Chapter 5

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Cried In Pain

"I couldn't believe you fucking.... Oh God.... You had the audacity to— You're such a sneaky asshole, you know that?" Taehyung ranted while glaring at Jungkook.

They're currently on Jungkook's dining room, eating their breakfast. Taehyung was mad when he remembered what happene that night. And he can't believe Jungkook did that— made him really horny, tease him before pulling his proposal. And what? Taehyung was too horny to even think properly!

Jungkook smirked, shrugging his shoulder before sipping on his coffee. Taehyung's eyes quiver in annoyance. He picked a piece of bread and threw it at Jungkook, which he quickly dodge.

"Just accept it, Taehyung. You've agreed already. We're fuck buddies now," Jungkook said.

It made Taehyung sigh. What could he do now? He already said yes. And he's a man of his words.

Beside, Jungkook was great in terms of sex. He's had sex with a lot of men already. He lost his virginity when he was 13 to a 20 years old guy. Sex was a usual thing for him.

Back to Jungkook, he was different from those guys he had sex in the past. It was like Jungkook was some kind of sex god who knew how to please someone perfectly, how to thrust properly, and a lot of things he's already mastered. In addition, Jungkook's dick was the biggest.

"Psh. I hate you," Taehyung mumbled before munching on the sandwhich Jungkook made for him.

"Since we're fuck buddies now," Jungkook said, emphasizing the word fuck buddies. Taehyung scoffed. "I want to tell you MY rules."

"What the fuck? Do we really have to have rules? That's so.... irrelevant. We'll just fuck then we're fine."

"I have rules, Taehyung. Wether you like or not," Jungkook said with finality, making the blonde to groan. "My first rule is that you will only give your body to me. Not with anyone else but me. You might caught some STD and passed it on me."

"Fuck you! Do you think I'm that cheap? FYI, those guys I fuck—"

"I don't need to know that." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I won't have sex with anyone but you as well. Pretty fair, right?"

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and continue eating.

"Second rule, this will be our secret. No one should know about this."

Taehyung groaned lowly. "As if I would tell anyone that I'm fuck with you..."

Jungkook raied his eyebrow. "You sayin' something?"

The blonde flashed a fake smile. "Oh that's nothing."

"Sure?" Taehyung nodded. "Okay. My third rule is.... you'll be living with me from now on."

Taehyunh choke on his sandwhich. Jungkook quickly gave him the water. Taehyung took it and took a large gulp.

After so, he threw a glare to Jungkook. "What the hell?! That's bullshit. I don't need to do that! If you're horny, just call me or go to my apartment!"

"No. You will stay here and that's final. What if I want to fuck you here?" Jungkook pointed the table. "Or there?" Next was the kitchen bar. "Or in my salas? On the floor? Or on the coffee table? In my veranda! Or— Or while I'm having shower!"

Taehyung gape, he couldn't believe Jungkook. Is he out of his mind? What do he think I am? A fucking sex toy?!

"May I just remind you Mr. Jeon that I am not a fucking sex toy."

They glared at each other. There was like a laser in between them. Jungkook was the one who broke the staring contest, leaning back and letting out a sigh.

"Fine. You win," Jungkook said.

Taehyung grin. "See? Good thing you've realized how idiotic that was."

"Yeah. So I'll be the one living in your place." Jungkook stood up with his plate, bring it to the sink. "Can you please wash the dishes? I'll just go pack my things so we can go to your apartment now."

With that, he left Taehyung there, too shocked that he forgot how to breathe.

The next thing he knew, Jungkook was already placing his clothes in his cabinet in his fucking apartment.

"Your room is pretty small," Jungkook said, looking around. "But it's fine. Still a nice place to have sex."

"You're sooooo pervert and maniac and— Argh! I regret saying yes to your stupid proposal!" Taehyung whined. He was about to leave Jungkook when the latter grabbed his arm and pulled him, making him sit down on his lap. "The heck! Let me go!" But Jungkook already caged him with his strong arms.

"Stop acting like a bitch, okay?" Jungkook whispered, kissing his nape. "I'll make sure you won't regret this. I'll make you happy every night, baby."

Taehyung blushed and stopped struggling. Jungkook called him baby again!


Silence could be heard. Taehyung let Jungkook do what he's doing, kissing and sucking the skin of his nape.

The ravenette's hand was already inside Taehyung's shirt, on his nipple. He was playing with it that made Taehyung to close his eyes in pleasure.

He could feel how hard Jungkook was below him.

"K-Kook... We can't.... I'm still sore..." Taehyung bit his lower lip.

"I missed you," Jungkook suddenly said. "I missed you so much...."

That's when Taehyung remembered how they barely talk to each other the past week. And he admit, he missed him too.

"I... I missed you too...." he uttered.

"Good." He heard Jungkook smirked behind him. "Because it will be unfair if I'm the only one who was bothered the whole time."


Jungkook suddenly bit Taehyung on the part where the neck and the shoulder meet hard. Taehyung let out a scream of pain. He tried to let go but Jungkook bit him harder.

"F-Fuck! I-It hurts!" Taehyung cried in pain.

Jungkook pulled away and looked at his masterpiece. The mark he left was so red, almost turning purplish. There was a bit blood. He smirked in satisfaction.

"Now, everyone would know you belong to someone else now," Jungkook said. "You belong to me now, Taehyung."

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