Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 | Confirmation

"Jungkook, will you stop pinching my baby fats? It hurts!" Taehyung said, pushing Jungkook's hand away from his tummy.

     Jungkook pouted a bit and retreat his hand back to Taehyung's chubby tummy, pinching the baby fats. "It's so squishy, baby."

     The blonde rolled his eyes and just let him be, eyes going back to the flat screen T.V where Stranger Things was being played.

     It was Saturday and they chose to stay at home, watching Netflix and cuddle. They need to relieve stress as the past few weeks been stressful. Their finals is coming so there's a lot of school works being given to them.

     "What're your plans this coming sem break?" Jungkook asked, still pinching Taehyung's baby fats.

    "Go to my family. Bond with them," Taehyung answered nanchalantly, popping some popcorn that Jungkook made in his mouth. "How about you?" This time, he glanced at Jungkook.

     The ravenette was staring at him. "I'll probably attend some business meetings."

    "Not surprised. You're the heir of your company." Taehyung faced the flatscreen t.v again.

     "I'm gonna miss you." Jungkook stopped pinching Taehyung's baby dats and hugged the blonde instead, burying his face on the crook of his neck. "So much."

     Taehyung chuckled. "Seriously? It's only going to a week or two. And there's Facetime, we could video call every night."

     "I'm gonna miss your tight ass."

     "The fuck? You perv!"

     Jungkook smirked, hugging the blonde tightly. "You love it."


     Jungkook laughed and kissed Taehyung, which the latter willingly responded. Jungkook's hand slipped beneath Taehyung's shirt, caressing the smooth skin.

     Taehyung could feel how hard Jungkook was behind him.

     The kiss soon turned into heated one, Taehyung laying with Jungkook hovering, in between his legs.

     Jungkook was sucking onto Taehyung's tongue, then exchange, letting Taehyung to suck his as well. Using his sinful tongue, he roamed around the blonde's sweet cavern.

     Taehyung moaned, anticipating on what will happen next.

     They never saw Jimin after that day. He was always absent. Taehyung don't care tho. He never treated him as a friend from the very start.

     When the finals ended, both were finally relieved.

     "When are you going to Daegu?" Jungkook asked while they're lying naked beneath the sheets.

     They just finished a three round sex session, coping up for the past weeks. Taehyung felt tired as he lay in Jungkook's arms.

     "Tomorrow, I think?" Taehyung said, sleepy.

     "Hmm." Jungkook caress Taehyung's hair, staring at the wall infront of him.

     Silence filled the room for a few moments until soft snores escaped from Taehyung's mouth. Jungkook chuckled and looked at the boy next to him.

     He's so beautiful, he thought.

     "Taehyungie! I missed you!" Taehyung's mother quickly came to hug him.

     He hugged her back. "I missed you too, Mom." His eyes then moved forward, to his Dad who was walking towards them. "Dad..."

     He let go his Mom and hugged his father next. The old man hugged him back. "I missed you, son."

     Taehyung looked at the two storey house standing infront of them. It didn't changed. Still the same house he remembered running around naked when he was a kid.

     The Kim Family entered their house and went to the dining room, where various delicacies (Taehyung's favorites) placed neatly on the table.

     It was almost late when Taehyung came to Daegu. Jungkook drove him to the station.

     They had a conversation while eating and when they're done, Taehyung told his Mom that he wanted to sleep because he's tired. His mom agreed and both his parents walked him to his old room.

     It didn't changed too. The walls were in color of blue, even his bed sheets. The furnitures were made of wood. A small book shelves on the right wall with few trophies and pictures. Then a door for his small bathroom.

     He placed his luggage beside the cabinet and looked around. He chuckled when he saw his brief in a frame. It was his brief when he was 7th and he decided to put it on a frame. Reason? I don't know.

     When he sat down on his old bed, he fished out his phone and clicked the power button. Jungkook's picture quickly came in the view. It was set as a wallpaper.

     He chuckled when he remembered Jungkook forcing him to set it as his wallpaper, and in return, he set Taehyung's picture as a wallpaper too.

     He haven't seen Jungkook for just a few hours yet he already missed him.

     Suddenly, a text came in. It was from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Damn baby.... I miss you so much. Shit. Can I go there?

     He chuckled.

Taehyung: You can't :p You've got a work to do, right?

Jungkook: Yeah... Hays. I wish the time would pass by quickly. I want to kiss you.

Taehyung: It's just a week, Kook. Okay?

Jungkook: Okay. I need to sleep now. Goodnight, baby.

Taehyung: Goodnight, Jungkook.

     These past few days, he noticed some changes in himself.

     Before he met Jungkook, he always love the freedom. So much in love that if he could marry it, he would. He hate it being caged. That's why he never entered a relationship. He knew his boyfriend would just deprived him freedom.

     One of the reason why he didn't agreed on Jungkook's proposal as well. But he did anyway.

     When Jungkook made him his, his freedom vanished. Although it wasn't that vivid, he knew he was being put in a cage Jungkook built himself.

     Jungkook was possessive. Always depriving him from things he usual do before he came in his life. He stopped going to bar, fucking with everyone, and a lot of things.

     But you know what the weir thing is? It seemed like he don't care about it anymore. He don't care about the freedom he was once obsessed with.

     Because if being with Jungkook means no freedom, then he would loved being caged... forever.

     And he slept that night, satisfied with a confirmation that indeed, he liked Jungkook too. That their feelings were mutual.

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