chapter 8

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"Caleb, I know I may never get to speak to you again or hear your voice. I thought I should tell you somethings. First Tobias and I are getting married and I'm pregnant. I love you so much. Please don't leave me." I sob into his arm standing up from the chit and walking out.

Tris POV

It's been a wild couple weeks. Tomarrow I am getting married. Zeke, Uriah and their girlfriends are coming, Tobias' family. Some of my cousins, amount and uncles with their families. Sadly Caleb died two weeks ago. He was brain dead so they unplugged him. I'm now just over 3 months and slightly showing.

Tobias and I thought that we aren't going to do the traditional bachelor and bachelorette party. We just want to be near each other right now.

Right now I'm at school getting everything ready for the sub for the next week. It's the 2nd. All the kids are at lunch and I'm working on the papers that were due days ago, trying to grade them so the sub won't have to. I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say looking up from papers. Tobias stands right in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Hey babe, what's up." He comes around my desk and lifts me up so I'm sitting in his lap.

"Not much just getting my stuff ready for the sub. Now I'm grading papers, so the sub won't have to. I also want them graded a certain way." I feel him nod against my neck. Soon I feel his lips lightly sucking on the sensitive part of my skin. I moan pushing him away.

"If you keep doing that I won't be able to stop, and then we'll have kids walking in on us. So you need to control yourself." He nods and I relax more into him.

"How about I bring my kids here and they will watch a movie and we can get our stuff done and maybe other things?" I nod releasing out a breath I didn't know I had.

"Ya, that's fine. Now go lunch was released five minutes ago." I stand up pushing him out the door.

I put my hands in my pockets, breathing hard. I run a hand over my belly, which you can see very clearly with what I'm wearing. A tight maroon full body tank top, white wide legged pants. Maroon high heels, which I should have never wore. I have a good watch on, nude make up but dark red lip stick. I have on three necklaces, a gold chain with the word babygirl on it from my wonderful feancé when we first started dating, a chocker like dimond necklace that went to 5 inches from my neck and three mini crosses, rose gold for my mom, sliver for my dad and gold for my brother.

Kids start filling in the class and not soon enough the bell rings. I stand up straightening my pants and shirt.

"Ok, so class. You all know that Mr. Eaton and I are getting married tomarrow. So his class and thus one will be watching a movie. Anything you have not turned in or need to be worked on, you must get that done by the end of the class period. I will not be here for a week then we will only have two weeks before break." I see nods form around the room and I smile. I look at my watch before turing back over to them.

"We have few minutes before they come so any questions." I say and hands shoot up.

"Becca." She smiles.

"How long have you and Mr. Eaton been dating?" She asks.

"Five years. We meet in collage when we shared a dorm together." She smiles.

"Where's the wedding going to be at?" Gabe shouts out. I give him a stern look. My classes knows how much I hate shout outs.

"In a mountain setting with snow and everything. When I get back we'll take the class and I'll show you pictures." He nods.

"When are you going to have kids?" Blake says after I call on him.

"Well that question will be answered when Mr. Eaton and I discuss that." I say trying to make my shirt baggyier(Don't know if that's a word, but I made it a word.)

A knock on the door makes me turn around. I smile when I see why it is.

"Come I'm. I was just taking questions about our wedding." I say and Tobias nods putting his stuff on my desk then comes to stand next to me.

"Ok, I don't know if Miss. Prior has told you, but if there's anything you need to do, you need to get it don't these last two hours. By the time this movie is over I want all of you stuff done and turned in. We are also watching a movie. If I see any of you not doing what I want or asked of you, you will be sent out to the hall. Understood." They nod and I put the movie in. It's some Christmas movie. I go to sit but Tobias stops me and sits down so I have no choice but to sit in his lap.

"Hello beautiful. How has my baby been?" He whispers, so the kids won't hear us.

"I've been fine. How has your day been?" I ask and I feel him shudder with laughter.

"I was talking about our baby." I form an 'o' with my lips and he laughs again. I frown.

"I'm sorry. I love you." He says kissing my neck. I relax into his embrace.

"Oh my class asked when are we going to have kids. So I was wondering when we would tell them. Before or after we get back?" I question. He shrugs his shoulders at me and I scoff.

"You are no help to me what so ever." I say.

"But you love me." He says in a baby voice. I nod.

"That I do, that I do." I turn my head and peck his lips before I go back to what I was doing before he came.

To soon the movie was over and during that time kids brought up stacks of stuff that they didn't turn in. I look at Tobias and be nods. It's time to tell them. I walk to the front of the class with Tobias standing next to me.

"Ok, so we have a few minutes till the bell rings. My class asked when are we going to have kids. Well we have discussed it." I say smiling.

"Miss. Prior is pregnant." They all jump up and down. I laugh at their reaction. The bell rings and the grab their stuff and walk out of the class giving congrats to us.

I sigh falling back into my chair. Tobias laughs and leans down to kiss me.

"Hi." I giggle holding his face in my hands, I press my lips to his again and again.

"Hi baby. Are you comfortable in there?" Tobias says kneeling down, his head on my prouding stomach. He plants a kiss on my stomach then stands up.

"Lets go home." I nod grabbing everything I need putting it in my bag and I lock my class door up and leave.

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