Chapter 20

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This is the last chapter of this story. Thank you guys for everything! There will be an Epilogue so please wait for it <3

Chapter 20 | Breaking

"So... Are we just gonna sit here all day? I'm sorry but I don't have time for shits like this. If you have something to tell, then start talking," Taehyung said, pissed. He was sitting on a comfortable chair inside the coffee shop he and Jimin was currently in. The other boy sat across him, sipping on his frappè peacefully.

Jimin told him that he would like to talk to him. So they went to the nearest coffee shop from Taehyung's apartment. But eversince they've got here, the smaller boy never speak. He just sat there and enjoyed his frappè.

Jimin smirked, placing his frappè on the wooden table. He took a napkin and gently dabbed it on his lips. Somehow, it annoyed Taehyung.

"Chill, Taetae," Jimin said sweetly but Taehyung knew that it wasn't real. After all, Jimin was just like him—a plastic bitch. "Can't we just enjoy our drinks first?"

     Taehyung smiled. "I already told you, I don't have time for this. Just tell me whatever you want to tell or I'll leave."

     "Fine." Jimin smirked, leaning onhis forearm. "I will be straight to tge point then since it looks like you don't want to be with me."

     Taehyung smirked back. "I really don't." He leaned backwards, resting his back on the fluffy cushion. "You know, bitches like me don't want to be around with some assuming bitch like you."

     And that made Jimin's smile to falter. The angelic masked fell down, showing the real Jimin— a spoiled brat who gets whatever he wants in all possible ways.

     "Don't worry, bitches like me don't want to be around with some slut like you," replied Jimin. However, it did not affected Taehyung. He's been hearing that eversince and he's already used to it, which made Jimin to get pissed even more.

     "Are we just gonna talk shits here?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow.

     Jimin did not said anything for a moment, they just stared at each other, eyes filled with hatred.

     "Stay away from Jungkook," said Jimin after the silence. "We're getting married."

     "Or you're just assuming that?" replied Taehyung. Jimin gaped. Taehyung shifted from his position. "You know, Jungkook told me everything already. He don't want to marry you."

     Jimin clenched his small fists. "What else did he told you? That he'll prove to his father he really like you? That it's you who'll he marry?"

     Taehyung stayed silent.

     Suddenly, Jimin chuckled. "Of course, he'll lie to you! He don't want to hurt his little Taetae's feelings."

     Taehyung frowned, confused. "What do you mean? Jungkook will never lie to me."

     That same smirk from earlier went back on Jimin's lips. "What do you think he is? A saint? He can lie, Taehyung. He lied to you."

     "You're the one who's lying," mumbled Taehyung, his eyes went down to the cup of coffee infront of hin who remained untouched.

     "I know I'm a liar but I am telling the truth this time," Jimin said. "Jungkook's father don't like you for him. It's not my father who proposed the marriage between me and Jungkook. It was his father."

     Taehyung looked at Jimin again, surprised. He wanted to say something but he stopped himself.

     "His father wants us to get marriage for the sake of our business. You know that my father and his father are friends eversince. And so our grandfather's. They wanted to unite our family's. And to make that happen, they want us to get married.

     "Did Jungkook told you that everything is fine already? That the marriage is already cancelled? He didn't right? Because it's not. Do you know the reason why he's always being called by his father? He told you that it's only business deals? He lied to you. His father was punishing him, making him suffer. He's bankcrupting his own son. He cut all his credit cards. And he's even planning to disown him if he won't marry me. Jungkook is broke, Taehyung."

     Taehyung couldn't believe it. Tears starts to fall. He wanted to think that Jimin was lying but he could see it in his eyes that he's not. He's saying the truth.

     "But Jungkook really loves you, Taehyung. He loves you so much. And he will not give you up," Jimin said. He sighed. "I know that." He paused. "That's why I'm asking you to stay away. I want you to be the one to give up."

     Jimin held his hand. "Give him up, Taehyung. I don't want him to suffer like this.... I love him so much... And I know you do too. So let him go... Please..."

     Taehyung bit his lower lip, he pulled his hand away and wiped his tears. "Where's.... Where's Jungkook?"

     Taehyung couldn't believe everything. Why would Jungkook lied to him? Just when he thought everything was going on their way, it really wasn't.

     He love Jungkook, he knows that. The reason why he was hurting this bad. He was silently hoping that Jimin was lying.

     "We're here, Sir," the taxi driver said after halting the car infront of a pizza parlor. Taehyung thanked him then get out after paying.

     Taehyung stood by the entrance of the pizza parlor. Jungkook is here... That's what Jimin told him. He's working here...

    He looked inside. Everyone was happy, enjoying their pizzas. He can't be here. Jimin is lying. He looked around, searching for Jungkook.

     After a moment, he still couldn't found him. Just when he's about to give up, a familliar raven boy went out from, holding boxes of pizza in his hand. Taehyung opened his mouth, couldn't believe it.

     Jungkook was there, wearing a waiter's uniform. He was smiling as he serves the customers. Taehyung's heart breaks even more. Tears starts to roll down once again.

     He pulled his phone out and dialed Jungkook. He saw him pulled out his phone as well, looking around then answering him.

     "Hey baby," Jungkook greeted and Taehyung could clearly see the smile on his face.

     He sobbed. He felt like his heart was being cut into pieces. It hurts, it hurts so much.

     "Baby? Are you crying? Hey? What happened?" Jungkook asked, worried.

     "J-Jungkook.... I-I'm sorry.... I can't do this anymore...." Taehyung cried.


Author's Note: And that's the ending of it! Please wait for the epilogue! Once again, thank you so much for reading this. I love you!

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