Author's Note

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I'm crying.

Another book has finally ended! Gosh. After months, finally! And I'm crying because everything is worth it. I know this story has a lot of flaws, plot holes, and I'm really sorry for it. I am not a great writer. I don't plan things out. I just write whatever I want to write.

I hope you guys loved it. It may not be the best story you've ever read, but just knowing that you appreciated my efforts and supporting my story is already enough.

I hope you guys will also be with me as I write yet another story with these two boys whom I love the most.

I love you guys so much. I will never get tired of being thankful for having you all.

See you on 'Spoiled Brat'!

p.s. Do you have questions? Just inline comment it and I will answer it on FAQ's next chapter!
p.p.s. Also can you please tell me your review about this story? It would help a lot. Like really a lot.

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