Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 | Good To Hear

"I will miss you, Darling..." his mother said sadly, hugging him tightly. His father came and hugged the two of them.

Taehyung laughed. "Mom, I will come visit if I would have some free time, okay?"

His mother nodded. "Okay. Anyway, your Bogum hyung is already outside. He'll go with you to Seoul. He said—"

"What?! He's what?!"

"Your Bogum Hyung... He said he'll drive you back to Seoul because he'll go there as well," his mon repeated.

The Kim Family went outside and true to his mom's words, a black car was already outside, Park Bogum leaning against it. He smiled when he saw Taehyung.

It's the day he'll finally go back to Seoul. The days he's been staying, he kept avoiding Bogum.

"Let's go?" Bogum said.

"Hyung... You don't need to do this... I can go to—"

"I insist, Taehyung," Bogum said with authority.

Taehyung sighed and nodded. He turned to his parents and kissed them goodbye. Bogum was the one who put his things inside his car.

Taehyung waved his hand for the last time before closing the car's door.

"Tae... Why are you avoiding me?" Bogum asked while he start the engine.

"I'm not..." Taehyung said as he put his seat bely. He reclined the car and lay down comfortably. He'll just sleep so he don't have to talk to the older guy.

He heard Bogum sighed and didn't speak anymore. Which Taehyung thanked silently. He took his phone and saw a message from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Are you going home now?

Taehyung: Yes! See you soon!

Jungkook: Okay. Just text me when you're in the station.

Taehyung: About that... Well, there's this childhood friend of mine who's going to Seoul too. He insist to drive me there too so yeah... No need.

Jungkook: He? A boy?

Taehyung: Yes hehe.

Jungkook: Psh.

Taehyung giggled which made Bogum to frown.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"None of your business."

Suddenly, Bogum pulled over.

"What the?! Why did you stopped?!" Taehyung asked, siprised. He looked at Bogum who was looking at him too, more like glaring.

"You are my business, Taehyung. So whatever your business is, it's mine too," he said darkly, leaning close to Taehyung.

Taehyung gulped and looked away. "W-Why? You're not my boyfriend!"

Bogum smirked, then he took something from his pocket. He held Taehyung's hand and pushed an expensive ring on its ring finger. "Yes, because I'm your fiancè now."

"What?! Bogum! Put this thing out! I'm not your fiancè!" Taehyung tried to put the ring out but Bogum stopped him.

"Take it out and I'll fucking fuck you in this car, wethere you like it or not," Bogum threatened.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I'm just doing what I promised. I'm gonna marry you, Taehyung.." Bogum caress his cheeks and slowly leaned in to kiss him.

When their lips met, Taehyung felt high. Bogum kissed him passionately... sensually...

"H-Hyung..." Taehyung moaned when Bogum rubbed his thigh.

"I love you, Taehyung..." Bogum whispered after pulling away.

Taehyung bit his lower lip. "I... I'm sorry...."

Bogum sighed and went back to his seat. "I won't force you to say it back, Taehyung. But I'll make sure you'll say it soon." He smiled and started the engine.

Taehyung closed his eyes and calmed himself down. He eventually fell asleep.

He woke up when he felt someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw that it was his Bogum hyung.

"Let's eat first. I know you're hungry," Bogum said, removing Taehyung's seatbelt.

"Where are we?" He looked around saw that they're infront of a restaurant.

"Where about to get there. In a few minutes. So let's go?"

Taehyung nodded and they went out of the car. He checked his phone and almost fell out of balance when he saw a lot of missed call from Jungkook and texts.

Jungkook: Tae? Where are u now?

Jungkook: Fuck answer my call!

Jungkook: Taehyung!


Jungkook: Baby....

Jungkook: You're getting married?

"Earlier, someone was calling you. I answered it. The caller was Jungkook. I told him we're getting married soon," said Bogum while waiting for their order.

"What?! Why did you told that?! Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed, frustrated.

"What? Who's that boy, Taehyung?" Bogum asked, serious.

"It's none of your business!" Taehyung groaned. "I'm not going to marry you! Not now! Not ever!"

"Taehyung.. Fine, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, baby boy." Bogum held Taehyung's hand but Taehyung pulled it away.

"Let's just eat," Taehyung said coldly.

Taehyung didn't replied to Jungkook. He thought that he'll just explain when he get back.

However, he didn't talked to Bogum when they got back to the car. Bogum kept saying sorry but he didn't dare to talk back.

A few more minutes, they're already on their way to Taehyung's apartment. That's when Taehyung spoke to Bogum, but only to instruct him where his apartment was.

"Just here," Taehyung said coldly and quickly went out of the car. Bogum followed.

Taehyung went to the compartment and opened it. Bogum helped him to put his stuffs out.

"I'll help you take this inside," Bogum said carrying his luggages.

"No need, I can do it." Taehyung tried to get his luggage but Bogum stopped him.

"I insist, Taehyung."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and went inside his apartment, Bogum behind him.

"I'm ho—" he was about to announce that his home but he saw something on their salas.

Or more like someone. It was two boys, making out. Jungkook and Jimin. They stopped when they heard Taehyung.

Taehyung stood frozen. Bogum was behind him. His eyes met Jungkook's and saw how cold it was.

"Oh Taetae! You're here! I missed you!" Jimin went to hug him. He smirked when he pulled away. "Jungkook didn't tell me you're going back. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Tae?" he heard Bogum.

"Anyway, Taehyung!" Jimin held Jungkook's hands. "I just want to say that me and Jungkookie are finally getting married!" There, he noticed two rings in their ring fingers.

Taehyung's heart ached. Like it was poisoned. He smiled fakely.

"Really? T-That's good to hear!" He looked behind and saw Bogum looking confused. He grabbed his hand and pull him forward. "I'm getting married too.... With this guy beside me. Hubby.." he faced Bogum. "These are my friends, Jungkook and Jimin."

Bogum looked shock at first but smiled eventually. "Oh... Nice to meet the two of you."

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