tobias has darker skin color than in the book. Not by a lot just a little and same with tris.ok back to the story.)

So that's what I have to wear. I put the outfit on and fill my piercings in with red, white and black.

"Hey sexy." Tobias says as I change my pants, standing there in my red lace bra and now my Adidas pants.

"Hey baby. Is the car ready?" I ask slipping my shirt on but tobias stops me.

"Ya, it's all ready. Your stomach got bigger. Look." I walk over to our long mirror and look down at my stomach.

"Ya it did. Only 2 more weeks till she's here." I say to Tobias as he's down on one knee petting my stomach.

"Come on people are going to be coming and I want to put my shirt on." He huffs but stands up anyway. I pull my shirt on with a struggle. We both walk hand in hand down the stairs and right when we get down the steps the door bell rings.

I open the door and my aunt Tessa, uncle Bob and their four kids stand in the doorway.

"Hi, come on in. It's so good to see you again." I say hugging everyone making sure my baby bump is fine. Tobias is hugging my uncle and the kids.

"So this is your house." Maggie-their first child- says and I nod.

"Yep but we will be moving to the LA area soon." Tobias says wrapping an arm around me and his hand placed on my stomach. My uncle realize this.

"Oh my. How far along are you?" I giggle a little at his expression.

"I'm 9 months only two weeks till she's born." I say and Blake-their second child-comes and huggs the bump.

"So what's her name?" He asks.

"We aren't telling people till she's born. We are telling everyone else the gender today so don't say anything." They all nod and I see Zeke, Shauna, Marlene and Uriah get out of cars and walk up. I excuse myself and walk over to Zeke.

"Hey guys how are you?" I ask.

"We're ok how are you. I mean you look ready to pop." I laugh.

"Well I'm full term so the baby can come today. We aren't holding for that but ya know, and I feel ready to pop. It's so hard just to do simple things everyday." We all laugh and walk inside. I introduce everyone to everyone and now we are talking in the kitchen.

"So it's only will and Christina that need to be here." My phone rings right at the moment.

Hello Chris
Hey T, we can't make it in so sorry
Hey no worries we will by together when we can.
Ok thanks so much bye
Ok bye Chris

"Ok Will and Christina are not coming so if you want to get this done we can if you follow me out to the front." I walk outside and my dad's car is right in the middle of the driveway. Tobias goes in the car and starts it up.

Pink smoke comes out from behind the wheels. I hear cheering and whoops. I see people coming out of their houses to see what's going on. Tobias and I are amazing neighbours and we are all like friends-kinda-so they are happy for us.

Tobias shuts the car off and comes over to me and kisses me right on the lips. I smile and feel something wet run down leg.

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