Chapter 10

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Unlucky Person

"J-Jimin! You can't kiss me on my lips!" Jungkook exlaimed, startled, pushing Jimin a bit. His eyes glanced at Taehyung, gulping when he saw fire in his eyes.

Jimin frowned. "Why can't I? You're my boyfriend! And soon will be my fiancè! Then husband!"

Taehyung's jaw fell. He felt like his heart was being sliced. Jimin's words were like venom killing everything inside him.

The ravenette looked at Taehyung with his pleading eyes, as if saying that Taehyung shouldn't believe what Jimin said.

But Taehyung heard enough.

He cleared his throat, smiling fakely. "Jimin, I have to go. See you tomorrow!" Bitch.

Jimin smiled back, arms still wrapped around Jungkook. "Okay, Taehyungie! Bye!"

And glancing at Jungkook with disgust and dissapointment, he left the two of them. He never dared to look back when he heard Jungkook calling his name.

He was hurting, and he don't even know why.

He don't kno as well why he's crying so hard while he's making his way home. He didn't care with the confused and pity looks he's gaining from other people.

All he want was to let out this pain he's feeling.

When he got home, he quickly went to his room, pulling a luggages. He opened their closet and packed all Jungkook's clothes. (Only leaving a pair of boxer briefs.)

Tears kept rolling down. Sobs kept tearing out. Heart kept aching.

When he was done, he heard a car parking infront of his apartment. Carrying the luggages, he wentto the front door.

Jungkook standing infront of him when he opened the door.

"T-Taehyu—" Before he could even finished it, Taehyung threw the luggage with his clothes, then slamming the door close, locking it. "Taehyung! Fuck! Open the door!"

"Fuck off, you small dicky boy!" Taehyung shouted back, crying.

"Baby! Let me explain!"

"Explain to my dick! Oh... You'll never face to face with my dick anymore! Explain to that dwarf's small dick! Besides, you guys have the same size!"

After shouting that, Taehyung went back to his room, ignoring Jungkook's pleads while cryinghis heart out.

Still not knowing why he was even crying.

Because if crying too much, his eyes felt heavy. He fell asleep, complete ignoring the soft pleads and knocks of the ravenette still outside the apartment.

"Damn," Jungkook cursed, fist clenching. He was so mad. "Taehyung? Baby?" He knocked again.

He knew Taehyung was already asleep but maybe he was crazy for still trying. Taehyung made him crazy after all.

Taehyung woke up with a puffy eyes. He remembered again what happened and felt his heart aching again.

But he ignored it.

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