Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 | Angry Dragon

Taehyung was fixing his things in his locker. His classes were finally ended and he was about to go home. He felt tired and exhausted and a bit sticky— maybe because of what happened between him and his senior, Minho.

     Suddenly, someone hugged him from behind, a hard thing was poking in his butt. A familliar smell engulf his nose.

     "Minho sunbae." He closed his locker and faced his senior. "What are you doing?"

     Minho leaned in to give Taehyung's lips a peck but before that could even happen, Taehyung cocked his head to the left side making the older to just kiss his cheeks instead.

     "I told you, we'll continue it after class. So my place, it is?" The older grin.

     Taehyung sighed. "I can't. I have a lot of things to do," he lied. To be honest, he lost his mood anout sex. He just want to take a rest.

     "Just one round, babe then we're done. And I'll help you to do those things you werw talking. What are those anyway? Projects? Assignments?"

     "Sunbae.... I really can't okay? Maybe next time."

     "Oh come on, Taehyung!" Minho pouted and tightened his grip on Taehyung's waist.

     The only thing Taehyung hates about flings was that when they start to become clingy. He hates it. He don't want clingy people, it suffocates him.

     "I'm sorry, I really can—"

     "Promise we will be quick—"

     "Ehem." Someone suddenly cleared his throat. Both of them looked where in came from.

     Not too far from them was Jeon Jungkook. He was raising his eyebrow, amusement was evident on his eyes.

     "Who are you?" Minho asked.

     Jungkook looked at Taehyung first before answering his question. "You don't really need to know. I just want to take—" Jungkook yanked Taehyung away from Minho's arms. "—this fine man to you."

     "What the?! Who the hell are you?!" Minho clenched his jaw, anger was evident in his eyes.

     Jungkook looked chill on the other hand. Like he was enjoying this. Taehyung bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling.

     They looked like he was a Princess being saved by his Prince (Jungkook) from the Beast (Minho).

     "Told 'ya, you don't need to know." Jungkook looked at Taehyung. "Let's go babe. We still have things to do."

     Before Taehyung could even utter something, he was already dragged oit of the scene. They even heard Minho shouting his name but they didn't look back.

     Jungkook took Taehyung to the parking lot.

     "Hey... Thank you," Taehyung said, genuine.

     They stopped infront of a sportscar. It looked really expensive. Taehyung was a bit surprised when Jungkook opened the door for the shot gun seat.

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