Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 | Addiction

"Taetae! Someone came here to visit you!" said his mom, entering his room.

     Taehyung just came out of the bathroom, still wet from the shower. He was wiping his hair dry.

     "Really? Who?" he asked.

     Mrs. Kim wiggled her eyebrows. "Secret! Just be quick and see him by yourself!" Then left the room.

     Taehyung frowned, shaking his head afterwards. He dressed himself quickly. He didn't even bother to fix his hair who was stil a bit wet.

     He ran downstairs and quickly saw a man sitting pretty on their couch. When that man heard him running down, he stood up and looked at him.

     Taehyung's eyes widened in shock. "OMG! BOGUM HYUNG?!" he exclaimed.

     Park Bogum smiled and spread his arms. Taehyung squeal like a girl and ran toward him, hugging the older boy tightly.

     Park Bogum was his childhood friend. Not really childhood friend because Bogum was way more older than him. They got a 7 years gap. Remember when I told you that Taehyung lost his virginity when he was 13 to a 20 years old guy? It was Bogum.

     "You missed me that much, huh?" asked Bogum when they sat down on the sofa.

     Taehyung giggled and higged his hyung again. "Yes hyung! Like so much!"

     "Me too, baby boy. I missed you. So so much," said Bogum, kissing Taehyung's cheeks.

     "Boys, why don't you go upstairs while I'm making lunch?" suggested Mrs. Kim who came out of the kitchen.

     "Okay, Mom! Let's go Bogum hyung!" Taehyung grabbed the older's hand and dragged him to his room.

     When they came in, he locked the door and both of them sat down on his bed.

     "So how have you been, hyung? I haven't seen you for ages!" asked Taehyung.

     "I've got a job in Gangnam. They paid me pretty high so I stayed there. You? Still studying?"

     "Yes!" Taehyung giggled. "So.... are you married now? In a relationship?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.

     Bogum smirked and shifted, cupping Taehyung's cheeks. "I'm not, Tae. I've been waiting for someone..."

     The smile on Taehyung's face vanished because of the proximity between his and his hyung's face.


     Bogum leaned even closer. "I've been waiting for you, Tae.... Remember our promise? Before I left for work?"

     Taehyung was 15 years old then when Bogum needed to go away for work. They promised to marry each other when they meet again. If not marry, be boyfriends.

     Before Taehyung could answer, Bogum smashed his lips on Taehyung's, kissing the younger boy aggressively, letting him feel how much he missed him.

     Taehyung was surprised at first but kissed him back.

     Bogum made him lay down and he hover on him. He slid his tongue inside Taehyung's mouth, tasting every inch of his cavern. Taehyung moaned.

     The older's calloused hands held Taehyung's and guided it to his hardened member. Taehyung slid his hand beneath Bogum's shorts and boxers and touch his manhood.

     "Fuck!" Bogum pulled out and remove his shirt. He asked Taehyung to strip.

     Taehyung did. Stripping himself naked and went on the bed. Bogum stripped as well, hovering over Taehyung again, in between his legs.

     Bogum's kisses went on Taehyung's neck, sucking and licking it. Taehyung moaned and dug his nails on Bogum's back.

     "Baby boy... Do you have a condom there? Or lube?" Bogum asked while showering Taehyung's chest with wet kisses.

     Taehyung nodded nonchalantly. "I-In the d-drawer..."

     Bogum took it and put some amount on his palm, rubbing the cold substance in his manhood. He aligned it on Taehyung's hole.

     "I won't prep you anymore... Is that fine with you?" he asked, rubbing the tip on Taehyung's hole, teasing him. He smirked when he saw how frustrated Taehyung was.

     "Y-Yes, Hyung! J-Just... fuck me please..." Taehyung groaned.

     Bogum cuuckled and slowly slid his manhood inside.

     After doing a quicky, Bogum squirted his seeds on Taehyung's chest and Taehyung did as well. They wiped it off it wipes and dressed theirselves before laying on Taehyung's bed, cuddling.

     "Tae... I love you... I always do..." Bogum said.

     "Hyung... I...." But realization hit Taehyung. Love... Like.... Jungkook! Oh fuck! Why did I fucking forgot about him?! Shit! Taehyung! You fucking hoe! Why did you fucking forgot about him?! "I need you... to get out..." He sat down and jumped off his bed, Bogum looked confused. "Hyung! Please get out!"

     "What? Tae? What's wrong?" Bogum stood up as well and tried to hug the younger boy but Taehyung pushed him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

     "I-I'm sorry... Just get out... Hyung please..." Taehyung was in the verge of crying. Bogum's face softened when he saw it.

     "Baby boy... Tell me what's wrong."

     "This... What we did was wrong!"

     "What? How was it wrong? We've been doing that since you were what... 13?"

     Taehyung shook his head. "Everything changed now, hyung... So please... get out... Please tell me that I won't join the lunch."

     Bogum sighed. "Fine." Then kissed Taehyung's lips. "Whatever is it bothering you, hope that you'll tell it to me soon." And then he left.

     Taehyung locked it and saw down on the floor. He hugged his knees and cried.

     "I-I'm sorry Jungkook... I'm sorry..." he sobbed. "I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry..."

     He didn't know what he got him earlier. Everything happened so fast. He couldn't control his own body, his own desire. It's like he could give his body to everyone who wanted it... like he always do... before he met Jungkook.

     He was used to that. He was a sex addict. A sex addict. He didn't know where his addiction to sex started. Maybe from the very start.

     After Bogum taking away his virginity when he was 13, they do it almost everyday in Bogum's house. Sometimes he would even skip school so he could go to the older's house. It was wrong. Sinful.

     When Bogum left, Taehyung started trying to do it with other boys in school. Sometimes with his classmates, schoolmates, and even to some of his teacher.

    It got worse when he moved alone in Seoul when he entered college. Different boys go to his apartment, fucking him.

     He couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop himself. Like he was made for sex. He felt like going insane if no one will have sex with him.

     He was addicted to it.

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