chapter 15

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Tobias shuts the car off and comes over to me and kisses me right on the lips. I smile and feel something wet run down leg.

Tris POV

I look down and see a puddle of the clear looking liquid. My face shoots up to Tobias'. My water just broke. I feel a strong contraction in my lower belly and double over in pain screaming out.

Zeke, Shauna, Uriah and Marlene run over to us. My aunt, uncle and their kids just stand there not doing anything.

"She's not supposed to come for another two weeks. It's to early." I sob out as the contractions end.

I am holding on to Tobias for dear life. He rubs my back and belly as to hope for the pain to substain. No relief what so ever.  My family kinda just left and Zeke went to get my bags as Tobias helps me into the car. I swear as a contraction comes and it hurts so much.


We are at the hospital, I'm in a room with Tobias and the docter who is telling me I have two more centimeters to go. Zeke, Shauna, Uriah and Marlene walk into he room right as a contraction hit and I yell out.

"I swear to god Four I'm never you touch me again, never. I have you so much for this." He continues to take my verbal abuse and me hitting him with me hand.

"I know baby I'm sorry. I live you." He says kissing my forehead. The docter comes in an hour later.

"Ok hon, looks like your ready to begin pushing. On the count of 3. 1...2...3 PUSH!" The contraction hits right when I push and it hurts more than a contraction itself.

After hours and hours of me yelling at Tobias the docter tells me I need one last push.

"I can't. I can't anymore. It hurts." I cry to Tobias who is holding my hand which looks blue.

"You can do it. Almost done then we'll have out little girl in out arms. Come on baby one last push." Tobias coos at me and I nod giving thus one last push my all.

I feel all the pressure go away and a shrill rings the room. My baby girl is here. She is cleaned up and placed on my chest. Her soft skin is pressed against mine. She has whisps of hair at the top of her head. By the looks of it it's like a dirty blond. She has me nose, and eyes. She has Tobias ears, and lips. She's perfect.

"You did it baby. She here. I love you so much." Tobias coos looking at our daughter. I move over slightly and he climbs in with is and runs his hand over she small head.

I rest me head on Tobias' shoulder while we both look down at our daughter. I see a flashlight go off and I look and see Zeke taking a picture of us. I weakly smile at him then look back down.

"Ok so she's a healthy size, she's 7 pounds and 16 ounces. 22 inches long, born on March 16th 2018 at 10:17pm. Here's the birth certificate and your discharge papers for the 18th." The docter says coming back in.

I nod and thank her as she wheels in a clear bed type thing with the papers in it. I hand her to Tobias as I get the papers out of the bed.

"Baby, you hold her I'll do it." I shake my head.

"I'm perfectly capable of doing things by myslef." I say looking for a pen.

"Baby, you just had a baby an hour ago. Let me pamper you. I'll do this stuff." I sigh and nod handing Tobias the papers as he hands me Rea.

"So what's her name guys?" Zeke asks while trying to get a better look at Rea.

"Realynn Ivy Eaton." I announce and they all awe at the name.

"That's so cute. I love it." Shauna says and Zeke nods while uriah and Marlene look sad and upset. I'll ask them later.

"So now that you are all done with school and moving to Cali soon. I might as well come out with it. We are moving to Cali to. I can't be away from my little nice for to long." I laugh at Zeke but nod anyway.

"Hey in tired can I feed my daughter and then I'm taking a nap." They all understand and leave just leaving Tobias, Rea and I.

I pull the paper gown down so that my boob out and I Rea up to y breast and help her latch on. It's uncomfortable at first but soon it starts to feel a little better.

Hey everyone. I've had some really bad writers block. I don't know what to do with this story anymore so if you have any ideas please give your thoughts to me and I will credit you

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