Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 | Sorry

"I'll see you in a few days," Bogum said as he open the door of his car. Taehyung nodded and did not say anything. He was not in the mood. Bogum noticed it too so he didn't bother anymore. Instead, he just smile and kissed the younger's forehead to bid his goodbye. "Bye babe. I love you."

     "Bye hyung," Taehyung mumbled with his voice low and dull.

     He turned his back and went back inside his apartment. Upon closing the door, he heard Bogum starting the engine and then driving away. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. He's all alone now.

     He laid down on hmthe sofa and stared at the flatscreen T.V as if it was turned on. The blonde felt dull. And empty. Jungkook left his apartment and came back to his condo together with Jimin.

     Why? Because they're getting married. At that thought, a bitter smile spread itself on his pale lips. Jungkook was getting married. Jungkook was getting married... With that boy he hated from the beginning.

     It was so funny to think that just when he thought Jungkook would be the guy he wanted to spend his whole life with, fate decided to fuck everything up.

     Or maybe this was his karma. His karma for every sin he had comitted. For every heart he chose to break.

     Tears started to form in his eyes then slowly rolled down to the couch, creating a small dark spot on it. It went on and on and on. It was like his eyes was a waterfall. Then sobs errupted from his mouth. He hugged his knees then cried that night.

     Then he fell asleep with a frown etched on his face. He woke up the next morning with the same feeling. And then it went on as the days went by. He did not attended school for that week.

     When he came back, everyone was looking at him weirdly. Maybe they found it really weird that the once blonde that always smile and flirt with everyone turned to this dull and silent guy. His boxy smile was never seen anymore.

     Jungkook did not attended school too. Jimin as well. Maybe they're busy preparing for their wedding, Taehyung thought bitterly as he glanced at the empty seat next to him.

     "Taehyung," Professor Lee called out after dissmissing the class. Taehyung stopped fixing his stuff for a moment to look at the old man who came up to him.


     "You and Jungkook, you guys are close friends right? Or... more than that perhaps?" Professor Lee asked, a bit hesitant. He sighed. "Nevermind. I was just wondering if you knew where he is? His been absent for like 2 weeks. Jimin too. Do you know where are they?"

     Taehyung smiled bitterly. Jungkook and him... friends? More than friends? Almost. He shook his head. "I don't know, Sir. Maybe they're busy preparing for their wedding." He wore his backpack and bowed a bit before living the old man confused.

     The sun was setting. It was getting dark but he didn't want to go back to his apartment. He hated the feeling of being alone. Bogum haven't shown up yet as well. But he did not forget to send him a text message about him doing some stuff and that he would see him next week. It was fine. He did not want to see him yet too.

     He wanted to clear everything about Bogum. That what he said about then getting married too wasn't true. That it was blurted out of blue. He loved Bogum, but not enough for Taehyung to marry him. Not enough to pass what he felt for Jungkook.

     Nevertheless, Taehyung still went home because where'd he go? He have nothing to go. Upon arriving at his place, he frowned upon seeing a very familliar car parked infront of his apartment.

     Realization hit him like a truck. He knew whose the owner of thet car! He felt like his heart stopped beating for a moment. What is he doing here?!

     When he entered his apartment, he was quickly pulled into a tight hug.

     "I missed you," Bogum mumbled.

     "H-Hyung! What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, surprised. He pulled away from the hug and saw the huge grin plastered on the older's face. "I-I though—" He was cut off when Bogum kissed him. "H-Hyung..." Taehyung pushed him lightly.

     "Sorry." Bogum smirked. "I just missed you." He ruffled Taehyung's soft locks. "Anyway, I know you're surprised that I'm here when I clearly told you that we'll see each other next week. Well, I had some free time and I thought why not visit my fiancè, right?"

     "Hyung..." This is it, Taehyung. "About that—"

     "Taehyung." Bogum held his hands. "I know this is fast. But I've waited for this. And I want this to happen. I love you. You love me. You're just too confused because of that guy but I know you love me. I can feel it, babe. So please... Marry me," he said with such sincerity.

     No... You're wrong. Taehyung smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, hyung. Yes, I do love you. But as a friend. You're a brother to me. I know we did things that we shouldn't... But I'm hoping we'll just bury it in the past. I'm sorry, hyung. I can't marry you..."

     Bogum stared at him. His eyes were blank. Taehyung couldn't read what he was thinking. Then seconds later, he could see pain in his eyes. Then anger. Then once again, pain. "T-Taehyung... I love you..."

     "I'm sorry..." Taehyung bit his lips. Just then, he noticed that was crying. His heart was aching not because he loved Bogum more than friend but because he was hurting too that he hurt his friend. He was the one who inflicted pain to the older.

     Bogum closed his eyes tightly, spitting profanities under his breath before marching out of Taehyung's apartment. Taehyung heard the car went to life before it goes away.

     Feeling all weak, he trudged to his sofa and sat down. Tears did not stop from rolling down. What the hell is happening with my life? He sobbed and cried. Eventually, he fell asleep in the couch with that same heavy feeling.

     He woke up by the feeling of a hand caressing his cheeks, warm and minty breath brushing softly against his lips. When he opened his eyes, a familliar eyes greeted him.



Author's Note: Finally! An update! Yay! Hope you guys like it although this was a bit angsty. Lels. I hate angst actually but we all need some angst in our life HAHAHAH.

Hope you guys like this new version! I already have something in my mind on what will happen. So you should wait for it ;) HAHAHAH

I'll try to update tomorrow. I'll be busy for this week and then next week. But I promise that I'll update regularly after all these shits! I love you all!

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